I would like to know the possibility count on a new tool.
The ISO of Windows 8, bring in your source folder sxs, the "sources" to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like:
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename: NetFX3 /All /source:X:\source\sxs /LimitAccess
When using All-In-One Integrator, mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx.Could you create a merge of .Net x86 and x64 in the same folder sxs and not repeat the same files compared bit a bit?I programmed a script to know what are those files that are different, but they are in the same location on both architectures, however today brings running and still gives no results. May be useful I leave here.
Note: The script now has two versions. A comparison using the comp tool, which is much faster and another uses the fc tool that is slower. Both tools are distributed by Microsft. I have fixed existing bugs in the first script called script and was delete.
Thank you very much for everything you've done.