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  1. Like
    Using wim manager by default these file should not be created at all, just my opinion.
  2. Like
    NewOne reacted to Tuesday77 in Win Toolkit Options   
    Option for dism.exe allready exist: v1.4.30.20
    Im also not see before, great thing.
  3. Like
    I've put the old one back anyway, more hassle than it's worth!
  4. Like
    OK, fixed this issue once and for all in the latest build.
  5. Like
    It shouldn't be running that until after install. There's a KB update which causes it to run on 'completing installation'. I will hunt it down
  6. Like
    NewOne reacted to bphlpt in wintoolkit error while removing   
    Regardless that "all the other things were removed without problems", unless you have the same issues without using "some other tools", I would tend to blame the problems on the "other tools".  Since Win Toolkit uses official methods to remove components, which in general does not actually remove the components from the install source, but rather just doesn't install them, while other tolls often use tricks to rip out the components from the install source itself, I would assume that Win Toolkit is looking for something that is no longer there.  It is usually not suggested to use more than one tool to modify an install source, especially remove components, but if you insist on doing so you could try to use the tools in the other order, ie use Win Toolkit first and the other tool after using Win Toolkit.
    Cheers and Regards
  7. Like
    NewOne got a reaction from noob in Tweaks [Merged]   
    hi i would like to ask if you could add this tweaks:
    Add creation of Batch (cmd files) at desktop --> right click --> New

    Disable Aero Shake

    Disable Auto Play

    Disable Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support Service

    Disable Remote Computer

    Disable Remote Desktop Service Locator Service

    Disable Shutdown without Logon

    ; Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links

    ; Disable UAC notify

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]
    ;disable usb message This device can perform faster

    ;Disable User Account Control ( UAC )

    ;Disable Webservices for unknown file types


    ; Do not allow Windows to turn off Network Adapters































    ; Do not save encrypted pages to disk

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
    enable AeroPeek

    ; give your self permission to modify and all.




    ;If an Administrator attempts a protected action - Silently Succeed

    ;Increase Network Throughput



    ;Stop caching negative responses

    "MaxNegativeCacheTtl "=dword:00000000
    ; Make the Windows registration with Microsoft unnecessary

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
    Manual ActiveX Installer

    ; Open HTA files (used for WPI) with MSHTA.EXE



    Remove Change Password from CTRL+ALT+DEL

    Remove Lock Computer from CTRL+ALT+DEL


    Remove Log Off from CTRL+ALT+DEL

    Remove Printers

    Remove Security Center

    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Security Center]
    Remove Send Feedback

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
    ; original value:
    Remove Switch User

    ; Remove warning about showing hidden system folders

    Scandisk change to 5 seconds

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager]
    ; Set Control Panel on Classic View and small icons

    ;Speed up shell response

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Desktop]

    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Control Panel\Desktop]

    ; turn off start menu baloon tips

  8. Like
    NewOne reacted to c400 in Removing Components Requests [Merged]   
    it would be great to have an ability to choose between "dism removing style" and "rt7lite/vlite removing style" it wold be really great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!