Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0
Sorry for my first post I´m a new user. I only have to rephrase the question a little. When I have a Windows 8 AIO with images .wim of 32 and 64 together, where the installation sources for netfx3 are in a SxS folder in 32bits only and try to preinstall netfx3 in the iso installer of 32bits, for 64-bit images .wim, using the option: Enable Legacy . NET Framework. WinToolkit150-1_Test38 do not detect any error that the sources that I use are in 32 bits and not in 64-bit, of course nothing is installed. Perhaps if I have internet connection and you don't use the /Limit Access option, dism download the correct installer of windows update, but I don't know if you use. Would my comment now conveniently located? Greetings.
Windows 8 AIO x86+x64 netfx3 source conflict.
Maybe you can only do this if you change the manifest files to install .Net. I seen that moving the sources folder sxs only outside the disk some have been installed, so I assume that a part of the solution must be in the folders replacementmanifests end dlmanifests, but also in the SxS folder itself. I don´t know the operation of the tool dism completely. Therefore I don´t know what the specific files that indicate the route, to alter them and put the conditional installation in selft, for find the resource to instal in diferent location. If anyone knows anything about this and wants to share, would be greatly appreciated.
Windows 8 AIO x86+x64 netfx3 source conflict.
I would like to know the possibility count on a new tool. The ISO of Windows 8, bring in your source folder sxs, the "sources" to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename: NetFX3 /All /source:X:\source\sxs /LimitAccess When using All-In-One Integrator, mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx.Could you create a merge of .Net x86 and x64 in the same folder sxs and not repeat the same files compared bit a bit?I programmed a script to know what are those files that are different, but they are in the same location on both architectures, however today brings running and still gives no results. May be useful I leave here. Note: The script now has two versions. A comparison using the comp tool, which is much faster and another uses the fc tool that is slower. Both tools are distributed by Microsft. I have fixed existing bugs in the first script called script and was delete. Thank you very much for everything you've done. Tests-Duplicate.zip
Repack installer request?
Hi, this is not really a repackaging, but I think it is extremely important. When you make a Windows 8 AIO(x86 + x64), the sources. Net Frameworks , bring in the source folder sources\ssx to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like: dism / online / enable-feature / featurename: NetFX3 / All / source: X \ source \ ssx / LimitAccess You can mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx3. Could you create a merge of .Net x86 and x64 in the same folder and not repeat the same files compared bit a bit? I programmed a script to know what are those files that are different, but they are in the same location on both architectures, however today brings running and still gives no results. May be useful I leave here. echo off SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION cls echo Mezclando los fuentes de netfx3 de %1 con %2 y guardandolas en %3 set soureFolder=%1 set resulFolder=%2 set newStFolder=%3 set countS=0 call:CountString %2 set countSource=%countS% echo CountSource %countSource% cd /D%2 for /D /R %%f in (".") do ( set currFolder=%%f set "currFolder=!currFolder:~0,-4!" echo Current !currFolder! set countS=0 call:CountString !currFolder! set /a countS=!countSource!-!countS! set "currFolder=!currFolder:~%countSource%,%countS%!" set soureFolder=%1!currFolder! set resulFolder=%2!currFolder! set newStFolder=%3!currFolder! echo SoureFolder !soureFolder! echo ResulFolder !resulFolder! echo NewStFolder !newStFolder! call:MergeFiles !soureFolder! !resulFolder! !newStFolder! cd %%f ) echo.&pause&goto:eof ::-------------------------------------------------------- ::-- Function section starts below here ::-------------------------------------------------------- :CountString set string=%~1 set count=0 :loopCountString if "!string!" EQU "" goto endloopCountString set /a count=!count!+1 set "string=%string:~0,-1%" goto loopCountString :endloopCountString set countS=!count! goto:eof :MergeFiles cd /D%~1 for %%f in (*.*) do ( if NOT "%%f"=="install.wim" call:copyFileMerge %%f, %~1, %~2, %~3 ) goto:eof :copyFileMerge if EXIST "%~3\%~1" ( echo Buscando coencidencias para el archivo %~1. Puede demorar.... for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('fc /A "%~2\%~1" "%~3\%~1"') do ( set "v=%%a" ) set var=!v:~4,2! if "!var!" EQU "no" ( echo Los archivos %~1 de ambos origenes coenciden. echo 0 archivos copiados. ) else ( echo Los archivos %~1 de ambos origenes no coenciden. if NOT EXIST "%~4" md "%~4" copy "%~2\%~1" "%~4\%~1" ) ) else ( echo El archivo %~1 no se encuentra en uno de los origenes. if NOT EXIST "%~4" md "%~4" copy "%~2\%~1" "%~4\%~1" ) goto:eof Example to run: ./extractDiferenteFile.bat D:\Windows-8-All-Update\Origin-IAO D:\Windows-8-All-Update\Win-EnterPrise-X64 D:\Windows-8-All-Update\MergeTest thks.
Bye Bye v1.4.0, Hello v1.5.0
Hi, your program is really good, I would like to know the possibility that for the next official version, you can count on a new tool. The ISO of Windows 8, bring in your source folder \ ssx the "sources" to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like: dism / online / enable-feature / featurename: NetFX3 / All / source: X \ source \ ssx / LimitAccess When using All-In-One Integrator, mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx. Could you create a new tool to do this? Thank you very much for everything you've done.