Hey thanks, So lets say i downladed idm and integrated it without any modifying, thru AIO on silent installers tab , without giving the install switch , will idm get installed automatically at boot time ?? What is the function of silent installers tab anyway ?? Does it mean we dont need to click ' Next, Next...Finish ' ?? Actually i was cruising along AIO , I integrated win 7 updates and dell drivers without problem. But when i reached silent installers everything got confusing. I have a Dell 17R SE 7720 with 120gig SSD(currently running win 8.1 GPT Table) and 1TB HDD(Just Storage). I want to install Win 7(modified thru win toolkit) on SSD in UEFI mode but i cannot make a boot option in the bios because ntfs is not supported in my bios(Error: File System Not Found). Can you help me with that ?? I have a few more off topic questions like the above regarding Win Toolkit and uefi installation, Can i msg them to you ?? I know my queries are little clumsy and cluttered , but i'm a noobie and i learnt fast . :guitar: Please help a fellow win tool kit user out