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  1. Some information on the tweak file Bagregkeys_MakeReadOnly.bat - this is a great tweak to minimize hard disk writes made by Explorer. I found out about this after using Sysinternals Process Monitor to see Registry writes. I found lots of writes to Shell\Bags and Shell\BagMRU and found the below thread on making this registry key read-only. However, applying this tweak may cause you to lose your Folder View settings in Explorer and desktop icon positions (if you customize these). I recommend using an alternative file manager such as xyplorer. Search Google for "Shell Bags Windows" for more information. http://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/lastactivityview-reveals-too-much.341796/page-4
  2. These are various registry scripts for Windows 7 to tweak and speed up / optimize by removing unneeded features. Contains: Bagregkeys_MakeReadOnly.bat =Master Commands Batch.bat =power options reset.bat =Tasks Delete.bat AppCompat.reg Autoplay - Disable Autorun.reg Chrome - SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning.reg Command Prompt.reg ContextMenu and Properties Windows - Remove Previous Versions Option and Tab.reg ContextMenu Remove Include in library.reg ContextMenu Remove Run As Administrator.reg ContextMenu Remove SendTo.reg ContextMenu Remove Share With.reg ContextMenu Remove Troubleshoot Compatibility.reg Control Panel - User Accounts 2.reg Device Manager Show NonPresent Devices.reg DiskQuota.reg Explorer Dont Track Broken Shortcuts.reg Explorer Hide Shared Documents.reg Explorer Left Tree and Save As Dialog - Remove Network.reg Explorer Misc.reg Explorer Open With - Always use the selected program.reg Filesystem.reg HomeGroup.reg Internet Explorer.reg Internet Options - Automatically detect intranet network.reg IO System CountOperations.reg Keyboard.reg LNK - Disable Shortcut Text.reg Logging WinEvt.reg Logon - OptimalLayout BootOptimizeFunction.reg Memory Management - Disable kernel paging.reg Network and Sharing Center.reg Network IPv6 disable.reg Network Location Awareness - EnableNoGatewayLocationDetection.reg Performance Counters.reg Performance Monitor - Data Collector Sets.reg Personalization - Desktop Background Black.reg Personalization - Desktop Icons.reg Prefetch Superfetch.reg PropertySheet Remove Customize Tab.reg PsExec EULA Accept.reg Regional and Language - Change ShortDate Format to yyyy-mm-dd.reg Reliability TimeStampInterval.reg Remote Assistance.reg Server service - filesystem cache for filesharing minimize.reg Sound - Play Windows Startup Sound Disable.reg Startup Shutdown Verbose.reg System - Crash Dump Disabled.reg System - Visual Effects.reg SystemFileAssociations remove.reg Taskbar and Start Menu Cleanup.reg Telemetry.reg USB Polling Interval.reg VirtalBox Disable Logging Env Vars.reg WBEM EnableEvents.reg Window Metrics.reg Windows Media Player.reg WinMerge.reg WinRAR.reg Zone Checking For Files.reg Desktop and Shutdown.reg Disable automatic updates.reg Disable Recent Programs.reg Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links.reg Disable UAC notify.reg Disable User Account Control UAC.reg Disable Web Services.reg Disable window animations on minimize maximize.reg Dont mark new applications.reg Services Background Intelligent Transfer Service.reg Base Filtering Engine, IKEEXT, IPsec PolicyAgent.reg BITS.reg Certificate Propagation.reg Computer Browser.reg Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.reg Diagnostics.reg Distributed Link Tracking Client.reg Function Discovery Provider Host.reg Function Discovery Resource Publication.reg IP Helper (needed for IPv6).reg Multimedia Class Scheduler.reg Offline Files.reg Protected Storage.reg Remote Desktop.reg System Event Notification Service.reg Themes.reg Windows Defender.reg Windows Firewall.reg Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Windows Search.reg Windows Update.reg
    • Version 1.2.1
    These are various registry scripts for Windows 7 to tweak and speed up / optimize by removing unneeded features. Contains: Bagregkeys_MakeReadOnly.bat =Master Commands Batch.bat =power options reset.bat =Tasks Delete.bat AppCompat.reg Autoplay - Disable Autorun.reg Chrome - SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning.reg Command Prompt.reg ContextMenu and Properties Windows - Remove Previous Versions Option and Tab.reg ContextMenu Remove Include in library.reg ContextMenu Remove Run As Administrator.reg ContextMenu Remove SendTo.reg ContextMenu Remove Share With.reg ContextMenu Remove Troubleshoot Compatibility.reg Control Panel - User Accounts 2.reg Device Manager Show NonPresent Devices.reg DiskQuota.reg Explorer Dont Track Broken Shortcuts.reg Explorer Hide Shared Documents.reg Explorer Left Tree and Save As Dialog - Remove Network.reg Explorer Misc.reg Explorer Open With - Always use the selected program.reg Filesystem.reg HomeGroup.reg Internet Explorer.reg Internet Options - Automatically detect