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  1. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    starting personalized settings will come out Windows File Protection This is not a problem??? i cant use Program make by autoit or portable UltraISO,Whether my Nlite optimization are too strict??
  2. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    Complete to install xplite in pc(not vm) copy files problem is solve,but when starting personalized settings will come out Windows File Protection ?? and windows\setuperr.log get 2 error the error is: Error: Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\occache.dll because of the following error: GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found). *** Error: Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll because of the following error: GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found). *** My last Session setting: [Main] Env = - 2.0.50727.3620.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Applications # Accessibility Options Briefcase ClipBook Viewer Games Internet Games Pinball Screensavers ;# Keyboards # Albanian keyboard Arabic (101) keyboard Arabic (102) AZERTY keyboard Arabic (102) keyboard Armenian Eastern keyboard Armenian Western keyboard Azeri Cyrillic keyboard Azeri Latin keyboard Belarusian keyboard Belgian (Comma) keyboard Belgian (Period) keyboard Belgian French keyboard Bengali (Inscript) keyboard Bengali keyboard Bosnian Cyrillic keyboard Bosnian keyboard Bulgarian (Latin) keyboard Bulgarian keyboard Canadian French (Legacy) keyboard Canadian French keyboard Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard Croatian keyboard Czech (QWERTY) keyboard Czech keyboard Czech Programmers keyboard Danish keyboard Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard Divehi Phonetic keyboard Divehi Typewriter keyboard Dutch keyboard Estonian keyboard Faeroese keyboard Farsi keyboard Finnish keyboard Finnish with Sami keyboard French keyboard FYRO Macedonian keyboard Gaelic keyboard Georgian keyboard German (IBM) keyboard German keyboard Greek (220) keyboard Greek (220) Latin keyboard Greek (319) keyboard Greek (319) Latin keyboard Greek keyboard Greek Latin keyboard Greek Polytonic keyboard Gujarati keyboard Hebrew keyboard Hindi Traditional keyboard Hungarian 101-key keyboard Hungarian keyboard Icelandic keyboard Inuktitut Latin keyboard Irish keyboard Italian (142) keyboard Italian keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Kyrgyz Cyrillic keyboard Latin American keyboard Latvian (QWERTY) keyboard Latvian keyboard Lithuanian IBM keyboard Lithuanian keyboard Luxembourgish keyboard Malayalam keyboard Maltese 47-key keyboard Maltese 48-key keyboard Maori keyboard Marathi keyboard Mongolian Cyrillic keyboard Nepali keyboard Norwegian keyboard Norwegian with Sami keyboard Pashto keyboard Polish (214) keyboard Polish (Programmers) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboard Portuguese keyboard Punjabi keyboard Romanian keyboard Russian (Typewriter) keyboard Russian keyboard Sami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboard Sami Extended Norway keyboard Serbian (Cyrillic) keyboard Serbian (Latin) keyboard Slovak (QWERTY) keyboard Slovak keyboard Slovenian keyboard Spanish keyboard Spanish Variation keyboard Swedish keyboard Swedish with Sami keyboard Swiss French keyboard Swiss German keyboard Syriac keyboard Syriac Phonetic keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Kedmanee keyboard Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Pattachote keyboard Turkish F keyboard Turkish Q keyboard Ukrainian keyboard Urdu keyboard Uzbek Cyrillic keyboard ;# Languages # ;Arabic Arabic (Algeria) Arabic (Bahrain) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) Arabic (Lebanon) Arabic (Libya) Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman) Arabic (Qatar) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (Tunisia) Arabic (U.A.E.) Arabic (Yemen) Divehi (Maldives) Pashto Syriac (Syria) Urdu ;Armenian Armenian ;Baltic Estonian Latvian Lithuanian ;Central Europe Albanian Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Croatian Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Czech Hungarian Polish Romanian Serbian (Latin) Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Slovak Slovenian ;Cyrillic Azeri (Cyrillic) Belarusian Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Bulgarian FYRO Macedonian Kazakh Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) Mongolian (Mongolia) Russian Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Tatar Ukrainian Uzbek (Cyrillic) ;Georgian Georgian ;Greek Greek ;Hebrew Hebrew ;Indic Bengali (India) Gujarati (India) Hindi Kannada (India) Konkani Malayalam (India) Marathi Nepali (Nepal) Punjabi (India) Sanskrit Tamil Telugu (India) ;Turkic Azeri (Latin) Turkish Uzbek (Latin) ;# Multimedia # Images and Backgrounds Movie Maker Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder ;# Network # MSN Explorer Netmeeting Network Setup Wizard Windows Messenger ;# Operating System Options # Desktop Cleanup Wizard DR Watson IExpress Wizard Tour User account pictures Zip Folders ;# Services # Messenger QoS RSVP Quality of Service (QoS) ;# Compatibility # [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp infospbz.bmp infospce.bmp n2k.bmp swtchbrd.bmp scrnsave.scr [Options] ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp AdvTweaks CDPromptRemove [Patches] TcpIp = 1024 [services2] Themes,2 StiSvc,2 COMSysApp,3 MSDTC,3 RDSessMgr,3 ShellHWDetection,2 winmgmt,2 WmiApSrv,3 wuauserv,2 BITS,3 dmserver,2 dmadmin,3 seclogon,2 Schedule,2 MSIServer,3 WZCSVC,4 helpsvc,2 ImapiService,3 SwPrv,3 Spooler,2 NtmsSvc,3 wscsvc,2 srservice,4 TlntSvr,4 upnphost,3 WebClient,2 WmdmPmSN,3 DHCP,2 DNSCACHE,2 PolicyAgent,2 LMHosts,2 NetBT,4 AppMgmt,3 AudioSrv,2 CiSvc,3 ClipSrv,4 CryptSvc,2 ERSvc,4 Eventlog,2 NetDDE,4 