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  1. hobboy reviewed Legolash2o's review on a file in Win Toolkit
  2. Thanks for the clarification! I was running RT7lite at one stage and absent-mindedly opened up win toolkit, and the warning message popped up about never attempting this . That's a good warning message, I make sure I'm careful.
  3. After unmounting an image in AIO while it was processing, i chose to force dismount and read the tooltip saying there could be corruption. Is it possible for this force unmount to corrupt the updates folder which I download the 'solar' updates to? I say this because I was able to install office unattended a little while back, but now can't. The errors of office not installing point to a corrupt .net framework installation. Also, should the 'force unmount' be ticked by default (as it currently is) if it can cause corruption?
  4. Ok thanks. I might get around to trying that soon
  5. In the unattended creator, under main, autologon, when i select 'username' and choose 'administrator', when i try to save the unattended file I receive 'It is recommended that you have an administrator password set, to make you're computer more secure'. Should this be obligatory? Also typo 'you're' should be 'your'
  6. In the AIO --> tweaks --> start-up and shutdown mouse over messages: 1) Change logon background: "convers" should be "converts" 2) Disable Group policy synchronise: "arn't" should be "aren't" 3) Shutdown quicker: there's a random apostrophe before WaitToKillApp That's all i've got for now
  7. I've identified the problem of the updates failing. It was due to me naming my 'mount' folder with a space. I read the default name as 'win toolkit' instead of 'wintoolkit' so that's what i typed when moving the folder. So now the updates install as green. However whenever I use the AIO to add things to my windows 7, I find thousands of lines of (the 4 identical lines are where ~5000 of these lines should be) in my mount log: [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. my computer name is 'hobo' OS drive C: storage drive E: 'hobostorage' Here's the rest of the mount log, I tried using the uploader for it but it says the file is not permitted. The 'last session' file is the compliment of the mount log, as i only tried adding a few updates. [8316] [ INFO ] Mounting new image. Wim: [E:\CustomW7\test1\SOURCES\install.wim] Image Index: [4] Mount Path: [E:\TMP\WinToolkit\Mount] [8316] [ INFO ] Wimserv process started for guid 2e06019d-93bf-4261-9f86-6af89a9902da. Id is 8980 [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. [8980] [ INFO ] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at E:\CustomW7\test1\SOURCES\install.wim. [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. [8980] ListenFltThread:(522): The service received an extract for a file that is not in a mounted image. This extract will be ignored. [8980] [ INFO ] Mounted image at E:\TMP\WinToolkit\Mount. [6672] [ INFO ] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at E:\CustomW7\test1\SOURCES\install.wim. [8980] [ INFO ] Received unmount request for image with guid 2e06019d-93bf-4261-9f86-6af89a9902da. [8980] [ INFO ] Unmount for image at E:\TMP\WinToolkit\Mount complete. Regards, Harry 2012-08-07_15-08-18_2012-08-07_15-08-18.ini
  8. Ok so the problem is that NONE of my updates are being integrated in. Stupid not to see that, but I've still been getting used to using this program over the last couple of days so please forgive me. ANYWAY, none of my .msu or .cab updates integrate into my image. I'm using the AIO integrator for windows 7 x64 ultimate (although the other 3 versions are on the image), any ideas what I would be doing wrong? The silent installs i've made integrate and work fine, as do the tweaks. I tried using a simpler filepath, but when i integrate, all the updates go red and do not integrate. Surely I'm missing something simple here?
  9. Did you install the windows update (7.6.7600.256) in the 'additional' folder? It seems that an update (7.6.7600.256) for my windows update client doesn't install. In the image I made last night I did the lazy method of adding all normal updates, and then adding all 'additional' updates' (msu + cab) because I didn't want to both picking them. Is this update of 'windows update' in the 'additional' folder required, or should it be available in one of the standard msus which download in the main folder? although I don't think this is the problem now, i'll post these anyway. Always show menu bar Change the title Gpu rendering Turn cleartype on unlimited simultaneous downloads etc
  10. I am yet to find the time to try the download links provided with the toolkit for IE9, but I can't seem to get IE9 to install on win7 x64 ultimate using the msu which i automaticaaly downloaded from McRip. I have ticked some options in the tweaks area for Internet explorer, would that cause the update to not install? Also, is there a place to find a log of whether a certain update was installed following the installation of windows?