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Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE

  1. When I start Windows Live IM my internet connection disconnects and I just reformatted. I am using Vista and Windows firewall. I am not using wireless. After a few seconds I get my connection back. Is there any known issues of this or fixes? THANKS
  2. Here is mine as of now. Wallpaper
  3. I was able to get in through a notice and then saved a new bookmark. I have FF and it's set to clean everything when I close, so I don't know why it didn't work. Thanks N1K
  4. I guess know one else knows. :crying_anim02:
  5. I am working on a Dell Inspiron 6400/E1505, I have reformatted it and install all the drivers from the website. I can find my wireless router put when I try to connect, it will not get passed the acquiring network address. I have put in the correct phrase I have never installed blue tooth before and it has been installing for more than a half hour, is that normal? Thank you.

    Hi all

    Welcome to WinCert. I hope you enjoy your stat here. Fell free to ask questions, there are a lot of helpful people here.
  7. Another way to do it will be to download Ricktendo64's Vista RTM Boot Screen and replace his files with your modified ones, then re-arch it. Ask for permission though, specially if you plan on posting it for downloading.
  8. I have been using ATI for my images but my clientele has started to pick up and I want to start adding recovery discs to my list of services. If possible, please keep in mind that these will be people that are not computer literate. LOL. Thanks
  9. Welcome to WinCert. I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to ask question, everyone is helpful if they are able.
  10. If you have a Live account you can always use your skydrive.
  11. I am working on a laptop with a bad CD/DVD ROM and need to reformat and install XP. THANKS
  12. I just made a XPCD with SP3 and the product key is no longer working. I forgot what I was supposed to do but there is a file or something that has to be changed. Can anyone help me? THANKS
  13. Alright N1K, It's going to be 150 hours, so hopefully it works, since I have a computer down for that time. LOL. I will let you know.
  14. Thanks N1K. I will try it. I have to find the software agin, I lost it awhile back.
  15. I just scanned it and it failed Random Seek Test, Funnel Seek Test and Surface Scan Test. It was working fine about a month ago in a system I had. Thanks N1K, I should have tested it but neglected to since it was working fine in another system.
  16. I had a 80G HDD IDE laying around so I bought a enclosure yesterday. Evey time I try to copy to i it freezes up. I can copy the same info to other HDD's that I have with no problems. I have reformatted the enclosure drive. I have even tried in safe mode with no luck. The jumper is set to to CS if your wondering. THANK YOU
  17. Great find. I will have to check it out sometime. I am a Camtasia user now.
  18. You are going to need this. 16409 %allusersprofile%\Desktop CopyFiles =UltraISO.Files,lang.Files,EZBSystems.Files,Desktop.addshorcut [Desktop.addshorcut] PowerISO.lnk [DestinationDirs] Desktop.addshorcut =16409,PowerISO.lnk
  19. You forgot your SubDir. [ultraISO.AddShortcut] Name =UltraISO CmdLine =16422,UltraISO,UltraISO.exe SubDir =UltraISO WorkingDir =16422,UltraISO
  20. That's messed up. It must be a issue with your USB port or your blanks since you said it works on other PC's and you have reinstalled your OS. I wish I could help but just about everything has been said and tried.
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