Everything posted by yogurt
[Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player
One question. Will this installer work if I compile a SVCPACK addon for NT6.x True Integrator? Any insight would be much appreciated. Edit: Disregard I found your SVCPACK here [Link] http://adf.ly/1713566/shockwave
Foxit Reader v6.1.1.1031
Thanks for this awsome addon. This light mod is going on my next build.
Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0 ENU True AddOn
@OnePiece This is my first attemp at making a SVCPACK addon. Can you please verify my syntax and folder structure. Also I would like to know if the commenting syntax is ok to use as follows. Thanks again. DotNet4_addon.cab (Compressed with DX CAB Tools) ../SVCPACK/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe ../dotnet_entries.ini dotnet_entries.ini [general] title = .NET 4.0 ;<-- required description = .NET Framework switchless installer ;<-- required version = 4.0 ;<-- required builddate = 03/13/2012 ;<-- required company = Microsoft Corporation ;<-- optional copyright = Microsoft Corporation ;<-- optional website =http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/9154-slim-net-framework-4-full-x86x64-3-13-2012/ ;<-- optional customizedby = ricktendo64 ;<-- optional lastupdatetime = 03/13/2012 ;<--optional language = neutal ;<--optional releasetype = SVCPACK Addon ;<-- mandatory (addon type) ;processorarchitecture = x86 ;<-- optional. "x86" for x86-only platforms; "x64" for x64-only platforms; omit if platform-neutral. [AddProgram] dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe /y ;<-- switchless EXE
[Tool] ImgBurn AddonBuilder V1.1 2011 - True addon maker.
Thanks for ths tool. I sounded promising till it threw this error. All files are present in my default installation of imgBurn 2.5.7 !- 6 error(s): - L2 File Not Found: ImgBurn.exe (ImgBurn.exe) - L2 File Not Found: ImgBPr.exe (ImgBurnPreview.exe) - L2 File Not Found: ReadMe.txt (ReadMe.txt) - L2 File Not Found: unnstll.exe (uninstall.exe) - L2 File Not Found: Error.wav (Error.wav) - L2 File Not Found: Success.wav (Success.wav) !- 6 error(s). !!!!- Critical error(s) detected, process aborted.
Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0 ENU True AddOn
I appreciate the time your taking to answer my trivial questions. You have helped to understand sooo much :worthy: ooops. x32 is for x86 intergration only. Can you recomend a .NET x64 true addon or SvcPack addon compatible with NT6.x true integrator. Perhaps my only option is Ricks switchless installer?
Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0 ENU True AddOn
Thanks for this True AddOn :prop: I cuurently working on a new build of Windows 7 x64 SP1-U and I have just a couple of question before I commit to this wonderful addon. 1. Does your add on include hotfixes such as those found in Ricktendo64's switchless installer? 2. Are you working on a Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 full true addon? 3. Do recomend also adding OnePiece .NET 3.5 along side with 4.0? 4. Is .NET 3.x and 2.0 installed by default with Win 7 x64? Any insight would be much appreciated?
Resource Hacker - v3.6.0.92
Thanks repaer, I tried again today on another machine without hickups. Must be issolated to my one mahine. Thanks again this great addon.
- [True Addon] Mona UltraPacK v3.3.4
My new blog site
I like the WP theme nice and clean.
Windows 7 ULTIMATE slimming guide Create stripped Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64/x86 and remove WinSxS
Gee, I'm seeing alot of post lately referencing RT7. Give Win Toolkit a try. Good luck with your super slim install when SP2 is released.
Windows 7 repair option
Unfortunately when you boot an unattended Windows DVD / Media (which contains autounattend.xml), you are directly taken to the installation routine.There is no option to launch the recovery environment.So if you want to repair a computer using an unattended Windows DVD, just follow the steps given below. Boot from unattended Windows DVD or Media You are directly taken to installation routine (probably the disk management step) Press Shift+F10 to launch the PE command Prompt Type cd recovery Type recenv.exe Hope this helps. Best Regards.
Notepad2 - v4.2.25.796
Thanks for this True AddOn. When I try to add this to addon, NT6.x simply ignares it and doesnt populate the list. No error is message is offered. Hash OK.