NetDDEdsdm,4 PlugPlay,2 ProtectedStorage,2 RemoteRegistry,4 SamSs,2 ScardSvr,3 SENS,2 SharedAccess,2 SysmonLog,3 TrkWks,2 UPS,3 VSS,3 Wmi,3 xmlprov,3 napagent,3 hkmsvc,3 EapHost,3 Dot3svc,3 LanmanWorkstation,2 RasAuto,3 RemoteAccess,4 Alerter,4 Browser,2 NetLogon,3 RpcLocator,3 NtLmSsp,3 LanmanServer,2 [Tweaks] Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Icons Explorer-Classic Control Panel Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to Explorer-Disable shortcut arrow Explorer-Show hidden files and folders Explorer-Show Statusbar in all windows Internet Explorer-Disable information bar when popup is blocked Internet Explorer-Disable Outlook Express link creation Internet Explorer-Disable Password-Caching Internet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blocked Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.google.com Security-Disable Screensaver Security-Screensaver Password-Protection-Disabled Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs Start Menu-Hide Search button in Start Panel Start Menu-Remove Help and Support Start Menu-Remove Logoff User Start Menu-Remove Set Program Access and Defaults Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut Start Menu-Remove Windows Update shortcut Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-Yes Visual Effects-Active window tracking-Disable Visual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-Enable Visual Effects-Cursor shadow-Enable Visual Effects-Fade out selection-Disable Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Enable Visual Effects-Menu animation-Disable Visual Effects-Menu shadows-Disable Visual Effects-Menu style-Flat Visual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-Enable Visual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-Disable Visual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-Enable Visual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-Disabled Visual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-Enable Visual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-Disable Visual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Disable Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide [unattended] NoPassExpSpec ComputerType = Automatic HibernationNo AutoLogon = WINXP FirewallOff CustomLocales DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = Default|| AutoUpdates = 4 AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files" CustomNetwork MS_NWIPX NOMS_PSched [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] [Hotfixes] D:\cab\cab\Addon_Microsoft_Silverlight_5.1.10411.0.7z D:\cab\cab\DirectX32_9.0c_Runtimes_201006_Addon.7z D:\cab\cab\ProgramAddons Adobe Reader 10.1.2.cab D:\cab\cab\ProgramAddons+Java+Runtime+Environment+7.0.cab D:\cab\cab\Ricks-YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_1_4.7z D:\cab\cab\Microsoft.Net_Framework.AIO_EN_Addon_20120614.cab D:\cab\cab\Ricks-YumeYao_IE8_Addon_Clean_ENU_1_4_13.7z D:\cab\cab\YumeYao_Repair_IE8_cosmetic_problems_addon.cab D:\cab\cab\YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z Which step is wrong?
  3. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    trying now..will update later
  4. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    brother,In your experience, which is the best integration tools??
  5. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    test later,sleep time.anyting,i will reply on this topic,good nite
  6. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    can i know what Different on OnePiece IE8 WinXPSP3 v3.4.0 AddOn ENU and OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.3.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7z??
  7. rally replied to rally's post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    Emergency,for first sorry for my poor english When I put all the Nlite Addon integration, testing on real pc,got error when copy file error file name is: ie4uinit.mui iedkcs32.mui ieframe.mui mshta.mui msrating.mui My Nlite Addon is: YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_7.7z DirectX32_9.0c Runtimes_201006_Addon.7z OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.2.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7z DotNetXAIO_40C_20111016_Addon_ENU.cab Addon_Microsoft_SilverLight_5.1.7z Java.cab Adobe 10.1.2.cab YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z use ORG english xp sp3 and Nlite some one help please,i already do many times on this
  8. Emergency,for first sorry for my poor english When I put all the Nlite Addon integration, testing on real pc,got error when copy file error file name is: ie4uinit.mui iedkcs32.mui ieframe.mui mshta.mui msrating.mui My Nlite Addon is: YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_7.7z DirectX32_9.0c Runtimes_201006_Addon.7z OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.2.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7z DotNetXAIO_40C_20111016_Addon_ENU.cab Addon_Microsoft_SilverLight_5.1.7z Java.cab Adobe 10.1.2.cab YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z use ORG english xp sp3 and Nlite some one help please,i already do many times on this
  9. Emergency,I'm getting ieframe.mui,ie4uinit,iedkcs32.dll.mui,.exeis missing during setup copying files with nLite- [Hotfixes] D:\new final\cab\YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_7.7z D:\new final\cab\DirectX32_9.0c_Runtimes_201006_Addon.7z D:\new final\cab\OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.2.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7z D:\new final\cab\DotNetFXAIO_40C_20111016_Addon_ENU.cab D:\new final\cab\Addon_Microsoft_Silverlight_5.1.10411.0.7z D:\new final\cab\ProgramAddons+Java+Runtime+Environment+7.0.cab D:\new final\cab\ProgramAddons Adobe Reader 10.1.2.cab D:\new final\cab\xable_WGAN-v1.6_addon.cab D:\new final\cab\YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z what wrong???