intranet network.reg IO System CountOperations.reg Keyboard.reg LNK - Disable Shortcut Text.reg Logging WinEvt.reg Logon - OptimalLayout BootOptimizeFunction.reg Memory Management - Disable kernel paging.reg Network and Sharing Center.reg Network IPv6 disable.reg Network Location Awareness - EnableNoGatewayLocationDetection.reg Performance Counters.reg Performance Monitor - Data Collector Sets.reg Personalization - Desktop Background Black.reg Personalization - Desktop Icons.reg Prefetch Superfetch.reg PropertySheet Remove Customize Tab.reg PsExec EULA Accept.reg Regional and Language - Change ShortDate Format to yyyy-mm-dd.reg Reliability TimeStampInterval.reg Remote Assistance.reg Server service - filesystem cache for filesharing minimize.reg Sound - Play Windows Startup Sound Disable.reg Startup Shutdown Verbose.reg System - Crash Dump Disabled.reg System - Visual Effects.reg SystemFileAssociations remove.reg Taskbar and Start Menu Cleanup.reg Telemetry.reg USB Polling Interval.reg VirtalBox Disable Logging Env Vars.reg WBEM EnableEvents.reg Window Metrics.reg Windows Media Player.reg WinMerge.reg WinRAR.reg Zone Checking For Files.reg Desktop and Shutdown.reg Disable automatic updates.reg Disable Recent Programs.reg Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links.reg Disable UAC notify.reg Disable User Account Control UAC.reg Disable Web Services.reg Disable window animations on minimize maximize.reg Dont mark new applications.reg Services Background Intelligent Transfer Service.reg Base Filtering Engine, IKEEXT, IPsec PolicyAgent.reg BITS.reg Certificate Propagation.reg Computer Browser.reg Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.reg Diagnostics.reg Distributed Link Tracking Client.reg Function Discovery Provider Host.reg Function Discovery Resource Publication.reg IP Helper (needed for IPv6).reg Multimedia Class Scheduler.reg Offline Files.reg Protected Storage.reg Remote Desktop.reg System Event Notification Service.reg Themes.reg Windows Defender.reg Windows Firewall.reg Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Windows Search.reg Windows Update.reg
  3. Registry Scripts Windows 7 robertcollier4 View File These are various registry scripts for Windows 7 to tweak and speed up / optimize by removing unneeded features. Submitter robertcollier4 Submitted 10/15/2024 Category WinKit Addons  
    File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Add for Windows XP File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) enables you to protect volumes from write operations. FBWF intercepts writes and redirects them to a different storage location called an overlay which enables stateless operation, or creating a protected OS image. By protecting volumes from writes, FBWF also reduces the wear of flash media. By default, FBWF uses only RAM overlay, which discards all changes on reboot. You can also use the Selective Commit option, which lets you specify the files or file changes that you want to commit to disk. With the Selective Commit option, you can preserve the changes you choose between reboots and then discard the rest. You can also use FBWF to perform dynamic protection, add and remove volumes at runtime, and to preserve and reclaim memory in the overlay. One feature of FBWF is intelligent filtering, which lets you specify files and folders to be persisted, while protecting the rest of the volume. Therefore, you can persist changes to a file, such as the antivirus signature file, or to a directory, such as the user’s Documents and Settings folder within the protected volume. The list of files and folders to persist is called a write through or exclusion list. On the other hand, FBWF lacks support for File System specific features such as NTFS file encryption, hard link, and quota. Additionally, FBWF's commit functionality is considered limited as it commits only individual files, not allowing the commit of entire directory content, or new directories, or deleted files. You can use the command prompt utility FBWF Manager (Fbwfmgr.exe) to perform run-time configuration tasks such as enabling or disabling the filter; adding or removing volumes; adding or removing files and folders to the exclusion list; committing or restoring files; setting and updating the configuration; and more. Fbwfmgr.exe also reports configuration and usage status. You can use either of the two write filters: the Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) or the FBWF. FBWF is usually a better choice because FBWF operates at the file level while EWF operates at the sector level. FBWF Manager provides many options and configuration tasks that do not exist in EWF Manager, such as changing allocation mode and adding volumes. For more information see FBWF and EWF. For more information see: http://geekswithblogs.net/WallabyFan/archive/2008/12/24/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-fbwf-but-were-afraid.aspx
    • Version 20131008
