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Everything posted by rhahgleuhargh

  1. Hello, Effectivement, 6.2 Go de libérés sur une installation de mars 2013 (j'ai coché les 2 cases Updates et Intaller cleanup en haut) !
  2. Merci mooms, je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de m'intéresser à 7zip pour créer des SFX ! @Thiersee, thanks for the program, I'll test it. 1er post réédité à nouveau ! - Script silencieux - pas de lancement de WU. Ceux qui veulent l'ancienne version du SFX peuvent toujours le récupérer sur le post 705 de mooms.
  3. OK Thiersee, Exact. Original file is reuploaded. The SFX didn't support the edition of the script. But this one is not silent and launches WU.
  4. Hello, J'ai réussi à placer le fichier dans le premier post : j'ai modifié les arguments du script dans l'archive pour qu'il soit totalement silencieux et ne lance pas WU comme vous l'avez recommandé. Donc à intégrer en dernier via Wintoolkit. Cela me semble être peut-être une meilleure idée de lancer un SFX silencieux lors de l'intégration plutôt que de le faire à la main; j'ai donc viré le script pour ne laisser que le SFX. First post edited : W10. vbs is deleted and replaced by the SFX of mooms : script will run in silent mode and won't launch WU, so you can integrate it via Wintoolkit installer (it will need to be the last program to install).
  5. @mooms, Merci beaucoup pour le SFX, j'avais essayé d'en faire un avec WinRar mais le fichier qui en sortait était considéré comme un virus... Attention, il semble que le lancement du script via le SFX ne fonctionne pas avec Wintoolkit installer (il faut attendre que l'ordi ait complètement terminé le démarrage), mais fonctionne avec WPI (cf. les posts de Thiersee 2-3 pages plus haut). Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de tester. Je le copie dans le premier post ! EDIT : aïe ça coince niveau taille, j'ai dépassé la limite possible... on gardera ton lien sur le post !
  6. @Thiersee, I follow the topic of Abbodi1406 in MDL forum, that's why I added it last month when I read the purpose of this update. I was surprised it wasn't released during "official" update patch last week, but this one is the same as May. You're right in the fact that WU didn't propose it until today.
  7. Today WU is offering KB3065979 as additional too. Thiersee It's in the list since last month !
  8. Hello, Mise à jour des ULs : Additional Updates : ajout de KB3064209 (temps de démarrage allongé si un autre pack de langue est installé) et KB3040272 (mise à jour du microcode des processeurs Intel). Wintoolkit mettant maintenant automatiquement KB3046269 dans la catégorie "Silent install + SFX", elle est renommée Windows6.1xxx.msu (j'ai enlevé le z devant). (Pour les 2 autres KB3020369 et KB3035583 il faudra attendre la prochaine release de Wintoolkit).
  9. @dareckibmw, I did the same thing during my rounds of tests, and all was OK. I asked Lego to add KB3046269 (and the 3 others) in "Silent install +SFX", it will be now installed after KB2533552, so anybody won't have this part of SP1 asked anymore, and Wintoolkit will put them automatically in the correct section (I think in its next update). I will remove the "z" before the names of these KBs in the next round of updates.
  10. @kivaiphi, Yes, off course ! But you'll need to be carefull : NTLite integrates updates in order of their KB name, and some updates need to be integrated first (RDP 8.1 need 2 updates as prerequisides, I don't remember which), and other updates need to be integrated in RunOnce (use setupcomplete cmd to integrate them).
  11. @Lego and bphlpt, I've opened a new thread about that with the lists of updates that need to be moved in "Silent install + SFX" section in Wintoolkit request. I understand english so you can contact me via PM or in the threads if needed. Regards.
  12. Hi Lego, Some recent updates for Windows 7 should be moved to "Silent install + SFX" section of Wintoolkit during integration : - KB3046269 : seems to integrate OK but in fact it doesn't (I think you've done the job regarding Thiersee's thread) - KB3035583 : it is a Windows 10 migration required update, it's not possible to integrate it offline. - KB3020369 : this KB superseedes KB2533552, and is integrable offline, but KB2533552 is still requested by WU after integration. the problem is that when KB3020369 is integrated before KB2533552, this one is no more integrable, and a part of SP1 pack is asked by WU after ISO installation. So this update has to be integrated in RunOce after KB2533552. Please have a look here, most posts are written in english. Thanks for your great job, Regards.
  13. hello, Since I'm not the developper of this program I can't answer to this question ! I will start a new thread in Wintoolkit requests concerning the updates to move to silent install + sFX section.
  14. @bphlpt, I couldn't explain it better than Thiersee ! The other advantage to have all updates in one folder is that you just have to select them in one round for integration with Wintoolkit, then right-click on the last ones (those renamed with a Z) to move them to silent intallers. But it works with separeted folders too. As you prefer ! I've tried to make this list easy to use, but M$ makes me the task heavier month after month, so it became very complicated with all these categories...
  15. Hello, Put the settings of WUD like the screenshot of first post. For the prerequisites, Wintoolkit automatically rearranges some updates (ie KB2533552, or prerequisites for RDP 8.1), but it needs to be updated for the others. The updates renamed zWindows6.1xxx.msu need to be integrated in "Silent install + SFX" section of Wintoolkit. Some updates which can be integrated offline are better to be integrated in RunOnce (like KB3020369 which has to be integrated just after KB2533552 to avoid a part of SP1 pack asked by WU after installation).
  16. Hello, Réupload des ULs. Changelog : IE 11 Updates : suppression de KB3021952 Win10 Updates : suppression du script .vbs dans l'UL, car le téléchargement direct par WUD du lien Dropbox ne fonctionne pas, c'est pourquoi le fichier final ressort avec une grande taille (en fait c'est la cible du lien htlm, renommée en vbs par WUD). Le script .vbs est donc remis dans le premier post comme avant, ce qui sera plus simple ! I deleted the .vbs script link in the ULs (direct DL from WUD via Dropbox is not supported, so the downloaded file induced errors), the script is placed in first post again.
  17. Good news ! I will reupload ULs tomorrow without it and with the link to corrected .vbs file. Anyone can confirm that all is OK for the other updates ? EDIT : Read-me file corrected. I can't modify ULs and Dropbox's .vbs script from my work, you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  18. @Thiersee, @Alpha_95 I'll check the script, there was probably a bug when I renamed it. For the Readme file, I'll add "uncheck product as folder". Correction tomorrow, I'm not home today. @Pink_Freud, I didn't test without IE 11 KB3021952 (forgot it, I was focalized on these Win 10 updates and the Pb with KB2533552). Great if you can do the test, I'll remove this KB if it's not needed anymore.
  19. @ryback, Il semblerait que cette mise à jour ait été retirée par M$ (du moins c'est le cas pour Windows 7).
  20. Hello, Upload des ULs x86 et x64. Attention, 2 vieilles mises à jour (2013 et 2014) ont été réactivées (KB304599 & KB2882822) pour remplacer KB3022345, il faut les chercher dans la section "Updates". Condition des tests : toutes les mises à jour des catégories Updates, IE 11, RDP 8.1, Additional Updates, SAUF les mises à jour pour Windows 10 (script .vbs lancé au redémarrage) ; Au niveau de la section "Silent install + SFX" de Win toolkit : KB2533552 suivie de KB3020369, KB3046269, KB2603229 en x64, addition des VC runtimes, .Net FW 4.5.2, leurre MRT. Aucune mise à jour prioritaire demandée après Deep-clean et redémarrage sur une édition Professionnelle. Pour éviter le bug du SP1 redemandé par WU, je vous recommande donc de garder KB2533552 et de mettre après elle KB3020369 en RunOnce. Updated ULs uploaded. Be carefull, 2 old updates are back (year 2013 and 2014), you'll have to find them in the "Updates" category. I've made my tests with these settings : all Updates, IE 11, RDP 8.1 and additional Updates, except Windows 10 related updates (I ran .vbs script after first reboot) ; in "Silent install + SFX" section of Wintoolkit : KB2533552 followed by KB3020369, KB3046269, KB2603229 for x64, Ricktendo's VC runtimes, .Net FW 4.5.2, and icare's MRT. No critical update was asked after deep-clean and reboot in Professional Edition. I suggest to keep KB2533552 and install after it in RunOnce section KB3020369, so you won't have any part of SP1 asked by WU.
  21. @Thiersee, I putted back some old updates (KB304599 & KB2882822) because of the trouble with KB3022345 and KB3068708 (both induce SFC error), that's why you have to search in the ULs where they are... For the settings of WUD, just have a look on the screen shot at the first post, it should work. I'll have a look on the Readme file. @Pink_Freud, Oooops, I forgot it.. I just copied the results of Microsoft Security Bulletin... Post edited !
  22. Hello, Voici ce que donne l'Update patch de ce mois-ci : IE 11 : KB3058515 remplace KB3049563 et KB3021952 Updates : KB3033890 KB3057839 KB3059317 remplace KB3051768 et KB2864058 KB3063858 remplace KB2922229 (x86, mise à jour déjà supprimée auparavant en x64) - NB : cette mise à jour n'est pas demandée si vous avez installé KB3068708 - KB3054476 devient mise à jour prioritaire (elle était dans la catégorie Additional Updates le mois dernier). Windows 10 Updates : KB2952664 V10 et KB3068708 deviennent mises à jour prioritaires. EDIT : correction (merci Pink-Freud et Thiersee). EDIT 2 : suppression de KB3021952
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