My Desktop Wallpaper : Aurora by Adni18 Sidebar : DS (Desktop Sidebar program) DS skin : my skin Vista Ultimate, with gadgets of my own current weather: the panel retrieve the PNG from the Rainmeter "weather image provider" that I made flash digital flip clock: running in the Flash Player panel RSS news ticker: skin I made for an external application and captured by a panel in the sidebar (I add the WinCert news ) I completely hide the taskbar with an application, and if the cursor hit the bottom of the screen, but still moving, the taskbar will not pop-up if I need the start menu I just click on the "Windows" icon in the sidebar! Applications launcher : Rainmeter (graphics from the AveDesk curved bar by Thewer <for personal use>) add features that I want on it like the system Uptime and the recycle bin icon ("left click" to access the folder or "right click" to empty it with no window pop-up or question ask) when I close the bar it become a single desktop icon the desktop icons also run under Rainmeter and add features like sounds or like for example the project folder, in one click it will open the Rainmeter skin folder,the skin .ini file and launch Paint.Net Scrat