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Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE

  1. JESSICA ALBA LOGONUI's Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 MD5 - 9B98FBCB80EEA465F325E4DEB0CDF359 Size - 12.4 MB JESSICA ALBA OOBE's Version 1 (Home) Version 1 (Professional) Version 2 (Home) Version 2 (Professional) MD5 - 1B19056BC84F3198820D8449D2A5C38F Size - 5.42 MB JESSICA ALBA SYSDM's Version 1 (Home) Version 1 (Professional) Version 2 (Home) Version 2 (Professional) Version 3 (Home) Version 3 (Professional) Version 4 (Home) Version 4 (Professional) MD5 - C9670DA670BC5C9D6AC914BBB5235F31 Size - 5.22 MB JESSICA ALBA WINNTBBU's Version 1 Version 2 MD5 - E7494D4BA14A4E0D791F34142551B25D Size - 2.81 MB
  2. Sorry I am late, Happy B-day. I hope all went well.
  3. Thanks everybody. I have a lot of things to catch up with and will be job hunting since I am still unemployed.
  4. I am back online. I just got Comcast hooked back up yesterday. I am still getting things hooked up. I am on a new computer (New to me anyway). It's is state of the art, nothing can match the power of my 800 mhz Duron. LMAO. Hope to catch up with everything and everyone.
  5. NP, Sorry I am unable to keep up with anything at t he moment.
  6. Just wanted to come and say H E L L O. I hope everyone is doing well. I may have the internet again in a couple weeks.
  7. DAAAAAAAAAAAMNNNNNNN. I had that issue along time ago and forgot how I fixed it. I also had a issue when using Windows Live IM, so I stoped using it since I never found the fix.
  8. Sorry, but I never figured it out, I never had a prod.key
  9. Just came on to say hello to everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I also hope the Holidays go well also since I have no ideal when I well have time online again. LOL. Things are rough for me still. I sold my computer (q6600, 3g RAM, 200G HDD, TV tunner ,tower, burner etc. with my 19 inch LCD) for 350 USD. Y E S I am ver stupid and should be slapped to death but I needed it to pay child support or I would have had to go to jail for 45 days. I would have gladly of done the days in jail to keep the computer, LOL but couldn't deal with not seeing my daughter that long. I won joint custody of my daughter but they the court seems to think that money is more important than a child having both parents in their life. Enough about that. The economy is down in Michigan so I still can't find employment, the mobo on my spare computer went out so that sucks, which what good is a computer if you can't get online. LMAO. Thats it for now, just wanted to to let everyone know whats going on with me.
  10. No, luck. I tried to cabbed files and uncabbed files. the logonui and sysdm will no work.
  11. Thanks Rick, I will give it a try. I tried that way awhile back and had no luck. I will double check it again and try.
  12. I have a 263.00 bill from Comcast that I need to pay to get it back on. I tried to get it in my moms name since I was paying 60+ a month which would have got it down to 30 but I have to pay my bill first. AT&T only offers dial up in my area so I am SOL at the moment. I have also been in a joint custody battle for my daughter since April which is costing me money. I tried to start my own PC repair business but not getting many customers. There aren't many jobs in my area so it is difficult getting employment here. Hopefully things will change soon.
  13. I have no ideal when I will have internet again due to financial issues but I come on when I can. I hope everyone is doing well etc.
  14. I am trying to make a addon that replace the OOBE, SYSDM, LOGONUI, WINNTBBU etc. in the i386 folder THANKS. I have been replacing the files manually but want to make "Special XP Edition Addon" also for some reason when replacing the SYSDM, after rebbot it will not work. THANKS
  15. My internet was cut off and I owe around 270 USD. I don't know when I will be getting it back on so I have no ideal when I will be on. I am going to be working on a store with a friend, he got a building for his surveillance business and has extra rooms there where is going going to let me get a room to start my PC Repair business. So depending on when we get that up and running or a miracle happens where I can get money to get my internet back on, I will be off for awhile.
  16. If you extract the addon, you will so that there are files in the i386 folder that get changed. It's just like changing sysdm etc. orbit30 What happens if you delete the "newbtm1" and a like from the folder? Will it just skip those 4 files? Or will it cause a issue with the install? THANKS


    Welcome to WinCert.
  18. OOOOOPS, I was wrong. LOL. I need to get back to doing addons. :type:
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