Doubt about the MSU to CAB Coverter
After the MSU to CAB Coverter complete the process can delete the original files ?
- WinToolkit 140-65 integrates language package but does not change the setup
- WinToolkit 140-65 integrates language package but does not change the setup
WinToolkit 140-65 integrates language package but does not change the setup
É, realmente eu não sou português e sim brasileiro (tipico). Eu consegui integrar o language pack no Windows 7 Home Premium x86, e também consegui uma vez no x64. Mas agora não ta funcionando. :google0dw: Yeah, actually I 'm not but Brazilian Portuguese ( typical ) . I managed to integrate language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium x86 , and also managed once in x64.But now ta not working.
WinToolkit 140-65 integrates language package but does not change the setup
Eu tentei (2 vezes) integrar o language pack (Brazilian Portuguese Win7 SP1 x64.cab). O processo é completado com sucesso, mas no setup de instalação do Windows 7 Home Premium x64 não aparece o português. Someone please help . I am portuguese. :google0dw: I tried (2 times) part of the language pack (Brazilian Portuguese Win7 SP1 x64.cab). The process is completed successfully, but the setup installation of Windows 7 Home Premium x64 not appear Portuguese. Someone please help .
WTK not integrating Language Packs (WIN 7 x64 Enterprise)
I'm trying to implement the package in Portuguese liguagens windows x64 , the process has not even a mistake, but in the setup installation appears only in the English language . Can someone help ? Not sure that will help ... The setting is right?
- Language Pack Converter
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