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  1. Ya. I have Tested it.
  2. If u want Script Structure Then it wil be something as like it >>>> < @echo off echo Software install start /wait adobe.exe /silent /norestart > here /silent /norestart is the parameter of the software. If u want some software wil install silently Then u have to manage the silent switch of the software.if u dont find silent switch then repack the software with smart install maker!
  3. Use SetupComplete.cmd Script. Make a Script & named it as setupcomplete.cmd. Then Put This in Sources/$OEM$/$$/setup/scripts/setupcomplete.cmd(ur Script) & then when the windows finished installation or at ist logon it wil run! Thats it.
  4. Sorry for misunderstanding.! My Post was About " WINTOOLKIT TWEEKED OS IS NOT WORKING WHEN I TRIED TO INSTALL FROM HARDDISK" OK i m telling in more briefly.... I have Tweeked orginal windows 8 iso with wintookit. When i try the os to install from any bootable media like usb or Dvd it works too good. I found many tutorial on how to install windows 8 without Cd dvd or usb without upgrading.That means u can windows 8 without any bootable media & it wil format current install. SO u wil get all the features without Bootable media like fresh install in current drive. So i make a partition of 5gb & i copied All the installation files to the Partition. Then i make the drive bootable with bootsect which located in Sources/boot folder in windows 8 Dvd! Then i make the Partition Active By microsoft diskpart to boot from this drive at next reboot. Then i restart & its start installing os normally. After 20miniutes its finished installation but i was so Shocked cause i remove all metro app & 43 Tweek with wintoolkit but they r not applied. I was used wintoolkit & no Antivirus was running. SORRY FOR LATE REPLY CAUSE I WAS OFFLINE..
  5. How i ignored ? @ Kele, i have Answrd Ur Q...
  6. WinReducer Just a copy of a crap:-D it Doesn't able to Detect win8 Source! H0w it wil ctstomise The Os? For me WTK is THE best & if u want Extreme removal u Should use VLITE OLD BUT TOO GOOD !
  7. @@@ kele... I m So much Surprised & frustrated cauze WinToolkit Twkd os Works fine When i install in from Usb flash or As Side by Side Os but when Try To install it from Hdd as a fresh Install its just frustrate me! Cause i were removed All metro Appz & win Defender with win Toolkit but after install They r in My Program file! I just Surprised How Windows 8 install Them without Any Source file???
  8. Yap! AnyWays windows 8 is not much bad...its much faster than win7! As a Xample in win8 i have removed 52 Package within 10minits but in win7 it Take 1hour To Complete!!! Then Vlite Component removal is working Too Good! But my Qus is That Why win Toolkit is not Delete any file when i Select Natural languaze & Speech removal? SO WHAT i were bound To use Vlite! @@@ All The fnz in The forum,,, can U give me A way how To install windows 8 or 7 from hdd Drive As fresh install(not Side by Side) i know a way but its not Working when i Twkd the Os With Win Toolkit!
  9. Wintoolkit, it may not be a bug, it may be a limitation of Windows That u can't Twkd ur Os if u want to install it from hdd drive...but i have SurPrised h0w fool microsoft is;-D if i installed it from hdd As Side by Side Operating system All r works Properly or if i installed it from PENDRIVE IT ALSO WORKS GOOD... But when Try installing from hdd drive by Putting Os installation file & updating boot entry its not work! This is the Work what i have Done To Make a harddrive bootable::::: 1. Ist Copied installation file & Then make The Drive bootable by Modifying boot entry. 2. Then i Make The Partition Active by Microsoft Diskpart! Then restart & then install normaly! 3. I Like the way So much cause i dont Like 2 install it As Side by Side Operating System! Cause u can not format the main drive while installing! *** HY LEGOS2o, do u Give me A Suggeti0n why it Happend? *** | §§ | for All who want To Customized their windows 8, Please Dont Remove Tablet Pc Component Cause it wil break metro Ui | §§ |
  10. Hy Win Toolkit Developers! First of all I Want To Thank who have Create Such a great Tool! Ok nw Come To my Point. I have installed a Customized windows 8 which modified by win Toolkit & Vlite. THan i installed The Os from One of my internal hard driver by Using DiskPART & modifying boot ENTRY. Then everything Works fine, but After install i found windows Defender, All The Metro App in my Start Screen. But i were removed Them with win Toolkit. Then i also use win Toolkit All in One integrator to Tweak & Enable net framework legacy support but After install no Tweek & net framework Are in There. I mean no Tweek were Applied when i install os from hard drive. What The Porblem? Why Tweeking not applied After install?
  11. Ok fnz. I have installed windows 8 which is Twiked by Win Toolkit & vlite. EveryThing Works fine but when I Switch To Metro App or PerSonalise Screen Its Get Minimized & back To Start Screen! Whats The Porblem? I have removed Tablet Pc, windows Defender, winSxs, Speech Support, natural language, modem Driver. What U Think Which is Causing The Porblem?