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  1. Greetings! I'm glad to find the portable edition of Win Toolkit and have used for the first time to Integrate Windows 8.1 Update 1 into the Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 ISO. I don't know whether or not the program saves Presets file into the Boot.Wim and Install.Wim as well as saves into the folder where ISO has extracted and "C:\WinToolkit\Last Sessions", which doesn't make a sense to save it into the ISO extracted folder or in WIM. Therefore, please consider to avoid integration of this file into the Windows through WinToolkit. Regards!
  2. So I will not need WADK if I'm using Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64. However, I will need to download all updates again to slipstream into the ISO, and the standalone installation of all updates downloaded from Microsoft Download Centre cannot be used with Win Toolkit v1.4.43. I have downloaded "Win Toolkit v1.4.43.1" and did not get the portable edition of the program.
  3. Can I slipstream already downloaded Update 1 files (KB2919442, KB2919355, KB2932046, KB2937592, KB2938439, KB2934018) into the Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 ISO using Win Toolkit v1.4.43? Does Win Toolkit v1.4.43 requires WADK and will download separately? Is it portable or need to be installed in the system before use?