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  1. Has made!!! I have copied files from Alky for Applications in old version SideBar Vista 5744 v 2.2 and WiFi began to work. Has still disconnected the utility of management WiFi.
  2. Has understood!!!.. For correct work it is necessary .Net Framework 2.0. Only does not show Upload the traffic.
  3. For me do not work Gadgets: Internet GPRS Traffic, Network Utilization and Network Traffic 1.3. They do not define Network Interface. And Gadget... Net Activity and Net Monitor - works normally. Something can at me is not filled? Excuse for bad English...
  4. Problem!!! Gadget WiFi does not work... Does not display a level of a signal and writes Disconect. Fix KB918997 and KB940541 - are established. A file wlanutil.dll I can not find. If it to establish it will help? How to correct this problem? Gadget NetWork Traffik 1.3 too does not work. In adjustments there are no interfaces. At me the satellite Internet.