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Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE



    Welcome to WinCert. I hope you find what you need and are looking for. Feel free to ask question, we will all answer to the best of our knowledge.
  2. Ok, I have read all of these when I was working on a support desk. Once you start it is hard to stop, this guy only got worse. I hope you enjoy. The Chronicles of George
  3. I am sure everyone has a few. Unfortunately, I have a bad memory, so out of the hundreds only one stands out at the moment. I had a caller one time call me for a issue on a number that was on the website for a Support Tech company I worked for. The caller said the number posted on our website was incorrect. So I asked him what happened when he dialed the number, he said it justed beep after he dialed the number. So I asked what number he dialed and he said (123)456-7891 seven times without hanging up. I asked him why he did that and he said because there was a x7 at the end of the number. luckily I had a mute button, because I was ROFLMAO. I have also had people who did not know what a start button was, what a browser was etc.
  4. FOUND HERE I used to work in a computer store and one day we had a gentleman call in with a smoking power supply. The service rep was having a bit of trouble convincing this guy that he had a hardware problem. Service Rep: Sir, something has burned within your power supply. Customer: I bet that there is some command that I can put into... Service Rep: There is nothing that software can do to help you with... Customer: I know that there is something that I can put in... some command... maybe it should go into the CONFIG.SYS. [After a few minutes of going round and round like this] Service Rep: Okay, I am not supposed to tell anyone this but there is a hidden command in some versions of DOS that you can use. I want you to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the last line as C:\DOS\NOSMOKE and reboot your computer. [Customer does this] Customer: It is still smoking. Service Rep: I guess you'll need to call Microsoft and ask them for a patch for the NOSMOKE.EXE. [The customer then hung up. We thought that we had heard the last of this guy but NO... he calls back four hours later] Service Rep: Hello Sir, how is your computer? Customer: I called Microsoft and they said that my power supply is incompatible with their NOSMOKE.EXE and that I need to get a new one. I was wondering when I can have that done and how much it will cost..
  5. Thatnks for starting this topic N1K. I clean mine about every 4-6 months myself, unless I see that it needs to be cleaned ( it's nice having a clear door ) I need to clean mine bad right now. Due to the Full remodel to the bathroom, which is on the other side of the wall, my case is full of dust and drywall dust. I should be done mudding and sanding soon, so I will clean it then. I normally use compressed air for the case, cards and heat sink. I also then put my fans and heat sink in water and wipe them down, then use compressed air to dry them up. I am not one for always changing the Therm. which I plan on doing this next clean. Is there a correct wait time when changing the Therm.? Whenn I was in school, we would fire our PC's up right after putting it on. Notsure if anyone elses does it but when I do my cleaning, I also take a part my DVD burners and blow them out and replace the bands when need.
  6. I wish I could help, but I have tried and failed myself. Hopefully someone knows. Maybe Vishal does.
  7. LOL. People just love to have things handed to them.
  8. Cool, Rick. Question though. Has anyone shown any interest in wanting to learn .inf's?
  9. Welcome to WinCert. I hope you find the info you need here. Feel free to ask questions.
  10. Thanks everyone for all your help. I found the issue.
  11. Thanks Sull. I have tried that and everything was fine.
  12. When I boot my computer, during the diagnostic screen where it starts to detect the IDE's it freezes, I have tried to go into the BIOS but it freezes there also. I am thinking a possible bad pwr sup. but not sure at the moment due to being tied up with home improvement. If you can, please give my some suggestions. THANK YOU
  13. Thanks. There is no longer a heat issue and I hardly ever move my tower.
  14. I am having a installation problem. Maybe there is a issue with the .iso I have. Thanks
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