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Everything posted by hngovr1

  1. the boot**.cmd's work fine. i still seem to be having an issue with the **krnl's....
  2. Thanks cro-man, heres a question, will that work if installed on a multi-processor machine, or do i need to edit the ntkrnlmp as well, and use FOR /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%A IN (\'REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS\') DO SET NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=%%A bootcfg /copy /D "Windows XP Professional" /ID 1 if %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%==2 goto DUAL REM ----For Single proc bootcfg /RAW "/Kernel=singkrnl.exe" /A /ID 2 goto End :DUAL REM ----For Multiprocess/Hyperthread proc bootcfg /RAW "/Kernel=dualkrnl.exe" /A /ID 2 :End bootcfg /Timeout 2 bootcfg /Default /ID 2 as a bootcmd?
  3. i'm still not having any luck guys... a few more pointers?
  4. i thought it was the palettes giving me probs. i corrected them in paintshop pro, but still no luck in direct integration, i'll try the oem approach again...
  5. i found this tutorial: http://www.thetechguide.com/howto/xpbootlogo/ it seems more recent than most gonna give that a shot....
  6. thanks man, i appericate the advice. yeah, i can get the $oem$ "workaround" to work, direct replacement has been a disaster everytime. what prog would you suggest for editing ntkrnlmp? the only one i can i get to open it is reshack.... oh, and is importing the palate info nessecery?
  7. so, i'm trying to make a custom bootscreen. resource hacker - no go. boot editor seems to work, but wont ever produce a finished **krnl**.exe file. bootlogo made a great one that seemed to work, but it crashes installation at T-34. even after i replaced the one in sp2.cab. and none of these will let me edit ntkrnlmp. anybody got any tips for me? or maybe a current tutorial with a prog that works?
  8. hngovr1 replied to cro-man's post in a topic in Windows Customization
    could somebody make an addon pack for these? that would be cool...