Everything posted by jdd
Don't Shut Off Vista UAC, It can be useful!
i dont like the UAC feature its like an firewall if firewall block some program it will popup an message fomr me its useless but many people who want more security will neeed this since my vista is slow (i dont want the anoyinf uac popup it will just slow what im doing example running an installer )
List of Most Vista / Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp
where is the file to the tablet input panel i tried to install XP Tablet Pc on Virtual PC 2007 Sp1 but i cant find the file to it WELCOME im here to help bro edited: i installed the tablet input panel now but its not showing when i launch it but if i restart my pc and launch the tabtip again (Tablet pc input panel) error popup saying that is crash Some thing about ntdll.dll correct me if im wrong this is how i install tabletpc on my xp pro with mce I have TPC on my comp Its an iso image Its SP is sp2 and my xp pro is SP3 is it causing the prob ? Mount it on daemon (CD 2) Start CMD and type in rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection TPG 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection System 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection OOBE 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection Notebook 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection StickyNotes 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection AllShortcuts 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection SRInstall 128 tabletpc.inf rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection AllReg 128 tabletpc.inf i browse the tpc disk 2 i mount thats all also i create a new reg called TabletPC same on MediaCenter Place and btw the KeyboardSurrogate.exe dosent show buttons it like all blank (BLue) That launch on logon also there is alternate way to edit the MediaCenter Registry Many says that Load an hive something ? lol or use bartpe
[Help] Logons screens
add ? are u using nlite or something
[Help] Logons screens
use stardock's Logon Studio to create Logon screen And u can convert it to logonui.exe i think i dont know if this gonna work if you are done creating logon screen (must be logonui.exe) launch nlite and check the option hotfixes and update patch and then browse your created logonui.exe IT will make logonui.ex_ for u (it will replace the logonui.ex_ on i386 but i dont know if this gonna work
List of Most Vista / Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp
i already Downlaod and tried the MWC (Microsoft work calender) and its good O yes im waiting for Win 7 and I have problem Editing the registry key installed on mediacenter its value is 0 im trying to change it to 1 to use mediacenter on xp pro but it says error : cannot edit installed: error writing the value's new contents. Solution: YOU cant simple edit the Installed key cuz its using on your xp and its WPA if your dual booting XP and vista boot on your vista and then open an notepad paste this command cls @echo Loading the standard windows Registry reg load HKLM\Sys c:\windows\system32\config\system @echo Making Changes to the Registry reg add HKLM\Sys\WPA\MediaCenter reg add HKLM\sys\WPA\MediaCenter /v Installed /t REG_SZ /d 1 @echo @echo Done. pause reboot and then save it as code.cmd IF your xp is in D drive change the C to D. And btw i cant understand this tread LOL http://www.msfn.org/board/Windows-XP-2003-...ate-t61070.html I WANT The tablet input panel in tablet pc where do i get it ? found on this screenshot Link and also i like the skinned osk (On screen keyboard) And nice update on this do u know im reading this everyday when i start my xp XD Mistake on your list: its http://rak****s.wordpress.com/2007/06/24/v...xplorer-for-xp/ LOL Sensored how about going to alternate download link Vista game Explorer by RakS-h-i-ts also this directx10 is working It changed my DirectXversion on Dxdiag to 10 But my video card is not directx10 supported And u can simple add an status bar on your notepad: open your notepad go to view menu and check the status bar there is an problem with this forum its adding an \\\\\ to a random area
List of Most Vista / Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp
yes i tried it Im asking if you can port this windows calendar to work on xp Thxs mate
List of Most Vista / Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp
WOW u rock AMIRZ thanks for your ported apps like vista apps and other power toys Please continue porting more apps (Can u port windows calendar ) Yea xp rules without xp there is no Vista im a big fan of porting apps like you XD
