Why is my win 7 folder 9.5 Gb?
How many updates do you have in those folders? I have 490 updates in General, Security and Hotfix. /Falo
Drivers missing on Windows 7 64 bits
Hi! Are you sure your source ISO is ok? /Falo
Wintoolkit Problem
Hi! Have you installed WAIK on your XP computer? It's compatible with XP sp3 too. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5753 /Falo
Vista ISO's
Hi I have two Vista computers and no Vista disc (never got one). Stickers on the backside of the computers with serial. Do anybody know where to download Vista SP2 (swedish) x86 or x64 has the same serial I think so best would be x64 regards Falo
Silent installs
I used these switches: vcredist_x64 2005.exe /q vcredist_x86 2005.exe /q vcredist_x64 2008.exe /q vcredist_x86 2008.exe /q vcredist_x64 2010.exe /q vcredist_x86 2010.exe /q vcredist_x64 2012.exe /quiet /norestart vcredist_x86 2012.exe /quiet /norestart vcredist_x64 2013.exe /quiet /norestart vcredist_x86 2013.exe /quiet /norestart .net 4.5 /passive /norestart But only the x64 redists got installed not x86 or .net The files is in WinToolkit_Apps folder as they should. /Falo
Silent installs
Hi! I made a new image with some silent installers: vcredist 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013 both x64 and x86. I also had a silent for .net 4.5.1. It installed only vcredist x64 No vcredist x86 or .net I use v1.5.3.20 Any Ideas? /Falo
Integrating drivers
Hi! Funkar kanonbra! Sorry for the swedish Works great, all drivers I have integrated works flawless. Just remove the ones that isn't for your OS. /Falo
Printer drivers
Hi again! Found this and it worked perfect Go here: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Home.aspx Search for your printer , download (cab file), extract and install. I guess It works for integration too with the .inf file. There were drivers for win 2000, XP, Win7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1 Drivers,Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2 It was also for x86, AMD64 and IA64 :cap: PERFEKT! /Falo
Printer drivers
Hi! Is there a way to download the printer drivers from Windows Update to integrate in Win7. I have a HP Laserjet 4050 and have to use Win Update to be able to choose the right driver. It takes forever to do that everytime I install Windows /Falo
Windows XP x64 and Wintoolkit
Hi again! When I use Dism 6.2.9200.16384 Updates fail in Win7, 8 and 8.1 Changed back to 6.1.7600.16385 and Win7 at least works. I have Windows XP Professional x64 fully updated with nLite, Dotnet 2, 3, 3.5 and 4, IE 8 and mediaplayer 11 My comp is a core 2 quad 2.4ghz with 4gb ram. Does the newer dism only work in x86 and not x64? /Falo
Windows XP x64 and Wintoolkit
Today I downloaded via WSUS windows 8 updates. Mounted a Windows 8 (not 8.1) image and it failed again Guess I have to use my win7 computer to win8. I haven't checked so it works with XP and win7, maybe I should. I'll be back /Falo
Windows XP x64 and Wintoolkit
I have .net 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 I tried again and it fails over and over, strange. Could it be so that it works with win8 but not win 8.1? /Falo
Windows XP x64 and Wintoolkit
I think so. Custom Dism points at: c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM\dism.exe
Windows XP x64 and Wintoolkit
Hi! I tried to integrate updates to a windows 8.1 image on one of my computers wich runs XP x64. Every update failed. Is it even possible or do I have to use my other Win7 computer? /Falo
This is awesome! I used latest and the speed in integrating updates was shall we say "a bit faster". I used before and it took me at least 4 hours to integrate 470 updates. What do you say about this: 7 min and 53 sek!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. NICE WORK! I have a core2quad 2.4ghz /Falo