- [True Addon] Mona UltraPacK v3.3.4
Flash Player ActiveX multiOS True Addon Maker
Thank you for this great tool. I get this error when I run the command. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. The system cannot find the file specified. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. The system cannot find the file specified. Cabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool 13,933,864 bytes in 3 files Total files: 3 Bytes before: 13,933,864 Bytes after: 4,809,964 After/Before: 34.52% compression Time: 22.69 seconds ( 0 hr 0 min 22.69 sec) Throughput: 599.68 Kb/second Cabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool 16,730,362 bytes in 9 files 92.64% - Flash64.cab (9 of 9)
Java Runtime Environment Svpack AddOn (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)
For those of you who are having problems understanding the instructions provided at the top of the post here they are again in proper english. No offence inteneded OnePiece :worthy: 1. Dowloaded jre-7u7-windows-x64.exe or whatever version from http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp 2. Copy the downloaded file to the same folder as Create_Java_Silent_Installers_Svcpack_AddOn.exe 3. Execute Create_Java_Silent_Installers_Svcpack_AddOn.exe 4. Done!
Windows6.1-KB2495879-x64 SoLoR Integrate to Media Question
compstuff, Although this post is over 6 months old, I believe I can answer your question. You probly already know, Windows6.1-KB2495879-x64 is both for RTM but also for SP1 but not SP1-U. From what I can see from the pics you posted your media is SP1-U (Media Refresh).
Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
@OnePiece Curious, Do the True Addons on your SkyDrive Account also work for Win 7 x64? For example the:VC Runtimes, JAVA and .NET Framework Addons, ect. How does NT6.x True Intergrator handle updates that include registry entries. example Windows6.1-KB2732072.reg? Can just the convert .reg file using DX Tools?
- Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
@Onepiece Thank you for your reply. I believe I'm starting to understand. I just have one or two other questions. What tiny and trivial mdofication do I need to make to those files in order to make them work with NT6.x Intergrator? Curious, do the italian Addons have the english packs included? Example can I simply install them as ITA then switch the preference in the app to another lang. (ENU)? Can you provide a small example to get me started? Much appreciated.
Win Toolkit 4.x Addons vs. NT6.x Intergrator Methods Comapred
Hello all, I'm on week three of working with Win Toolkit Really Awsome stuff. I also use NT6.x True Intergrator for low level modifications to my image and I use W7T for the rest. I was wondering... Does Win Toolkit 4.x Intergrate .WA Addons the same wat that NT6.x True Intregrator? If I intergrate a .WA to to my image with W7T. Will my additions appear in the components and features list when I remount the modified image in NT6.x True Intergrator? when I add XP SVCPACK addons they don't need any modification but they won't appear in the Installed addon list view, however they can be installable/uninstallable same way of true addons. Do the same XP SVCPACK methods hold true for WinToolkit addons? Any insight on the matter would be much appreciated. Cheers!
Resource Hacker - v3.6.0.92
Thanks for this awsome addon, I Installed this on a fresh Win 7 x64 install. Right click on *.EXE or *.DLL 'open with' ResHack does not work. Choose the program you want to use to open this file... Browsing to the %Program Files%\Resourse Hacker\ResHack.exe does'nt fix it either. Also the checkbox 'Always use this program to open...' is greyed out. I've looked over the code in your inf install file but can't seem to pin-point the problem. I will try on fresh x32 install and report my results.
Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
LOL, thanks for this one Geej, I was about to compile it tonite. :prop:
[Solved] windows setup cannot continue due to a damaged file
I was hoping that the tweak would remain. Can it be done via unattended? I'll follow the thred for updates. Thanks for all your awsome work lego. CHeeRS :prop:
KUC VS Legolash2o Update Retriever?
@david8x8 :: Heres another great descriotion of the the update retreiver tool as given to me by legolash20 from another post.
[Switchless] Kels Win7 CPL PacKs for x86 & x64 v5
Kel, Thanks for the awsome pack. Just wondering if I should be using this version of your pack or the 5.2.2 version you recently updated over at RyamVM. Love your work. Best regards.