[Request] Addon User Acount Pictures Vista replacent to xp
thx is this will work on nlite ? oh ok its easy i just downloaded the ryanvm integrator and btw i have request
[Request] Addon User Acount Pictures Vista replacent to xp
i also need this one also i have the vista sample picture from my picture (from vista) but i want to add it on windows xp on my picture how do i do that ? and also im wishing to add this vista app on xp http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4069 sorry about requesting on this tread/or i dont know How to make addon for nlite
[Addon] KB940157 Windows Search 4.0 enu XP Sp3
thanks im requesting this one but u make it u did a great job thanks
(Nlite) Windows Search 4.0 Latest Request
thanks i will use this cool addon like vista did it has windows search included
(Nlite) Windows Search 4.0 Latest Request
im requesting for WS 4.0 The latest Windows search version the latest version. and why Windows update download is only supported Sp2 not the latest sp3 any program like WUD that supports SP3 and also im requesting Powertoy Cleartype (Turn on by default) microsoft Virtual CD
Get Vista Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes, Inkball, Texas Hold'em RTM Ported to Xp
i dont know how to cr8 addon LOL but im gonna read the tut on how to make addon wish me luck
Get Vista Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes, Inkball, Texas Hold'em RTM Ported to Xp
Wow very cool port i love the ports btw how can i add Or Integrate it to my Xp disk by using nlite ?
[AddOn] (Alky) Vista Applications
Already know it thanks Btw how do i put the serial ? is alky need vista drive to use serial sorry i dont speak well
[AddOn] (Alky) Vista Applications
ANy tut here how to use alky
Windows Blinds 6, I finally took the plunge
i installed wb6 too in my pc but i uninstalled it cuz its sucks lol not good for vista theme good for longhorn themes for xp this is the best vista theme ever want to look like this THIS IS WINDOWS XP EH the name of the theme is vista RTM by juan perez i forget the link of that search to devianart and then Vista perfection 4X (WhiteFlame) Search it too devianart LOLZ by the way is V'iso can transform my windows xp sp2 86x
3 problem's Help
reformat my pc oh no i dont want to reformat my pc cuz i screw up my pc 5 times LOL then reformat it 5 times i dont want my brother anger or reformat what ?
3 problem's Help
error again lol i click the unninstall on sidebar and then the error pop ups btw im using xp pro sp2 Edited This screenshot is wrong sorry LOLZ here i change it is req to install nlite
3 problem's Help
NO replying pls i need it now what is nlite ? I tried to repair the sidebar By clicking change then click ok i recieve this ERROR HELP
3 problem's Help
sorry for double posting the image is small lol
3 problem's Help
Hmm What i dont udnerstand you LOLZ i install this vista sidebar and it works by picassa http://picassa243.deviantart.com/art/Windo...for-XP-58751908 But i dont have Gadget I have only the four gadget the clock search slideshow and rss and its has no gadget folder and shared gadget why ? it has only part folder how do i add gadget with out gadget folder and shared gadget yea im using firefox i hate Ie7 but you must do upgrade your IE OMG rick i thought you are banned LOL looks vista a
3 problem's Help
oh thanks luz about the screensaver I dont have a video card driver lol but all screensaver working on my comp except the vista screensaver why ? i will try the sidebar later Ie7 Hmm you should have it
3 problem's Help
hello guys i dont know if this is wrong section to post I have a problem with 3 Ie7 I installed IE7 x84 After that i rebooted my pc then i login my account i saw this error about explorer problem see screenshot i can use IE7 but every i login i receive this error And i dont see my taskbar Vista sidebar ported on xp link http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1442 I have alky wireless lan update and Wmp11 but i dont have IE7 i install alky then logoff then i install wireless lan then restart i finish all the requirement i left click the sidebar.inf and then click install after the install this error show Vista Screensaver ported on xp i recieve this error when i click the aurora screensaver and all screensaver on vista Hope you guys helped me with my 3 errors i dont speak english well i am using windows xp sp2 x84 version