Everything posted by amnesia
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2 JBE i believe german translation was done on V'ISO thread, try to look it up blue bitmaps were done already at http://forum.oszone.net/showpost.php?p=613...amp;postcount=2 if U like them, i can get them for U... but nobody has them here, the original author is Jekson07 of http://forum.oszone.net/forum-90.html besides, i'm quite sure, U have no idea of how much work is involved, since U'll have to create them from scratch... 2 zilexa did U copy Luna.theme to "%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes\Luna.theme" and luna.msstyles to "%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes\Luna\luna.msstyles" ?
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
alternative bitmaps for main.cpl http://depositfiles.com/files/vcy74236r edit: changed the third one a bit
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
\XPtsp\Programs\makecab.exe (M$ Cabinet Maker) /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
i don't think it's gonna work, unless U replace bitmap 1 from .res i've posted edit: http://www.thetechguide.com/howto/xpbootlogo/ here it is loaded in photoshop with right color table (16.act), same thing when loaded in XnView with 16.pal 1.bmp.copyleft.removed.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 Stimpy here it is http://vistawallpapers.files.wordpress.com...e-1920x1200.jpg U may like this site http://www.ewallpapers.eu/
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
U can use attached bootscr.res to change bootscreen bitmaps with ones without copyleft :0). for logon replace bitmap 100 in logonui.exe. as for placement of stuff on logon screen it could be done by editing UIFILE 1000 resource (logonui.exe), but U'll have to find the correct values, wrong ones would cause a problem. i would suggest to google for more info on that... U can use LogonStudio http://www.stardock.com/products/logonstudio/ logonui.exe.100.rar http://depositfiles.com/files/d1ea8nlrv edit: changed a little logo on the bottom with better one bootscr.res.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 bober excellent choice, sir. it's actually Palit Revolution 700 Deluxe 4870 X2 with 2GB DDR5 memory. here is one with faded reflection.- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 bober all was done in Paint.Net using clever technique "Wet Floor Reflection" from http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.p...=15&t=27274 edit: paint.net.projects.rar http://depositfiles.com/files/j3pjy6wyk- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 bober Paint.NET Reflection Filter http://boltbait.googlepages.com/reflections just in case You'll need a monitor pick, i've added it and picks of cards http://depositfiles.com/files/j6j9aeotf Monitorblackdark.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
see attachment 80 Green Folders http://depositfiles.com/files/twllw7kee People icons sure thing, i couldn't resist and abused first one a little now it could pass as "i love my boss.ico" :evil: http://depositfiles.com/files/ugg1kldae shell32.icon.39.rar themeui.dll.8887.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
green folders bitmaps sorted by location, including bitmaps for Windows Explorer toolbars 204.bmp, 205.bmp, 206.bmp, 207.bmp, 214.bmp, 215.bmp, 216.bmp, 217.bmp Green Folders Bitmaps.rar 1.07MB http://depositfiles.com/files/8w0xp1a2t- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
have U checked V'ISO b8.2.1 FRENCH ? http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3758- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
oh, yeah ? OK p.s. U may want to change shell32.dll icon 46. seems more appropriate for an open folder... 20_37_.Green.rar shell32.46.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
optional icon for shell32.dll 20, 37, 326 :w00t: 20_37_.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
joy.cpl.res.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
"Green Folders" icons sorted by location Green Folders.rar 1.29MB http://depositfiles.com/files/24cgl21rt- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
have U tried .ini settings i've mentioned in Post #890 ? i simply love those icons dancing on a toolbar :thumbsup_anim: edit: updated NotePad2 bitmaps in Post #890 http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=36888- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
"VISO Live" was meant to be run on a live system (for example, after Windows Update). To run "Live": (extract "V'ISO" or "XPtsp", add batches from "VISO.Live.*.rar", start "1Copy.bat"). After patching, system will restart ... VISO.Live.2.7.rar - added inetmgr.dll, smtpsnap.dll - proper location of hhctrlui.dll (%SystemRoot%\system32\mui\0009\hhctrlui.dll) - added command to delete manifest in explorer.exe (%rh% %del% "%pat%\%name%.%ext%", "%pat%\%name%.%ext%", 24,, ) before patching it, otherwise there would be 2. p.s. i'm having a blast with Notepad2 (it looks and works sooo good) VISO.Live.2.7.rar Notepad2.ico- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
U can open shell32.dll in Reshacker go to>String Table>588>1033 there is string 9402 to edit. or in Restorator go to >String>English again look for 9402. explorer.exe in Restorator find Manifest>123 , if You Rename it to 1 it should do the trick or open .res file and drag 1 to Manifest in Reshacker look for 24>123>1033> from Action menu choose Add a new resource>open .res file You've downloaded, delete 123 by rightclick on 123>1033 or rightclick on 24>123>1033 Rename Resource to 1- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
something like that or tell me which icons U want :prop: edit: edit2 100a.bmp p.s. there is a neat setting in Notepad2.ini just put both bmps in the Notepad2 folder :thumbsup_anim: [Toolbar Images] BitmapDefault=100.bmp BitmapHot=100a.bmp updated bitmaps.rar http://depositfiles.com/files/8k17v82v6 100.bmp 100a.bmp- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
if anybody is using WinUpdatesList and ServiWin from http://www.nirsoft.net here are updated bitmap and icons for them edit: FileTypesMan ServiWin StartupRun WinUpdatesList _Bitmaps & Icons.rar http://depositfiles.com/files/klaln5wla _Bitmaps___Icons.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
- dskquoui.dll.res (new avi) - rundll32.exe.res (changed icon and added manifest, to make some dialogs look themed) - shell32 string change to say "Hard Drive" instead of "Local" updates.rar shell32.dll.String.res.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
some resources for "Internet Information Services" - inetmgr.dll.res, inetmgr.exe.res, smtpsnap.dll.res + updated iis.msc IIS.rar- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
have anybody noticed on some dialogs like there is manifest problem ? with new manifest applied explorer_Manifest.rar - [Closed] XPtsp General discusions