- Windows USB 3.0 Driver Pack
Windows 7 SP1_Refresh ISO
- 64 reviews
KB2647753 v4 any1?
Hello, guys. It seems i can't find the following update KB2647753 but v4. I only find up to v2 on MS website. Can some1 help please? Thanks.
A fast question
Thanks for tuning in . And can i get your answer about the performance and size of the final iso questions? Thank you .
A fast question
Hello guys just a fast question. I was just wondering what in your opinion is better method of updating the windows 7 install iso. Using the sysprep(installing windows, updating it etc, then making an image) or integrating the updates offline using lets say WinTolkit? Mainly i ask this because i wanna know if there will be any difference in the final result in terms of speed, size and quality of the Windows installation iso. Till now i was always using the sysprep method as it seems easyer to do(I install FrameWork, Visual C runtimes etc). But I'm wondering if I integrate the updates offline will i get better performance of my install? Thanks.
Having both installs for mbr and gpt
Hello, guys. I was wondering if it is possible to have a USB drive wich got Windows 7(32x & 64x) installation for both MBR disk layout(Legacy BIOS) and GPT(UEFI)?
Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0
Btw i have used the latest beta version to make AIO windows 8 DVD and it worked like a charm. Btw can i suggest if possible to add an option in the program to integrate 64x repair option when making AIO DVD's. Thank you.
Just a question about repair option in AIO.
Hello, guys. I'm happy to be part of this great forum and i really hope to learn some new stuff. So i got a question... eh i think i got the answer but just to make sure. So i merge my 32x and 64x install.wim to a single file using the great program WinToolkit and everything is working fine. But if i use the 32x folder to put the new install.wim with the 32x and 64x image inside i can use the repair option only for 32x installs and if i want to repair a 64x install i get the error that I'm not using the correct install. I guess there is a difference between the 32x boot.wim and the 64x boot.wim. This problem is kinda annoying because i still need to have 2x CD's with the different builds just for the repair option and my wish is to have a AIO flash drive. So i want to ask is there any way to get around this problem? So i can still have the 32x and 64x installs in one install.wim and somehow to be able to repair both types of OS if needed. Thank you for your time .
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