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Everything posted by Bandido

  1. https://sourceforge.net/projects/vdism/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/vdism/files/?source=navbar
  2. Bandido posted a post in a topic in WinToolkit Bugs
    Wim manager error to emport image Title: Error ErrType: Error Description: An error occured whilst trying to export an image. Exception: ImageX Tool for Windows Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. Version: 6.2.9200.16384 IMAGEX [FLAGS] /EXPORT src_file src_number | src_name dest_file dest_name Exports a copy of the specified image to another WIM file. src_file - The path of the WIM file that contains the image to be copied. src_number - The number that identifies the image within the source WIM. src_name - The name that identifies the image within the source WIM. dest_file - The path of the WIM file that will receive the image copy. dest_name - The unique name for the image in the destination WIM. Accepted FLAGS: /BOOT Marks a volume image as bootable. Available for Windows PE images only. /CHECK Enables WIM integrity checking. If not provided, existing checks are removed. /COMPRESS [maximum | fast | none] Specifies the type of compression used when exporting to a new WIM file. /REF splitwim2.swm Enables the reference of split WIM (SWM) files. splitwim2.swm - Path to additional split file(s). Wild cards are accepted. /TEMP Specifies the path where temporary files are stored. Comments: If src_name is "*" then all images are exported to dest_file. Example: imagex /export d:\imaging\data.wim 1 d:\imaging\newfile.wim "Exported Image"
  3. Bandido replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in WinToolkit Bugs
    It does not work when you select the programs do not proceed with the installation
  4. Saludos. Los winstyle dan errores en la integración con la ultima versión de nlite. Gracias.
  5. Cierto. Mi bloqueador de publicidad era el problema. Disculpas.
  6. Enlaces caídos.