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    sigbin reacted to Legolash2o in What are GDR, LDR and QFE Updates?   
    Oh yeah, the image size would be the same but using LDR mode would make the image bigger than using default GDR mode.
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    sigbin reacted to bphlpt in What are GDR, LDR and QFE Updates?   
    The "source" file for the update will be different sizes depending on whether it is .cab, .msu, or whatever.  The "source" files are just a distribution container, the files inside that container are the same.  If you were distributing a DVD full of updates, then I think your understanding would be correct.  But if I understand the process correctly, once you have installed/integrated that update into your updated AIO OS build, then those updates are all expanded/stripped out of their containers and either replace existing files or are stored in a "install pending" location.  In either case, I believe that the format used inside the OS to store those files is independent of the format of the "source" file.  I could be wrong, but that is the way I understand it.
    Cheers and Regards