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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. no, i don't have them in .res form... but, i'll do it for U, it's only 89 .res files to update , U know
  2. U can open XPtsp.v1.1 (batch) with WinRar, open Resources folder there and add your updated .res files and if U want to update your live system: U can extract Extra, Programs, Resources folders and batches from "VISO Live 2.7" to a new folder. in "Resources" replace .res files with your updated ones. run 1Copy.bat
  3. the dialog-tab appears only when Speech Recognition installed... regular system without Speech Recognition tab with Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 installed download link for Speech SDK 5.1 68MB http://download.microsoft.com/download/spe...SpeechSDK51.exe more info: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s...eptember23.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/speech/speech2007/default.mspx
  4. modified sapi.cpl Dialog 117 sapi.cpl.Dialog.117.res.rar
  5. that's because U don't have "Microsoft English (U.S.) V6.1 Recognizer" from Office 2003 installed p.s. or SpeakQ (http://www.wordq.com/speakqenglish.html)
  6. - updated compmgmt.msc, devmgmt.msc, lusrmgr.msc - mycomput.dll.res (bitmaps and icons) - updated shell32.dll icons http://gettyfile.com/230333/ updated.MSCs.rar updated.mycomput.dll.res.rar
  7. Update to some Blue and Green resources :thumbsup_anim: Update.12.13.08.rar 2.25 MB http://gettyfile.com/230214/
  8. Xmas icons: http://gettyfile.com/229961/
  9. are these Green or Blue ? :ranting: have U checked ? xpsp2res.dll.rar 1.25 MB http://depositfiles.com/files/xy9n53oww
  10. nobody is wrong, U know... it's just rhymed better
  11. sure thing http://depositfiles.com/files/xy9n53oww
  12. 2 Muhammad Jamshed <from all the things i loved and lost, i missed my mind the most> :prop:
  13. updated icons syskey.exe.res, telnet.exe.res, nslookup.exe.res, isignup.exe.res inetwiz.exe.res, xpnetdiag.exe.res, msconfig.exe.res Updates.rar
  14. xpsp2res.dll.res and appmgr.dll.res with updated icons http://depositfiles.com/files/60l1zcsho appmgr.dll.res.rar
  15. here it is :welcome: cmprops.dll.res.rar
  16. Blue Folders anyone ? http://z08-styles.deviantart.com/art/Blue-...ows-7-105005979 http://gandiusz.deviantart.com/art/Windows...-no-1-104475647 http://gandiusz.deviantart.com/art/Windows...-no-3-105497888 http://gandiusz.deviantart.com/art/Windows...eta-1-104371809
  17. optional icons ThemeUI.701.ico, Winlogon.4.ico, Winlogon.920.ico, Explorer.99.ico ( i know, there is no 99.ico, but it's worth adding, especialy, if there is ; My Computer DefaultValue=C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe,0 in yer .theme file optional.ico.rar
  18. here are the bitmaps without russian text http://gettyfile.com/228586/
  19. updated resources, as per mona's request: :welcome: cryptui.dll, fldrclnr.dll, fsquirt.exe, inetcfg.dll, ipsecsnp.dll, ipsmsnap.dll, mmcndmgr.dll, netshell.dll, regwizc.dll, rstrui.exe, shell32.dll, tourstrt.exe, wuauclt1.exe, xpsp1res.dll i didn't touch "msgina" and "winbrand" bitmaps, cause : 1. i don't think U're using Tablet PC or Windows 2003 2. they look good http://gettyfile.com/228554/
  20. Holy Mother of Windows, that's awesome :thumbsup_anim:
  21. why limit the choices XPtsp-KDE, XPtsp-GNOME, XPtsp-iMac :prop:
  22. Wow, impressive. any screenies ? links ? have U realised, that on the GUI looks part, XPtsp way ahead of M$ ? don't we look great, people ? :thumbsup_anim: se7en-shma7en, now U hurt my feelings. hey, no probs, couple of beers can cure that [/rant]
  23. 2 ALL if U like to play with blue bitmaps and avis, here they are sorted by location... _ResourcesBlueYellow.rar 20.8 MB http://gettyfile.com/227816/
  24. 2 JBE i'd like to share my trick with U... U see, all the dialogs with fancy bitmaps originally were russian. i used Restorator (http://www.bome.com/Restorator/) to translate. open the file in it, choose the dialog U want to change (english>german)). on the right side switch to "File Browser" tab and create a new folder, open it. now switch to the left pane and from there drag dialog to right pane(folder). a new file will appear there, for example "101.rc", click on it gently and rename to "101a.rc". OK now, open yer german file, choose the same dialog and drag it to the right pane. open both of them in text editor and copy-paste yer german text strings over english ones in (LTEXT "......."), save. switch to Restorator and drag changed .rc file over to the same dialog in .res file. when U done, rightclick on the filename of the resource filename (something.res) and choose "Set Language ID">german, save. Congratulation, U've translated .res file to german the easy way. p.s. the german translation was done already, try to find a person i've posted a batch for...