Everything posted by Siginet
- [Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
[Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
Latest version finally released! v0.5.0.8. It has been in the testing phase for quite some time. v0.5.0.6 and v0.5.0.7 were only internal releases. A lot of work went into this version and I think everybody will enjoy it!! Please don't forget to give it a great review if you enjoy using it! http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Gotcha-Data-Backup/1347855415/1
- [Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
- [Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
[Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
Updated to Changed - I got rid of MD5Hash Checking. It was too slow. Now Gotcha checks file dates and only overwrites if the date does not match. This makes Gotcha super fast when dealing with files that already exist. If you enjoy this software please give me a review @: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Gotcha-Data-Backup/1347855415/1 If you have any requests please reply to this thread.
- [Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
- [Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
[Release] Gotcha! Data Backup
Gotcha! Data Backup UPDATE: Gotcha! Data Backup is now featured in Computer Power User Magazine! Issue January 2013 on page 72!! This is my latest invention. It's actually been in the works for many years. I've been using it in my internal Computer Repair company for a long time now. It is used to backup user data from a system before reinstalling a computer... or to transfer the data to another computer. I've built in many of the much needed areas that Technicians tend to need to backup. It can be used on a system running windows. It can also detect multiple Windows Drives and ask you which drive you wish to do backups from. This is helpful when you attach a customers drive as a slave drive on your system by connecting their drive internally in your computer or through USB. It also will work on WinPE. Another useful feature it has is the ability to Move Files to your backup location instead of copying them. This is a great feature if you wish to quickly move all of their important data into a folder on the same drive that you will be reinstalling the system. Since all of the data is being relocated to a spot on the same drive backups will be much faster. Here are some of the things Gotcha! can backup: Windows Product Keys Office Product Keys Drivers Shared Docs Fonts Desktop Favorites My Documents My Pictures My Music My Videos Downloads Firefox Google Chrome WinMail Outlook Express Microsoft Office Please let me know what you think! Let me know if you come across any bugs! Let me know if you have any ideas you wish me to add as well!! *** This is still in Beta... so use at your own risk *** Download and Review @ FileForum
[Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
Beta 7 is online now as well! I will also be releasing my Data Backup utility (With Drivers backup) soon as well. Just a few more changes and it will be ready for a public release. It's a great Utility for backing up needed Data from a computer before reinstalling the system and works in both a live system and a Preinstallation Environment like BartPE or LiveXP.
[Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
Updated! Beta 5: Fixed - A few bugs in the code causing DriverGrabber to fail finding the correct path to grab some driver files. Changed - DriverSearch is now set to Off by default. If anyone has issues with backups I suggest they try to turn DriveSearch on and then post their log on the forum so I can make sure their drivers are properly backed up in a future release of DriverGrabber. We are still in Beta... and I'd like to have DriverGrabber functioning as well as I can without the need for DriveSearch.
- [Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
- [Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
- [Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
- [Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
[Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
What I will do is use the DriverStore first during backup in the next release. Which will show most files being Grabbed from DriverStore. Then in the log we will see which drivers are not found in DriverStore. It could be that the files not found in DriverStore are not needed.... but I figured it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to backing up drivers. Thanks for the input!
- [Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
[Release] DriverGrabber 2.0 - One Click Driver Backup!
Not sure if this is the right location for this.... OK... you asked for it.... so here it is!!! DriverGrabber 2.0 Beta 7 This is a One Click Driver Backup Solution. Very simple to use... Run the "DriverGrabber 2.0.exe" and watch it Grab all of the drivers from your system and place them into a "Drivers" folder! It now even grabs drivers that are no longer in use... For instance... a Printer Driver that is no longer physically connected to your system while you perform a backup. Also... you can now use DriverGrabber on a Windows PE disk like LiveXP! It auto detects if it is being executed in a PE environment... it will attempt to auto detect the Windows Drive you wish to backup as well. Download: http://integrator.si...p?addons&id=242 Beta 5: Fixed - A few bugs in the code causing DriverGrabber to fail finding the correct path to grab some driver files. Changed - DriverSearch is now set to Off by default. If anyone has issues with backups I suggest they try to turn DriveSearch on and then post their log on the forum so I can make sure their drivers are properly backed up in a future release of DriverGrabber. We are still in Beta... and I'd like to have DriverGrabber functioning as well as I can without the need for DriveSearch. Please test this version of DriverGrabber out and report back any issues. When reporting issues please try to post your DriverGrabber.log file to help narrow down a problem. If you get a "Not Found!" error on a specific file that can not be grabbed... please run a search on your entire system to verify the file even exists anywhere on your computer.
Which is the best defragmenter in your opinion?
JKDefrag is great!
HP systems used to be my favorite. But latley I have not had much luck with them. I have 2 DV9200 series laptops. The batteries get so hot they could cook an egg sandwich. The left corner of the screen is falling apart due to a defect from the processor or battery getting too hot in that area. And their support have been crap for me. My bro and his girlfriend have DV6000 series laptops and both of them have had the wireless go bad. My bro has sent his in twice to have new motherboards put into his. The third time they told him his warranty expired and it would cost him tons of money to repair. I have many of the same issues happen on many of my customers as well. Hopefully all of these issues have been resolved with your new system. I would reccomend that you periodically check HP's website or elsewhere online to see if anyone has had any issues with your model. That way if hp has a recall or offers repairs for free for a limited time for known issues you will be allright. I found out there was a free repair for my laptop with the left hinge of my screen... but I missed it by 6 days. They refused to fix it. At the same time I had a customers laptop which had the same issue and his was so bad it shorted out something and wouldn't even turn on anymore. :thumbsdown_anim: New HP's are almost impossible to install a fully working XP. But I have had lots of luck with getting XP to work on new Toshiba laptops. I think it will be a long time before I purchase another HP. i hope you have much more luck than me. Siginet
OMG micheal jackson is dead
MJ was a fantastic artist. He has made music unlike anyone has ever... still to this day. It's sad that he obviouslly had some mental issues later in life. I loved his music. I grew up with it. I suppose thats why I still appreciate what he made in the past. It's not our jobs to judge him. I hope he really didn't do anything like he was accused of. But really... what true parent would leave their kids at someones house like that? Someone who definately had mental problems. Especially if he was accused of it even further in the past. RIP MJ! :crying_anim02:
[Exclusive]: Microsoft's new Anti-Virus, 'Morro', revealed
Hopefully it is much better than Windows Defender.
Win a Free Copy of Windows 7 Ultimate.
Woops... I missed it too. Good luck everyone who got there in time! @AMIRZ I'm a huge Metallica fan too! :worthy: I don't like much of their new stuff (Their latest album is not bad)... but everything from their Black Album and earlier is untouchable.
Request Software Development
Thats actually a really good idea! Sounds fairly simple to make too. If no one makes it let me know. I'm sure I could throw a simple program together to do it fairly quickly.
Win jv16 PowerTools 2009 Full License
Name: Christopher L. Greer Age: 30 Location: Lancaster, CA, USA P.S. You mean till Sunday March 01, 2009 right?
[Addon] Kels Win2k CPL PacK v3 Final
Links are broken.