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  1. I am suspecting that..., I will do more research tomorrow, do you know where is this "feature" documented? I cant find any reference about that Its a pitty that you discover after 42 days +o- (expiration time?) that all your win7 installations (more than 50) have expired passwords...
  2. password expiration is disabled by default from your link: But for some reason is enabled in all images I create with wintoolkit, dont know if is a wintoolkit issue or what, but stock windows 7 images Not enable password expiration.
  3. thaks for your response, but, what is the reason the user is added with password expiration enabled? when using a stock win7 dvd you dont have this problem, is a win toolkit issue?
  4. I am shocked that all windows installations I installed with a wintoolkit image have users with password expiration enabled..., I rechecked the unnattended creator to see if I miss some options, but there is none, I am missing something? Regards.
  5. Hi all, I am creating a unnattended win7 dvd, but cant find a utility that automatically restore a previus created icon layout (on dvd), I have tried things like iconrestorer, but cant automate the restore operation, something like "iconrestore.exe -restore iconlayout.ini" doesnt exists, so I have to start the application and click on restore. Anyone knows some utility that can do this? Regards.