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Bandido reacted to wkeller in Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!New version 1.7
- Included August 2019 Cumulative Update (KB4512506)
- Included new version of NET Framework 4.8 as Microsoft rereleased it (old file ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe should be removed from hotfixes folder)
- Included new version of SHA2 support (KB4474419-v2)
- Included Windows Help program (KB917607)
- Included Microsoft NVMe drivers (KB2990941 and KB3087873)
They are disabled by default, but could be enabled by editing Integrate7.cmd and changing set AddNVMe=0 to set AddNVMe=1
--> Link <---
Bandido got a reaction from remixopu in [Solved] Wim ManagerWim manager error to emport image
Title: Error
ErrType: Error
Description: An error occured whilst trying to export an image.
ImageX Tool for Windows
Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Version: 6.2.9200.16384
IMAGEX [FLAGS] /EXPORT src_file src_number | src_name dest_file dest_name
Exports a copy of the specified image to another WIM file.
src_file - The path of the WIM file that contains the image to be copied.
src_number - The number that identifies the image within the source WIM.
src_name - The name that identifies the image within the source WIM.
dest_file - The path of the WIM file that will receive the image copy.
dest_name - The unique name for the image in the destination WIM.
Accepted FLAGS:
Marks a volume image as bootable. Available for Windows PE images only.
Enables WIM integrity checking. If not provided, existing checks are removed.
/COMPRESS [maximum | fast | none]
Specifies the type of compression used when exporting to a new WIM file.
/REF splitwim2.swm
Enables the reference of split WIM (SWM) files.
splitwim2.swm - Path to additional split file(s). Wild cards are accepted.
Specifies the path where temporary files are stored.
If src_name is "*" then all images are exported to dest_file.
imagex /export d:\imaging\data.wim 1 d:\imaging\newfile.wim "Exported Image"