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Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE

  1. LOL, I'd have to say they have skills also
  2. I wish I could help Kel. I had giving Rick some spare hardware before but I am still unemployed. I am trying to open my own PC Repair business at the moment since jobs are slim over her but no money to get a cell phone and no one to help me. Sorry
  3. LMAO, that sucks big time. I had a customer that "forgot his password" on a new laptop bought of the street. I had no luck, pulled it all a part looking for jumpers, pulled the bat. and nothing. I also went through all of the "backdoor" factory passwords with no luck. I spent around 10 hours and didn't make any money. I will never work on a locked PC again. LOL
  4. Was there supposed to be a link? Tetris is as great as PONG. LOL.
  5. I have a friend with a Acer 5520 It came with Vista 64bit and he upgraded to XP 64bit, he no only shows 3g of the 4g he has. What could be the issue? I know nothing about 64bit, so any help is appreciated. THANK YOU
  6. I am not very good at Sil.Ins. but you may need to use a dif. switch. Post the program name, I am sure Rick or someone will need that info.
  7. Is there supposed to be a download link?
  8. He is one of my favorite comedians so I want to do a little tribute.
  9. The default install should be the same as the install, also you have 2 CopyFiles in the install. Try this. [Version] Signature=$Windows NT$ [Optional Components] Unix [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = Unix.Files,Wgetrc.Files AddReg = Unix.AddReg RegisterDLLs = LaunchAdvancedInstall [Install] OptionDesc = %UnixDisplayName% Tip = "Gnu Unix Utilities AddOn By Kal" Modes = 0,1,2,3 RunPostSetupCommands = Unix.Add.Path:1 CopyFiles = Unix.Files,Wgetrc.Files AddReg = Unix.AddReg RegisterDLLs = LaunchAdvancedInstall [Unix] RegisterDLLs = LaunchAdvancedInstall [LaunchAdvancedInstall] 11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %1%\%MAIN_INF%,Install" It's been awhile for me but, give it a try.
  10. When I try to install on VMW it just resets in VMW. I twill not even boot. All other XPCD's I have recently made (8 in total) work fine without the patch. I have also rebuilt 2 more XPCD's with no luck. If I patch with V'ISO, I have no issue. Not sure what is causing the issue and unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge yet to help you guys. :crying_anim02:
  11. Yes, it would be nice for a patcher that only changes the ICONS, since a lot of people create their own files.
  12. Unable to run in VMWare after patching. Is there a fix other than making a ISO with something other than nLite?
  13. OK. Thanks for a response. I did XP Pro with no issues as always, just couldn't do a Home Ed.
  14. Hey Rick, not sure why but I am unable to patch a home edition. At around 30% the app. closes. Thanks
  15. I am stupid also. :ranting:
  16. Thanks. I found all the info on PE, including a youtube vid. LOL. Will try when I get time.
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