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  1. Can you take a look into this?, i'm having the same problem, even if i do it on a clean Windows 7 SP1 ISO without any other updates integrated and only integrating your pack. This is the error:
  2. Oh wow, i completely missed the last update! :doh:
  3. Hi! Is there any chance u will include the 2015 Visual C++ runtimes in the future?. Thanks!
  4. Oh ok, so i guess you can't use this installer on the SetupComplete.cmd. It is weird because sometimes it works just fine and sometimes it doesn't.
  5. Hey there Rick, I'm getting the next error with the last version when installing it on a Win7 32bit with the /y switch.
  6. Even with the INTL version i still get that update on a fresh Windows 7, i just tested it again on a virtual machine. And after installing that optional, i get the next important updates: KB2894854, KB2931368, KB2972216, KB2901126 and KB2898869 . I never had this problem before with your packs.
  7. After installing the last pack on a fresh Windows 7 32bit Windows Update asks for the update KB2858725 . It is offered as an OPTIONAL update tho. Don't know if this update is already superseded or you just forgot to include it.
  8. Hello rick, any chance you will update this pack with the last update KB2972216?. Thanks
  9. He probado a añadir este registro a ver si lo paraba pero no cuela, no se si hay que cambiar algo: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\HotFix\KB2917500]"Installed"=dword:00000001
  10. Con este ultimo updatepack, en una instalación nueva me sale que se necesita el update KB2917500 .
  11. Something is wrong with ur hosting provider. Can't completly finish downloading the installer.
  12. Tengo el mismo problema, he probado varias veces y tambien me sale esa actualizacion.
  13. Con el UPL tiene algun sentido agregar las librerias Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64 como un addon o ya vienen integradas en el UPL?