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  1. I din't read no one complaint of deleted files, but I'll posted just to let poeples know that x64 files are deleted with this message: The file you are trying to access is no longer available publicly. Please contact the user who has shared this file with you.
  2. alexjorge commented on Legolash2o's comment on a file in Various
  3. I got it all ready, and I even activate it. also tweak most of the stuff except the METRO (microsoft is giving pain in the ass with it) :thumbsdown_anim: (actually I'm susing it right now). The version is buggy, and you can't multitasking, in my own word is the same **** but only have a different METRO FRAME. that's all. If some one want it. please let me a note in my FaceBook wall, saying that you are my Friend from WinCert and you want everything I got in Windows Blue. (So I dont have to upload for nothing) :cap: http://facebook.com/Alex.the.Cuban :gleam: