Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
Thanks for the quick reply bphlpt. I updated my IE browser to the latest version and now it's working fine for me. Regards and thanks again.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
Hi, Trying for a couple of days now to download this file (.Net 4.5.1 addon) but all I'm getting is 'Public file Busy'. Any suggestions? Do I have to become a premium member on that hosting site? Regards, Gideon.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Looks like AbandonWare, Not a priority for the creator and maintainer. I direct anyone who's interested to the Addon by abbodi1406. It's a WA file, very much up to date and works flawlessly.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
OK Mooms, Thanks. My previous experiences with Add-ons was with .CAB files being added on the 'updates & languages' tab. Working with the .WA file now and it looks good. Thanks again for the quick reply, Gideon.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
Perhaps I'm a little thick but what is a 'WA' file? I downloaded one of the files and It does not show up for me in Win Toolkit. What am I missing here? Best regards, Gideon.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Hi, I downloaded the latest .NET Framework 4.5 by Reaper dating Feb. 2013 and the following updates are not inluded in the Addon and are requested by Win7: NDP45-kb2804582 NDP45-kb2805221 NDP45-kb2805226 NDP45-kb2833957 NDP45-kb2840642 Will the Addon be updated to reflect the latest patches? Thanks, Gideon.
[Solved]Win Toolkit unusable for me
Thanks for your help, splinterededge. "Ingegrating it from the silent installers" was the the key to getting this going. It wasn't just .net framework 4.5, I just gave this as an example. All the exe's (with the exception of IE10 for Win7) would not integrate through the 'Updates + Languages'. Using the silent installers I was able to integrate everything I needed. Thanks a lot, Gideon.
[SOLVED] editing title of posts
Thanks, bphlpt. You da man.
[SOLVED] editing title of posts
Hi all, I see a lot of posts with this word preceding the title: [sOLVED]. How do I add [sOLVED] to the title of my posts? Thanks, Gideon.
[Solved]Win Toolkit unusable for me
Hi all, Using the stable version of Win Toolkit ( and also the latest version ( I can't load any executables into the tool, using the All-in-one Integrator (Updates and Languages). .Net framework 4.5 or kb890830 are just 2 examples. The only one that loads OK is IE 10 for Win 7. Error message is: This does not seem to be Internet Explorer 9 or the latest Windows XP mode. (Screen capture attached). I'm stumped, Any ideas?
[SOLVED] Howto unattend (edition, destination) - add domain join
Greetz X23, just saw this post. Still interested in a solution?
- [Addon] Java Runtime Environment 6.0 / 7.0 x86/x64
[Addon] Microsoft .NET Framework AIO ROE x86 - 20131008
This to inform the 2 posters preceding this one that the latest .NET Framework AIO is available from the same author at Ryanvm.net http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=7 It's about the 8th item from the top. As of today, the latest is 11/27/2012.
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