    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 3.0 3.5 Family Addon - user_hidden 20131008 (for Windows XP) includes: dotNet Framework 2.0 SP2 KB958481 - Application Compatibility Update KB976569 - Update for the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 forward compatibility KB976576 - Rollup Update KB976765 - ASP.NET update KB980773 - NCL update KB2604092 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2729450 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2742596 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege KB2789643 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege KB2833940 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2836941v2 - Compatibility and Reliability Update KB2844285v2 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2863239 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Spoofing dotNet Framework 3.0 SP2 KB958483 - Application Compatibility Update KB976570 - Forward Comptibility Update KB976769 - WCF update KB977354 - This update will disable the Web Browser ActiveX control (WebOC) when running WPF XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs) in the Firefox browser in partial trust KB2756918 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege KB2832411 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2861189 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution dotNet Framework 3.5 SP1 KB953595 - The Visual Basic compiler (Vbc.exe) may use 100 percent of the CPU resources when you build a .NET Framework 3.5-based application that has many assemblies and references KB958484 - Application Compatibility Update KB960043 - Dual Branch Servicing KB963707 - Framework Assistant 1.0 for Firefox KB982306 - ADO.NET Data Services Update KB2604111 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2736416 - Vulnerability in Open Data Protocol Could Allow Denial of Service KB2836940 - Compatibility and Reliability Update KB2840629 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution KB2861697 - Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution Other Updates KB951847 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Service Pack 1 KB959209 = KB958481 + KB958483 + KB958484 KB971276 - You receive incorrect print output if the IPrintPipelineProgressReport interface is used in your printing application note: WIC and MSXML6 have been removed from the installer but is of no issue as they are included in Windows XP SP3. OS: Windows XP SP3 (x86) Size: 34.3 MB =================================== You can either integrate as addon to install after setup at first boot at RunOnceEx or install on live system at any time. Pre-integrate Into Install Media - Addon for RVMi 1.6 or higher. Integrate this addon to run the installer at RunOnceEX. There will be progress boxes but NO user interaction is required. Passive mode is used since setup takes a while, this way you will know where you are in the setup process. Final installation will take place after OOBE and before Personalized settings occur. Live system installer - expand instructions Run at command-line: 1. expand net35.ex_ net35.exe 2. expand net35.in_ net35.ini 3. Run net35.exe to install on live system If you unpack the Addon to get access to the multimode installer you'll have access to the following switches: -ai = Silent -ai1 = Passive /h = displays help
  4. If you want to make other reg files into nLite addons to pre-integrate use OnePiece Reg2Inf - https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9409-tool-dx-tool-x86x64/?tab=comments#comment-121332 Open up the INF file created with Reg2Inf and insert the INF entrys below [registry_addreg] into the template like the above file. https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/7560-please-help-how-to-make-a-addon-that-will-apply-registry-tweaks-before-windows-starts/ https://www.nliteos.com/addons/index.html#registry_addreg
  5. You can make a nLite addon for this to insert the registry entry into install media registry. 1. Make a file called Entries_POSReady.ini and put in the following contents ;======================================= ; Entries_POSReady nLite Addon Registry Keys ;======================================= [general] builddate=2019/11/10 description=Entries_POSReady language=English title=Entries_POSReady version=1.0 website= [registry_addreg] HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WindowsEmbedded\ProductVersion", "FeaturePackVersion", 0x0, "SP3" HKLM, "SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady", "Installed", 0x10001, 0x1 2. Zip the file into POSReady_Regtweaks.zip 3. Add the zip file as addon into nLite
    • Version 4.7.2
    Install Instructions 1. Make sure to have Windows Update service enabled during install. (can disable it after install again). 2. For Windows 7, update KB4019990 is required to be installed before: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/F/4/2F4F48F4-D980-43AA-906A-8FFF40BCB832/Windows6.1-KB4019990-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/F/4/2F4F48F4-D980-43AA-906A-8FFF40BCB832/Windows6.1-KB4019990-x64.msu 3. Install this Repack .NET 4.7.2 Slim - without the installer junk - installs directly without leaving behind installer files. dotNetFx472_Slim_x86_x64(ricktendo2018-05-01).exe Alternative Mirror Download https://www.mirrored.to/files/K4VQX3HM/NET_Framework_4.7.2_Slim_x86x64_(5-1-2018).exe_links
  6. Integrate this file as addon with nLite into installation source Windows XP SP3 x86. Then install Windows. This allows x86 RAM to go to 128GB. From Dibya ================================================================================= # Special thanks to 5eraph and Ramsey (admin of zone54) #Special thanks to My close friends BHlPT, Dencorso , FranceBB , GreenhillManiac , 5eraph , neverseen , tomy , Samuka # thanks a whole lot to user_hidden for update pack # thank a whole lot to harkaz for SP4 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file contains a list of all entries that need to be added to various Windows # Thanks a lot to all guys/gals of zone62,msfn,driverpackforum, ryanvm forum,wincert,overclocker. # Greatest respect and thanks to nuhi for nlite and Ryan ,Signet for RVMi =================================================================================== fixed bugs regarding XP drivers :: *Hid Parsing Library info will be updated soon To get this patch work put /PAE in boot.ini Windows_XP_128GB_double_pae_addon_final_byDibya.7z --------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Mirror: https://www.mirrored.to/files/EWEVP0ZF/Windows_XP_128GB_double_pae_addon_final_byDibya.7z_links
    • Version 1.0.0
    Integrate this file as addon with nLite into installation source Windows XP SP3 x86. Then install Windows. This allows x86 RAM to go to 128GB. From Dibya ================================================================================= # Special thanks to 5eraph and Ramsey (admin of zone54) #Special thanks to My close friends BHlPT, Dencorso , FranceBB , GreenhillManiac , 5eraph , neverseen , tomy , Samuka # thanks a whole lot to user_hidden for update pack # thank a whole lot to harkaz for SP4 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file contains a list of all entries that need to be added to various Windows # Thanks a lot to all guys/gals of zone62,msfn,driverpackforum, ryanvm forum,wincert,overclocker. # Greatest respect and thanks to nuhi for nlite and Ryan ,Signet for RVMi =================================================================================== fixed bugs regarding XP drivers :: *Hid Parsing Library info will be updated soon To get this patch work put /PAE in boot.ini Windows_XP_128GB_double_pae_addon_final_byDibya.7z
  7. Remove 4GB RAM Limit of Windows XP x86 extend to PAE 128GB View File Integrate this file as addon with nLite into installation source Windows XP SP3 x86. Then install Windows. This allows x86 RAM to go to 128GB. From Dibya ================================================================================= # Special thanks to 5eraph and Ramsey (admin of zone54) #Special thanks to My close friends BHlPT, Dencorso , FranceBB , GreenhillManiac , 5eraph , neverseen , tomy , Samuka # thanks a whole lot to user_hidden for update pack # thank a whole lot to harkaz for SP4 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file contains a list of all entries that need to be added to various Windows # Thanks a lot to all guys/gals of zone62,msfn,driverpackforum, ryanvm forum,wincert,overclocker. # Greatest respect and thanks to nuhi for nlite and Ryan ,Signet for RVMi =================================================================================== fixed bugs regarding XP drivers :: *Hid Parsing Library info will be updated soon To get this patch work put /PAE in boot.ini Windows_XP_128GB_double_pae_addon_final_byDibya.7z Submitter robertcollier4 Submitted 10/24/2019 Category nLite/RVMi Addons
  8. Here is mirror of Ricktendo .NET 4.7.2 Slim https://www.mirrored.to/files/K4VQX3HM/NET_Framework_4.7.2_Slim_x86x64_(5-1-2018).exe_links For Windows 7 installation, see (to install NET-FW 4.7 on Windows 7 a patch has to be installed before 4.7: KB4019990. After installing KB4019990 no issues anymore):
  9. For those that have found this thread from search and are having problems in Win7 and above, I made a new less invasive reg script for this for Win7 attached. This is as a reg file instead since its easier to read. Youll need to do a find-replace as instructed in the file on your Browser path. Changes: This one is less invasive and doesnt replace the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT keys, but rather uses the new Win7 UserChoice entry method so that you can use Control Panel > Default Programs > Set your default programs > Choose defaults for this program to make them active at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.xxx\UserChoice StartMenuInternet FileAssociations Win7.reg
  10. I made a post commenting on this here: