Everything posted by clarkg888
Can't delete temp files!
Well, you could burn a bootable OS to DVD and boot from it to delete the files (assuming you have a DVD drive on your system). Something like Windows PE or a Linux Live. Clark.
- Registry import bug on Wintoolkit v1.5.4.8
- Choose how Windows can install updates.
Wintoolkit Problem
Hi symbios24, I used to run WinToolkit under XP. If you integrate KB2966583, all subsequent update integrations will fail. I had to put it in the Silent Installers section. In your case, the update integration is hanging, not failing so this is probably not the issue. I'm just tossing this out there. Clark.
any options for win7/8 upgrade to win10?
Well, Fred Langa wrote about trying to burn the Windows 10 .iso in the most recent edition of Windows Secrets (and getting the most hilarious error message ever ).
any options for win7/8 upgrade to win10?
It is not clear at this point, but I think that after upgrading from 7/8 to 10, you get some kind of product key that allows doing a clean install after that on the same hardware using Win10 install media. clark.
[SOLVED] Explorer-Tweaks by .reg-file
Also, once you've determined the changes for one user using way 1 or 2, you can create a .reg file that sets the appropriate keys in the default user tree: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT and add this .reg to your tweaks in WinToolkit. Then those settings will be applied to all new users created on the newly install system.
[req] remove win 10 upgrade nag screen
This was added with KB3035583, so just don't integrate that update. Simple as that. Well, maybe not THAT simple. You probably need to turn off Automatic updates so that it doesn't get automatically installed later, and to hide the update. I don't know how you'd hide an update with WinToolkit, probably could use a .reg file. Clark.
Windows update problem
WHDownloader only includes the update and hotfixes that result in the most up-to-date version of each file. That means that if a hotfix's files supersede (are newer than) those in a normal previous security update, the security update isn't downloaded. However, Windows Update logic sometimes still asks for the security update. It most cases, it isn't the full update, just a skeleton (you can tell by the size of the update in windows Update). What I and some others do is: 1. Note which updates Windows Updates wants to install that are not in WHD. 2. Download these manually and put in a WU_Satisfy folder. (updates required to 'satisfy Windows Update'). 3. Re-run Wintoolkit, but integrate the WU_Satisfy folder first.
runonce installers
Hi butos, I also add a custom $OEM$ with a setupcomplete.cmd to my Windows 7 iso after Wintoolkit processing to run the SAD3 driver installer. I haven't tested with the latest, but the Runonce installation worked fine worked fine with Clark.
- AIO Integrator - Tweaks section (wintoolkit 1.5.x)
- AIO Integrator - Tweaks section (wintoolkit 1.5.x)
Adobe Flash Player - v16.0.0.305
Still has on the distribution web site: http://www.adobe.com/ca/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html and from http://get.adobe.com/ca/flashplayer/just now.
Update Integration to Win 7 x64
Hello, Which iso image are you using to start with? For example, I am using the Win7 SP1 x64 Ultimate iso. The image contains Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate. You have to select all the images you want to integrate. I only use Ultimate, so I just integrate to Ultimate. If I then install from that integrated iso, and picked Professional instead of Ultimate, I will see what your are seeing: no updates were integrated. Check which image you are integrating to. clark.
Why is IE11 Smartscreen turned off after integration?
Hmm, Smartscreen is turned on in my custom Win7 X64 wintoolkit-created install. But I've got a bunch of IE customizations through .reg files I add, but nothing related to Smartscreen (as far as I know).
WinToolkit does not work!
I got that error when I tried to create the ISO when the ISO was still opened by VMWare Player in the VM I still had running. Another possible source of this error. Clark.
WTK fails sfc /scannow
Hi pennsylvaniaron, Regarding the difference between WHDownloader and WUD. WHDownloader downloads all Windows updates *and* hotfixes not supplied by Windows Update. WUD just does Windows Updates. Also, if you download everything in the WHDownloader list, you definitely do *NOT* want to integrate all of them. For example, for Windows 7, you can download updates for IE9 and IE10 if you choose to update to those instead of IE11. But if you're updating to IE11, you don't want to integrate the IE9 and IE10 stuff. Also, you can't integrate the stuff in the Additional\_NotAllowedOffline folder. Clark.
Now I'm not sure which I downloaded to the VM... Anyway, today I'm getting a good download to my main computer from the main page. This was after Wincert came back up: I was getting notices this morning that wincert was moving and unavailable. Perhaps the move fixed it? Clark.
I agree with JGToy. Downloading test builds directly from the Latest builds link works fine. The links on the page go directly to the file. For example: WinToolkit_1.5.3.2_Portable.7z 3.42MB Wednesday 29th October 2014 3:36pm However, when the test builds get removed from the page, a link to the official download page at http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/file/5-win-toolkit/ is put there instead. When we click on the Download button on that page, I go to a url like this: http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/go/975c2b37e45c810580a7252bba3fd8ce/win-toolkit The portable Download button on that page links to http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/get/975c2b37e45c810580a7252bba3fd8ce/2243-WinToolkit_1.5.2.16_Portable.7z This is where I get the corrupt download. I always get a corrupt download on my main Windows XP machine. I just tried on a Windows 7 VM on that same machine and it downloaded correctly! There is some weird interaction between wincert and my machine. Clark.
That's the thing: this is only affecting some of us. I've repeatedly downloaded the file to my computer and got the corrupt file with size 3,587,833 bytes. When I download on my work computer at work, I get the valid file with size 3,587,798 bytes: 35 extra bytes. I'm not seeing this issue with any other site. I tried turning off my AV (NOD32 version 8) and connecting through a VPN tunnel: made no difference. I'm going to try another computer at home and report back. We saw the same thing with WinToolkit_1.5.2.13_Portable.7z. I compared the bad download I got with the version that another member made available that was known good. My bad version had 35 extra bytes: 10 bytes inserted at location 35c000h, 10 bytes at 35d000h and 15 bytes tacked on the end. Very strange...
I am seeing the same. Seems like wincert.net is delivering a corrupted version of this to some of us. clark.
[Solved] Error! Collection was modified
I've done an integration with without seeing this error, so you can mark it solved. Thanks! Clark.
UpdateCache Test
There seems to be a small bug with this. When I load the attached preset with UpdateCache.db in the same folder as Wintookit.exe, the RSAT package Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg.msu doesn't get loaded. I am integrating Windows 7 64 bit. When I remove UpdateCache.db, it loads fine. This is with WinToolkit running under Windows XP. There is no error message when loading from the preset, or adding via "Add Updates + Subfolders" options. When I add that one update via "Add Updates", I get this error message: Thanks, Clark. x64 20141023 1.ini
UpdateCache Test
On my creeky old WinXP system with 535 updates (611 preset items): without db: 2 minutes 37 seconds with db: 18 seconds awesome!
[Solved] Error! Collection was modified
Well, I've done several more runs and the solution is still elusive. I am now getting the errors when using version when I wasn't before. I've run WinToolkit on my son's computer running Windows 7 SP1 64 bit with 6GB RAM and same CPU: AMD Athlon dual core 5200+. The extracted source iso with install.wim, updates and source files are read from my computer through a mapped network drive. It works fine without error. My computer 6GB as well, but XP only sees 3GB. Perhaps it needs more? I tried running on a Windows 7 64 bit virtual machine with only 1GB RAM and it got the error fairly early in the integration. So, looks like I'll need to use my son's computer for WinToolkit until I've upgraded mine to Win7 (finally!). Clark.