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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. U can rename them to luna.mst and Luna.the , then cabed, so it can be copied to \i386 luna.msstyles Luna.theme Luna.theme.rar
  2. thank You, kind gentlemen :worthy: "VISO Live" was meant to be run on a live system (for example, after Windows Update). To run "Live": (extract "V'ISO" or "XPtsp", add batches from "VISO.Live.*.rar", start "1Copy.bat"). After patching, system will restart ... VISO.Live.2.6.rar - "file not found" messages (normal, cause a file wasn't on the system), but just annoying, are gone for goood :thumbsup_anim: @echo off if not %1!==/go! %0 /go 2> nul shift VISO.Live.2.6.rar
  3. optional bitmaps http://depositfiles.com/files/bprrg1ux2 credits and huge thanx to Jekson07 http://forum.oszone.net/showthread.php?p=957760&posted=1
  4. "Dune" :questionmark: :thumbsup_anim:
  5. "VISO Live" was meant to be run on a live system (for example, after Windows Update). To run "Live": (extract "V'ISO" or "XPtsp", add batches from "VISO.Live.*.rar", start "1Copy.bat"). After patching, system will restart ... VISO.Live.2.5.rar - added acledit.dll, aclui.dll, fxsclnt.exe, fxsclntr.dll, fxscover.exe, ocgen.dll, snmpsnap.dll - proper location of tsoc.dll - name fix of tourstart.exe - fixed copying of iis.msc to system32\inetsrv VISO.Live.2.5.rar
  6. new and updated resources acledit.dll.res, aclui.dll.res, bcsprsrc.dll.res, capesnpn.dll.res, credui.dll.res, fxsclnt.exe.res, fxsclntr.dll.res, fxscover.exe.res, ntoc.dll.res: ocgen.dll.res, snmpsnap.dll.res, syssetup.dll.res: wbemcntl.dll.res, wsecedit.dll.res http://depositfiles.com/files/gk7l13rxj + perfmon.msc perfmon.msc.rar
  7. - sysmon.ocx.res with new bitmaps - asctrls.ocx.res new icons sysmon.ocx.res.rar asctrls.ocx.res.rar
  8. SysMon is not the best way to start, U know... lack of info, my friend, troubleshoot what problem ? U can pm me, as it would be a little offtopic here...
  9. U see, the thing is, i've been around computers for awhile... so, i have few options: - fresh-nLited-unattended reinstall (9 min) - restore from image-backup (5 min) - use spare comp. - if all fails (never), boot of Live "Puppy Linux" or "DreamLinux" and back to business * my system partition is 10 GB (to make it all quick and easy) and the rest of the stuff sits on the other partitions...
  10. Right On!
  11. - updated localsec.dll.res, objsel.dll.res updates.rar
  12. i think, i've post it before :0) Monitor.rar
  13. - msoeres.dll.res with dialog 1 and bitmap 64 updated as per request http://depositfiles.com/files/kz3zzy2d7 - iexpress.exe.res or with manifest: iexpress.exe.res.rar iexpress.exe.res.with.manifest.rar
  14. - taskmgr.exe.blue.res as mentioned by Gorki :thumbsup_anim: - taskmgr.exe.res (some new icons)(icon's formats and indexes) taskmgr.exe.res+.rar http://depositfiles.com/files/c6m0flec8
  15. Edit_Post_Code.txt
  16. 2 Stimpy great eyes, nice find :0)
  17. yeah, i know :0) it's a gem, just don't over.move/copy yourself btw, Mr :doh: shell32.bitmap.rar
  18. define: shetz :manual: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&cli...amp;btnG=Search :g:
  19. "Left 4 Dead: Left 4 Dead Demo "Hacked" To Allow Extra Fun Times" http://kotaku.com/5080118/left-4-dead-demo...extra-fun-times on a second thought, anti-terrorist theme - tiresome, going back to good/old f....n aliens :ranting: :censored:
  20. updates: - comctl32.dll.res (bitmaps and icons) - wucltui.dll.res (icon's formats and indexes) "VISO Live" was meant to be run on a live system (for example, after Windows Update). To run "Live": (extract "V'ISO" or "XPtsp", add batches from "VISO.Live.*.rar", start "1Copy.bat"). After patching, system will restart ... VISO.Live.2.4.rar - removed comctl32_ASMS.dll (i couldn't find it on the system) - added copying and patching of: "%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.0.0_x-ww_1382d70a\comctl32.dll" "%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll" patching all comctl32.dll changes BalloonTips icon :thumbsup_anim: dialog 1020 for shell32 updates.rar VISO.Live.2.4.rar shell32.dialog1020.rar
  21. Sneak preview of coming attractions :dribble: http://forum.oszone.net/post-946592-619.html
  22. same as above in .jpg format and 557 KB (636 KB uncompressed) http://depositfiles.com/files/3vg0ozaki thanx Stimpy :thumbsup_anim:
  23. Vista Icon Drive 2.5.1 Multivariate http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=ru&tl=en For those who enjoy black hard, CD Drive in the same style http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=ru&tl=en