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  1. The following screenshots come from a 3440x1440 screen with 175% scaling, which is the "middle" setting, going to 200% or 225% worsens the issue. Going down to 150% makes it less noticeable. My screen is a 34'' so it does not really need scaling (one of the main reasons I bought it), but 27'' and smaller 4k-ish res screens will. I seem to have failed at copy-pasting screenshots into Paint, some of them will have be cropping over an older image, and I noticed only at the end when I was uploading. Since they still show the issue I didn't invest the time to take them again. See the images in this dropbox folder I didn't take screenshots for all menus and things, but I think I got an example of most/all problematic menus and bars. For all situations, resizing the window had no effect on the problematic buttons or bars.
  2. someone_else commented on Legolash2o's comment on a file in Win Toolkit
    It's this feature https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-10/4597/windows-10-feature-focus-display-scaling And you should increase the "text, apps and other items" size, even up to 200% if it lets you, as that's what Windows does as "recommended" on my 3440x1440 widescreen monitor (which is the "4K that makes sense" aka 21:9 aspect ratio monitors), which isn't truly the best for my 34'' screen but most people have much smaller screens with the same crazy high resolutions. It will look very big on a FHD monitor, but that's the point, it has to compensate for much smaller pixels.
  3. hmm, tested again and it worked. Cool.
  4. not even pageviews? Am I blacklisted or something? EDIT: now it shows some views. Whew! Was getting worried.
  5. All times I integrated languages in my AIO installation isos, there is no option to install windows 7 in that language, and the language files can only be used by Ultimate version, so yeah, not cool for people not owning such expensive licenses (and the usual suspects pirating stuff). I found ways to add them to the installation options by tweaking boot.wim (and another file) as from here and Can this be added to WinToolkit? Or, is this already in WinToolkit and I'm too dumb to use it right? Please tell me how to pull it off then.
  6. What about checking how much ram there is in the machine and if more than 4 GB it gives a popup (that can be disabled from options) suggesting you to move Toolkit's temp to RAMdisk, and maybe with some useful links to a tutorial or whatever?
  7. someone_else replied to compstuff's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Yesterday it integrated a bunch of 350 drivers + 400 or so in a Starter wim without errors. Still have to test if it installs though.
  8. Yup, the creator of WinNTSetup added the same functionality to his program. He even gives credit to Fujianabc (<-the guy I was talking about in the OP).
  9. Not critical, but something that may be a cool addition when you have time. Basically a function that allows you to install Win 7/8 from the iso (or whatever) to an HDD, be it "internal" (= in a hotswap bay) or USB HDD. From within a working OS (Win 7/8 or XP). Maybe with the option of running sysprep afterwards to prepare the thing to be placed on another machine. I found a guy that did write a bunch of scripts that do it. here
  10. I enabled verbose boot instead. I like seeing lists of stuff being loaded much much more than any animation. :grin: Btw, the artcile is wrong. There is no performance hit unless you tick "boot log" as well.
  11. if you just want to save files from a dead OS, I think it's better Linux Puppy. Loads faster, has all drivers needed, is immune to most malware. Otherwise you can try SARDU which is in spanish as well. I've also seen around torrents of a bootable USB-ready Windows XP. Google Traducción en español: (lo siento si es malo) si lo que desea guardar los archivos de un sistema operativo muerto, yo creo que es mejor Puppy Linux. Carga más rápido, tiene todos los controladores necesarios, es inmune a la mayoría del malware. De lo contrario, puede intentar Sardu que es en español también. También he visto en torno torrentes de un arranque de XP USB listo para Windows.
  12. I really suggest to try Offline NT Password & Registry Editor instead of reinstalling. It nukes the passwords in less than 5 minutes, does not waste any time trying to find them like say ophcrack. It worked like a charm every time I had to clear Win passwords.Won't prevent it from happening again, but will likely solve the issue at hand. BTW, if you aren't inclined to burn it to a CD, you can always use YUMI.
  13. No. Was not enabled. Ad for "tiny" things I mean updates below 1 mb of size. Trying again with 50 random "tiny" updates and the LDR/QFE Mode enabled. And everything on Real Time from its own options. It takes between 1 min and 30 secs to integrate most of those 50 sub-mb updates. Although some did take around two minutes. CPU graph from task manager shows some activity every now and then, but for most of the time it sits at 10% or so. EDIT: Even unticking the Check Compatibility box the above does not change.
  14. Mh, didn't notice them but did the same from Task manager. When set on Real Time (or whatever the highest priority setting is called in english) from its own option panel (and checking from Task Manager confirms it's on Real Time) it runs faster on some tasks like loading/unloading WIMS and when loading addons/updates/drivers in the wizard, but when actually adding something to WIMs (addons updates and drivers) it runs the same (uses near to no resources and runs kinda slow). I enabled the option that tells me what files it is working with, and I see that it remains on even tiny things for 10+ seconds. And my antivirus is disabled atm. If it's not just a problem I have somewhere in my hardware, than that is the area where I'm asking you to speed it up. If possible at all. EDIT: it's been 45 min and it has integrated 52 updates.
  15. someone_else replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    No problem. As long as this does not open popups Avira-style whenever it feels like it, I'm fine with some ads.