Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE
Whats your Windows 7 desktop looking like now?
Yeah, It just looks like 3.1, NT, the early Windows editions.
Whats your Windows 7 desktop looking like now?
Is that 3.1? LMAO
Care to push me upto x64 full time?
I don't think your being greedy, **** as much work as you and Rick put in, you should get new computers, LOL. I my self need donations so I can't help you.
Issues with RAM after Gaming
Thanks, I looked it up after I replied the last time.
Issues with RAM after Gaming
Thanks N1K, maybe it is a Win7 issue
Issues with RAM after Gaming
I have no ideal what PunkBuster is so I installed without it.
Issues with RAM after Gaming
OK, I have gotten back into gaming now. My issue is, Is just installed COD 5 and I haven't even played it but my RAM usage is at 88%. I had this issue after playing COD 4. the only way I could get the RAM usage to normal is a restart. Does anyone know what is going on? Or how I can get it back to normal? It does not show up in Task Manager so I can end process there and it is not a running app. THANKS
Download SevenVG RTM and SevenVG RTM Black Themes for Windows XP
Thanks for sharing Vishal
Windows 7 Aero X Theme
Windows 7 Aero X Theme
Can you put up a mirror? Thanks
I am thinking about gong back to school.
Yeah, I sent in the Financial Aid Application yesterday. I should find out in 3 weeks if I can get it. I asked the school if I could start 2 weeks late and they said no? So I have to wait.
I am thinking about gong back to school.
I am going to have to wait until next semister. I can't get aid or grants before classes start. :thumbsdown_anim:
I am thinking about gong back to school.
No, luck as of yet. They said its to late for me to get financial aid, so I am trying to find grants etc. Classes start in 13 days so I may have to wait until next semester. Hopefully I Will still want to go then. LOL
I am thinking about gong back to school.
Thanks, I will report tom. when I get back.
I am thinking about gong back to school.
I will be going down tomorrow to see about the classes offered and financial aid.
Forum upgraded to the latest version of IPB software.
Before the new software, at the very botom there was a drop down tahat allowed you to see the "New Content" from a different time periods. i think it was 3days, 1 week and another option in the drop down. With the new software for the site, after something is posted for 2-3 days, you won't know unless you go through each Forum. I hope that makes more since. if not I will try to explain better or find someone who knows what I am talking about.
Forum upgraded to the latest version of IPB software.
Hey N1K, is it possible to add the drop down, this week etc. that was available in the old software in the New content section?
I am thinking about gong back to school.
I don't know aything about programing and design, unfortunately, but that is something I want to learn.
all addon's not showing up.. help plz
Like D said, 1. Start nLight) remove components. (only) close 2. Start nLight) Add update packs.(only) make ISO then Test in a VM 3. Start nLight) Add your addons 1 at a time (only) make ISO, then Test in a VM 4. Start nLight) do all your tweaks, patches, and unattended, make ISO, then Test in a VM
I am thinking about gong back to school.
I love working with computers so that is why I want to stay in that field. Not sure on what field I want to be in yet. I already have 23000 in school loans. So I am going for financial aid since I haven't worked in a year.
I am thinking about gong back to school.
Thanks gamehead200, I have applied for over 100 jobs in the last 2 years and have not gotten a called back or email. When I was going to school (NIT now know as Everest Institute, I got a job as a support Tech after my 1st semester. I had to leave that job because I didn't have a license unfortunately. I know that I am going to take Spanish I can be bilingual which should further my chances. Again thanks for replying.
I am thinking about gong back to school.
Well. It is hard to find a job and I have been unemployed for a little over 2 years now. Si I am thinking about going back to school, that way I can make a little bit of money off of school loans. LOL. I want to stay in the computer field since I have already went to school for Electronics and Computer Technology. I can use some help on what to major in or what field to get into. So if you have any suggestions please let me know. I am wanting to go for something that is in high demand and a little ignorant to what that is. Thanks.
- Tell me Why
I need help resetting password in Vista
LMAO. I just noticed that. It's hard typing your name. I should just call you D. LOL
I need Help installing OSX on VMWare
OK, after a 2 packs of cigarettes (LOL). I Switched to VMware Workstation 6.5 and still nothing. I ended up using Mac OS X 10.4.8 [JaS AMD-Intel-SSE2-SSE3 with PPF1 & PPF2] and it seems to be working. I give a credit to thatvideoperson on youtube. LOL