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  1. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in WinToolkit v2.x Development   
    Hey guys I'm aware that the WinToolkit v2.x trial has expired. I will upload a new version on Monday once my exam is over and done with
    Sorry for any inconvenience.
  2. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Personal Messages   
    I'm sorry if I don't reply to personal messages. I receive too many to even bother checking them any more.
    Bad news is: I've had to delete them all again. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use the forum, specially when most of the PMs could have been posted on the forum for quicker help.
  3. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Many errors in Wintoolkit   
    Maybe you would like to try programming a massive program whilst doing a degree with exams and coursework.
    Most of those bugs will be to do with drivers. This is precisely why I'm starting from scratch. The code at the moment is old and crappy to the point things keep breaking when I try to fix and add a new feature. It's doing my head in lol!
    I'm balancing my time between programming v2, fixing v1 and prob playing Watch Dogs too
    The code on v2 is looking completely different than v1. It's so much more neater, tidier and quicker but much more importantly, easier to work with I even have a Visual Studio extension ReSharper (I think) which is making sure I code well too. It picks up way too many things on v1 to fix them all
    Point is, I'm doing my best.
  4. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Personal Messages   
    Sorry guys. I had to delete ALL but 3 personal messages as my inbox got full If you have sent an important message which still requires a reply, feel free to resend the message.
    However, please remember bugs should go in the bugs sub-forum and that general questions should go onto the forum.
  5. Like
    Whilst a take a week off WinToolkit for revision (exams), I decided to run a little competition to help create the best program ever. Normally I would make 'The Little Things' thread but lets make this fun. 
    NOTE: I will still be on the forums, just not coding. 
    The top bug hunter (reports most) will receive.
    1 serial key. If they have posted a request in the 'Requests' forum then that will get implemented. Depending on how big of a task Runners Up (2nd/3rd)
    1 serial key. Look for: 
    Bugs (+1) Glitches (+1) Spelling errors / grammar (+0.2) GUI faults (+0.2) Anything important really (+0.2 - 1) (points per report)
    If you have reported a bug before (i.e. sorting), then make a new post about the issue.
    You need / Rules:
    Each report must have its own topic. Spelling and grammar can go in one topic Expected outcome - What was meant to happen Actual outcome - What actually happened. Details on how to reproduce the error Possibly screenshots. (+0.2) Video for extra marks (+1) i.e. sorting bug or hard to reproduce errors.   Frequently Asked Questions:
    Send a PM if you have any questions
    Scores: (Updated as I fixed the issue)
    BrokenZer0: 12.0
    Thiersee: 8.7
    Spidernz: 6.0
    RicaNeaga: 4.8
    Ianymaty: 4.4
    Etz: 3.0
    Skippy: 2.0
    Xyla16: 2.2
    adminxp: 1.4
    Eroder: 0.2
  6. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Version Number Change   
    I've decided to change the version numbers to make life easier for me.
    If you go to the 'About' tab, you will see the build number, at the minute it is currently because it's the 17th test released. Everywhere else in the program you will just see '1.4.29'
    Any questions about the new version change?
  7. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Rajaramachandran Sivaraman in Guide: Creating addons   
    Can any one post a Video Tutorial about Addons Creating?
    Thanks in Advance.
  8. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in Update Catalog   
    Quote from mcrip
  9. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to crashfly in Is WinToolkit dead ?   
    I just don't get what you people are smoking.  Just because Legolash2o has a real life and cannot put as much work into this "free" project, then his work gets claimed as dead.
    I myself would not call his work dead.  A bit slowed down (due of course to real life), but not dead.  That is unless it is posted that he is done with working on WinToolKit.  (But don't count on that last one.)
    Give the man some time.  Hell, donate the man some money.  He will update soon enough.
  10. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to blagasamuel in Mcrip is down   
    Accorting to this thread , Lego is gonna come soon.I can't wait !!!
  11. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to ricktendo in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5   
    You scrip will only work if users rename the MSP files to add x86 or x64, you should use the original names and instead put the MSP files in a x86 or a x64 folder
    But nice going!!!
  12. Like
    ohoh Lego,
    i did some tests with win7,8.
    Win7 - no foreign language available (i looked in the install.wim the foreign language folder was empty) win7,8 - The ImageTool - bios-uefi option, uefi will not work (can`t boot in uefi mode) When i make my own batch, with oscdimg, all went fine.
    When you need anything else,ask.
    By the other side, you make a great job. :prop:
    Thanks Lego
  13. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in What Happened to Win Toolkit 1.5 ?   
    It was just easier. I'm still planning on doing a v1.5 release when I start adding requests. I focused on University for a while so I had a huge backlog of error logs.
  14. Like
    v1.4.1.16 went something like this.For each update in list{-IntegrateUpdate-CheckIntegrationSucessful}v1.4.1.17+
    For each update in list{-if update already integrated then--skip-else--IntegrateUpdate--CheckIntegrationSucessful}The "if update already integrated then" always returned true when it came to the IE LangPack.
  15. Like
    Many thanks Legolash2o !
    Keep your awesome work and program.
  16. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Update   
    An engineer visit has been booked, so I will be back soon Don't worry I've still be coding and such whilst I've barely had an internet connection.
  17. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to ricktendo in Couple suggestions   
    Would be nice Lego if you could add the rebuilt .net 4.5 installer (people may prefer it because its less heavily moddified than the slim) to your downloads section (IDK maybe remove the 4.0?)
    And dont you think it would be better to move WinToolkit sub forum out from under the Windows 7 sub forum since WTK also supports Windows 8?
  18. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in Language Bar   
    V22 uses all of them
  19. Like
    Maybe Legolash2o can add this new tweak inside WinToolkit ?
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    Yes, a big thanks needs to go to Legolash2o.  Without his hard work, the program WinToolKit would not be possible.
    Thank you Legolash2o. :icon_cool:
  23. Like
    I say THANKS too...
    Regards... ;-)
  24. Like
    Hi Guys,
    after exactly 1 month (registration to forums) i finished my personal project for our enterprise.
    Having a Windows 7 Professional Image fully patched with all our software over WTK Installer.
    All of this paired with a way to install it without any physical boot media with help of PXE (Network Boot).
    Thank You Community for all your support and help.
    Thank You Lego for your great work also if it's not open source
    Greetz X23
  25. Like
    CrAzYs reacted to Legolash2o in WARNING: [Experimental]   
    Expect a new release today