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    Simpuhl got a reaction from najimhmd776 in Adobe Reader X - v10.1.4   
    Easily view, print, and collaborate on PDF files with free Adobe Reader X software
    Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.
    Version: 10.1.4
    Platform: x86 & x64
    Uninstallable: Yes
    Credit: *Simpuhl*
    Download! - MD5 - A30A01AD7CD08C00EDD1CCBBB8EFE74B
    Note: Add this as a silent installer... No Switches needed!
    I took the offline installer, extracted it... edited it with Adobe Customization Wizard X, made it silent, supressed restart, eula, and made it default pdf viewer. It will make default desktop and startmenu icons and saved it. Then I used iexpress to make it a single .exe and then silent extract and run the setup.exe.
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    Simpuhl reacted to naifle in Addon Request go here!   
    Media Player Codec Pack:   http://www.mediaplayercodecpack.com/.  
  3. Like
    Simpuhl reacted to naifle in Addon Request go here!   
    IObit Uninstaller 3  : http://ru.iobit.com/advanceduninstaller/
    Google  Chrome :  https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/
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    Simpuhl reacted to diabloz in Addon Request go here!   
    is it possible : Windows Essentiel
    But only Windows Live Mail
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    Simpuhl reacted to NIM in Wincert.net News?   
    Hi there Simpuhl,
    I'm testing migration to Wordpress so I have neglected news. I will surely start posting soon. Also, this is a one man band for the frontpage so it's not easy
    Thanks for your message.
  6. Like
    Simpuhl reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in Integration service pack 1   
    SP1 integration is horribly messy and really not suggested.
    However links to download Windows 7 w/sp1 iso's (legally provided) are in the downloads tab of the toolkit.
  7. Like
    Simpuhl got a reaction from dareckibmw in .NET Framework 4.5 Question (AIO-I)   
    Also I think there is a /q for quite
  8. Like
    Simpuhl got a reaction from Legolash2o in Wondering about v65   
    I used the newest version added wlan and lan drivers, all updates, tweeks addons and silent installs and no issues.
  9. Like
    Simpuhl reacted to dareckibmw in ----->>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<<-----   
    Just so you know, *67 fixed all my problems! addons are integrated and registered properly ....and those icons too!
    Thanks Lego! :gleam: