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Aftab Scorpio

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Everything posted by Aftab Scorpio

  1. Thank u both of u guys 4 replying. Actually I've edited all 4 of the files in sp3.cab 1:ntkrnlmp.exe 2:ntkrnlpa.exe 3:ntkrpamp.exe and 4th is ntoskrnl.exe. These are all working fine, i can see the vista progress bar at every boot but i want to edit above image somewhere in xp source. I already told you that above image appears at first boot of fresh install of xp before the oobe launches. Please help me Thank u in ADVANCE....!!!
  2. Hello frndz i am new to this forum. I want to change the following image that appears after fresh install of xp just before msoobe.exe launches.When windows xp automatically adjusts the resolution.