Everything posted by Sage
[AddOn] COMODO Firewall Pro v3.0.15.277
I'm begining to think they rushed this one out oof the box way to early. Every site I go too has about 50% of those who installed using words like froze, locked up and crashed. Not good. I'll take my and love it until you guys show them where the bugs are.
Best firewall
For a free one I don't think your can go wrong with Comodo Pro, I scraped a paid version of ZA for it and never looked back
Getting error message after adding Ricks_WindowsSidebarStyler2.0.6_AddOn
How about net help files, check for updates
Which OS are you
I'll have to check this further
Best priced semi-large Sata hdds?
sounds like we may be in the same boat. I have a WD 250 have spinup problems, just ordered a new Seagate 250GB IDE drive. Hope mine goes smooth.
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Why would a person need this add on?
What is your Internet Connection Speed.
Quick enough for me
I have both Sandiebox and a program call BufferZone Pro. I use sandie when checking new downloads until I can get a scan on them. had Buffer installed for a while, but for some reason it turned itself on and I uninstalled. May play with it in the sandiebox for a bit longer
How Old Are You
61. Kansas,USA. Manufacturing Production Controller And from what I've seen maybe the elder around here
So Where's Everybody From?
I'm from the "Salt City" in the 34th state, 1 hour north west of the "Air Capital"
How did you choosed your nick name?
From my military days with the US Navy. In high scholl I was always called "Tumbleweed", but when I became an aircrew member there was already a fellow using the handle, so chnged to "Sagebrush". Now shorten to Sage
How did you get into computers?
When the company plopped one on my desk and told me to use it and loose my scratch papers. First decent OS the installed that I understood some of was 95
Whats your day job?
Spent 31 years as a maintenance supervisor in the machine tool industry with the same corporation. Now moved into production control office of same company. Minor IT help with the years I've played with their systems
Which is the best defragmenter in your opinion?
At the time am having fait success with this one auslogics
Can you wait till Firefox 3.0?
I can wait forever as I don't think I'll ever return to FireFox of any version. Right now Opera has my undivided attention
OS of Choice
XP Pro forever, but then I said the same thing about 95,98 and 98 2nd
New blood
As a member of the Graphix n Stuff forum ran across your link in a post from Jan on the update N1K installed for us. Nice work and thanks. I'm just an XP Pro dabbler and enjoy looking around so far Thanks