Everything posted by yogurt
[Switchless] Kels Win7 CPL PacKs for x86 & x64 v5
@Lurker You can find what your looking here http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/ WPI = Kel
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
Ok Geej, I wont give it up yet. I will retry again later this evening by testing the batch batch first and following your methodology in post #36. I'll report my finding tomorrow. Curious do I try the XML method? I think exporting the task from Task Scheduler? EDIT : Thanks to Geej et all for combining their efforts in perfecting this AddOn for both architectures. :thumbsup: A working x64 version of this AddOn has been posted (see post #42).
[Switchless] Kels Win7 x64 UberPacK v2.8
Just one question on the ResHack component of your UberPacK. Here's the scenario. I have Resource Hacker 3.6.092 FX1.4.7 installer by ricktendo64 which I use with Win Tool Kit. I use it because it includes the FX patch. Do you think the FX Patch will auto-stick to UberPacK's installation of ResHack? Essentially what I want to do is set each installer to run one after the other, first UberPacK, followed by Resource Hacker 3.6.092 FX1.4.7 installer. Do you know of any adverse effects from using this method, if any? Any insight would be much appreciated. EDIT : I just realized your reference to Resource Hacker 3.x refers to a the Send to Menu. So is the ResHack app actually included the PacK?
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
Okay, I cant say I have good news. I went thru the procedure that Geej suggested in post #31. Once using the Everything_Schcedule.bat found inside the Everything Search Engine_1.2.1.452_x64_Test_UAC_ON_RunOnce.WA and once using the Everything_Schedule.bat file included in Post #1. I got the same strange results using both methods. Here is where the RunOnce starts to bug-out...Reboot ==> Login (OK) Explorer.exe does not load the desktop. => CTRL + ALT + DEL => Task Manager => reveals the a running process cmd.exe which I assume is Everything.bat. I waited about 5 minutes before I finally killed the task and voila, the desktop appears and Everything Search appears in the system tray. as well as the task scheduler. The strange thing with task scheduler is that it appears twice. once as 'Everything' (in English) [OK] and again Lancer.... (en francais).[ERROR] I think the french entry is residual from my first failed attempt, and could be just an orphaned task or a result of prematurely ending the batch file after during login, it's hard to say for sure. Also the uninstall doesn't work either -- Error Creating <TASKILL> ... I Will try again on another machine and report back with my findings. In the meantime. Best Regards et Bonne Chance les ami. EDIT : Fixed some typos and grammatical errors. A working x64 version of this AddOn has been posted (see post #42). Thanks to Geej et all for combining their efforts in perfecting this AddOn for both architectures. :thumbsup:
Update catalog not working
@compstuff I can confirm that the update catalog servers are working in the Win Toolkit1.5.0-1 beta. It's quite impressive. I intend to use it in the interim. Maybe play around with some of the tweaks and do some beta testing. I'm sure the .77 catalog error will be resolved soon enough. Regards.
Update catalog not working
Same here. Win Toolkit .77 Dialog says Servers Office Neither McRip or SoloR Update servers seem to be active. This error will also occur if you have no internet connection or if you are behind a proxy server. I would post a screenshot but it appears the ImageShack servers are down aswell. lol. 403 Forbiden. :lock: Tested on three machines. No rush just though I report that the seervers appear to be still offline. Cheers!
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
Okay, No worries, I managed to make a working silent installer with the stock installer, Nonetheless I will leave my previous post open for reply for anyone else who might be interested. Thanks anyways for this awesome addon, even though I cant use it on my system. I'll hang on to it and add it to my archives. Cheers!
[Addon] Everything Search Engine
Thans for this addon. Your link is dead 404 Not Found The requested URL /ryanvm/beats_ESE_1.2.1_INT_Addon.7z was not found on this server.
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
@Geej Can you help me to get this addon to play nice with Windows 7 (x64). I've read through all the post to see if i could find any info that might lead me do get Everything Search Engine to work with Win 7 x64, but found nothing of the sort. Naturualy, I put the addon thru a dry run using WA Installer without sucess. Here are the results. I opened up Tasks.txt and replaced the Architecture Directive from x86! to x86 and did another dry run. This time I got a partly working addon. Everything Search Engine installs in Program Files (x86) but their is no uninstall in the CPL and nothing in the Task Scheduler. Any insight would be much appreciated. EDIT: I found what i thought was your silent / switch-less installer here http://www.mediafire...awy6g5vg4mfnj81, However, it appears that you have removed the links in favor of the currently posted Inf True Add-on. Will your true Add-on work with OnePiece's Tool NT6.x True Integrator? At first glance it also appears to only support x86 arch. EDIT : Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
Adding RVMIntegrator addons in W7/8 with DX WinNT6.x TI
Thank you for teaching me this rule. :doh: I will be more cautious in the future before adding RVM Integrator ad-dons to WinNT6.x True Integrator. In this case I will use a Silent Installer method for ImgBurn 2.5.7. Edit: Corrected a typo and grammatical error.
- Third Party Themes Tweak Methods
Adding RVMIntegrator addons in W7/8 with DX WinNT6.x TI
How can I add an RyanVM Integrator AddOn like ImgBurn found here? http://www.wincert.n...ge__hl__imgburn Steps to recreate the problem Step 1 - I modified the entries_imgburn.ini and imgburn.inf like the example found in this video Step 2 - Created CAB using DX Tools Step 3 - Added to WinNT6.x True Integrator (Ignore-Ceck). The AddOn appears in the list at the bootom. Setp 4 - Click Apply -- DISM appears to sucessfuly compete the operation 2012-10-22 01:56:07 : Processing 2 of 2 - Adding package ImgBurn~~True AddOn~Multilanguage~ © 2005 - 2012 LIGHTNING UK!~OnePiece~http://www.imgburn.com/ - C:\Users\Bryan\Desktop\System Builder\Addon CABS\ImgBurn_v2.5.7_INTL_TRUE_ADDON.cab 2012-10-22 01:56:09 : The operation was successful. However, the addon does not appear in the upper section 'Optional Component List'. Also the addon does not appear in the mounted image. The image appears to be okay. Mounted images: Mount Dir : C:\Mount Image File : C:\Win7DVD\sources\install.wim Image Index : 2 Mounted Read/Write : Yes Status : Ok The operation completed successfully. I can use a silent installer (SVCPACK) to get the job done, but I would rather user a True AddOn. I have looked at the template and syntax examples and I cant figure out what i'm doing wrong. Any insight would be much appreciated.
Third Party Themes Tweak Methods
@Legolash Understood, I don't mind using the UTH method, only because i'm aware of its shenanigans and know how to deal with it when it messes-up. Just one other question. If i were to select to use third party themes in WTK, would my users have access the Universal Theme Patcher CPL on on an installed system?
Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
[Reference to Post #9] My Bad please disregard. I Solved the problem anyhow. I use both NT6.x True integrator for true addons and Win Toolkit for the rest. I thought i would post here considering that my issue is somewhat related to post #4, nonetheless, I've found an alternate solution using a silent installer that I can use with either tool. Please excuse my ignorance.
[Video] How To make Silent Switch Installers
Thanks for this rick, I look forward to your next video. Always a pleasure to see your work.
Third Party Themes Tweak Methods
@Legolash That's cool. No worries. I was hopping Win Toolkit used the Uxtheme memory Patcher (UxStyle Core) method. I like this method because it does not directly patch any system files. Instead it installs as a service. It has a very small footprint. which is realy cool. Because UxStyle runs as a service and does not modify any system critical files, it can be uninstalled without fuss. Also it doesn't molest the windows registry. As with the Universal method, their is a higher risk of breaking windows 7 theme services. I personally have used both methods and in my experience, the universal theme patcher can often be complicated when it comes to restoring the original system files, not to mention time consuming. UxStyle Core is a pioneer in allowing windows users to applying third party themes, even as far back as Windows 95 :dribble: and they continue to be the preferred method by many users today. The UxStyle authors website can be found here. Their is not much on the site, but trust me when i say this method has proven to be the best. The project is still active to this day. I do hope you consider this as a choice in your future builds of Win Toolkit. Thanks again for all your work on Win Toolkit -- it is truly an awesome tool. :punk: I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subject. Regards.
- Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
Third Party Themes Tweak Methods
Win Toolkit includes some awesome tweaks, one that i'm not sure about is the "Use third party themes tweak". Just one question. What method of patching theme files or services does Win Tookit apply when enabling this tweak? example: There are three methods for patching uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, and themeservice.dll: Uxtheme multi patcher (Universal Theme Patcher) Uxtheme memory Patcher (UxStyle Core) Manually replacing the system files (For expert users) Any insight would be much appreciated.
- Reinventing the (Windows) Wheel (...Again)
Can all Solor update's in one time be slipstreamd?
Current update, hotfixes and update packs can be found here http://hotfix2.cesidian.info/ Update related tools can be found here http://burf.cesidian.info/ Also you can find update as well ad individual updates and hot fixes packs at this repository http://www.windows-u...ker.com/hotfix/
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
@OnePiece | @Nonno fabio Ahhh, now I understand 100%. Thank you to the both of you for you patience and understanding.
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
@OnePiece Thank you, that makes perfect sense. So, If I understand correctly, I should use Check-State for hotfixes and updates that are OS version related and No-Check for Feature Packs etc? Everything else check the %Temp%\WinNT6TI.log. How does the integrator handle hotfixes that may require a possible restart? If a hotfix, update or feature pack requires a restart (Check State) will this break the setup routine? The reason I ask is because i have noticed in some hotfixes and feature packs that I add require a restart. Thanks again for this great tool.
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
I've been integrating a number of hotfixes using this awsome tool. I have also sucussfuly integrated IE and and prerequiites without problems. I just have one question before I continue. Is it safe to integrate Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.256? WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX.cab WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel.cab WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel.cab If yes should the .CAB files be integrated as updates (hotfixes) or do they require special attention. Ricktendo64 is suggesting that I integrate them as regular hotfix but he is not 100% certain, so I would like to confirm. Much appreciated.
[Solved] windows setup cannot continue due to a damaged file
Thanks Etz both methods worked worked like a charm.
[AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
I saw your post a few days ago and wanted to reply, but for some reason my browser was broken and kept crashing everytime I placed my cursor in the reply box. Anyhow, I had the same problem trying to get this one to install 100% silent. The trick to get this to work 100% silent is to repack the installer using the tools Rick quoted in the first post... Visual AIO SFX Maker v3.6 (installer repacker): http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxSilent "No GUI" SFX alternative v2.6: http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxng Basicly 7z split the installer and repack it with the "NoGui" SFX alternative. Their is a readme file in archive along with config .txt file to make this installer 100%. Hope that helps. Best regards.