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Everything posted by Chac.a.l

  1. One question... (i've searched using the "Find" tool of firefox to detect... hehe but no answer!) Can this addon (with some .inf edit maybe) be executed/install mce on WPI? Sorry if this has been already talked!
  2. For those that have SP3... are KB938127 and KB947864 needed to be integrated too? I've searched on microsoft update site and did'nt get no info about which stuff was fixed on IE7 that they released on 5/6/2008... hope you can help me... EDIT: ok... i've seen that the KB947864 need to be intalled even after SP3... but then i've got another question... microsft say that this fix is for SP2 and SP3... but do they mean SP3 5512 or for the other SP3 (not final) because they didn't really released the sp3 5512 to the publiv, just for IT professional's...
  3. Here's mine... just to see if you like it!
  4. Hum... ok! I'll try! Thanks a lot for your atention! You have been doing a great job! Congrats!
  5. Ok.. i had seen that post before...and because the question was mentioned for vista i didn't tried the solution of that post... I got to work around your post, where you say: So what i did was, extract my addon (a theme addon made by gorki, that contains *.inf *ini and the *.cab) to the i386 folder that i've made inside of Install (WPI/Install/i386) I've edited the *.inf under [DefalutInstall] deleted what ever was under there and pasted this: rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection "%wpipath%\Install\i386\IllumeCG.inf",,1 Then went to the wpi config, on the Command 1 what i did (and not certain that's well) was put the link like this: "%wpipath%\Install\i386\IllumeCG.inf" Is this correct? I don't think so... because i've done the .iso of this xp after and installed on VirtualPC, then it loaded automaticaly the WPI, and clicked to install the theme... but then what it does is open the *.inf and nothing more, it doesn't actualy install anything. Could you tell me what's the problem? I may be in the config of wpi, i should link the .cab and not the .inf?? Thank for you attention!
  6. yep! i've talked to Nuno and he told me that his not very much into wpi (of it's total funcionalities) and that he didin't knew... I've seen that post too... and it can fit as a explanation but it's more about Vista, because it seems that it doens't work very well with vista... Could you or kel explain to me how to "convert" this theme nlite addon of Gorki to a WPI "language"? The .ini ;Gorki [general] builddate=27/10/2007 description=IllumeCG Theme language=Multilanguage title=IllumeCG Themes version=0.99a website=http://spaceqcg.deviantart.com/art/IllumeCG-0-99a-65481358 [sysoc] IllumeCG Theme=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,IllumeCG.inf,HIDE,7 [dosnet_files] d1,IllumeCG.inf d1,IllumeCG.cab [txtsetup_files] IllumeCG.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 IllumeCG.cab = 100,,,,,,_x,,3,3 [i386_compress] rvmtemp\extracted\IllumeCG.inf [HexEdit] I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2180|113178|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2523|104714|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 I386\uxtheme.dll|6.0.2900.2845|104746|83EC1C568D4DE4|33C0C9C2040090 The .inf [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =Theme.Files,IllumeCG.MsStyle,Shell.Normal,Shell.Gray,Wall.Files [IllumeCG Theme] OptionDesc =IllumeCG" Tip ="Theme" Modes =0,1,2,3 CopyFiles =Theme.Files,IllumeCG.MsStyle,Shell.Normal,Shell.Gray,Wall.Files [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="IllumeCG Theme Files","IllumeCG.cab",,"i386" [DestinationDirs] Theme.Files =10,%THEME% IllumeCG.MsStyle=10,%COMSST% Shell.Normal =10,%NO% Shell.Gray =10,%GR% Wall.Files =10,%WALL% [SourceDisksFiles] Gray_ss.dll =1 NormalColor_ss.dll=1 IllumeCG.msstyles =1 IllumeCG.Theme =1 Vineyard.jpg =1 [Theme.Files] IllumeCG.Theme [IllumeCG.MsStyle] IllumeCG.msstyles [Shell.Normal] Shellstyle.dll,NormalColor_ss.dll [Shell.Gray] Shellstyle.dll,Gray_ss.dll [Wall.Files] Vineyard.jpg [Strings] THEME="Resources\Themes" COMSST="Resources\Themes\IllumeCG" NO="Resources\Themes\IllumeCG\Shell\NormalColor" GR="Resources\Themes\IllumeCG\Shell\Gray" WALL="Web\Wallpaper" Inside of the .cab are the files: Gray_ss.dll IllumeCG.msstyles IllumeCG.Theme NormalColor_ss.dll Vineyard.jpg All these 3 files (.ini , .inf and .cab) are compressed by .rar that serves as addon for nlite... can someone help me?
  7. Hi!! Could some tell me how to use my cab addons previously for nlite but now i see a great option using WPI, i've used a tool that is for this meaning (addons2wpi by Nuno) but it seems not doing in a correct way. I'd like all to know if WPI can "install" for example theme addons, and other stuff that ain't just "simple" .exe or .msi... Thank you! (i've searched about this, and went to the official site of wpi, but as i'm a newbie, i have some dificulty to understand )
  8. hum... ok then! thanks! sorry very newbie this side Gonna tried that way then!
  9. Hi! thank you for the great work! I've chenged the dummy key with my valid key (valid)! then i've tried to install (using the inf.) and it went well but it ain't get valid, it splashes as the trial version and asks to buy it... again Does anyone had this "problem"?