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  1. Like
    English updated
  2. Like
    Just removing the old runtimes breaks msp update, my hidemenu.js copies fine on win8.1 and works fine to hide the menu's
  3. Like
    Updated english
  4. Like
    Updated en-US and es-ES, other languages will be updated by request ONLY
  5. Like
    Adobe Reader XI 11.0.07 ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/11.x/11.0.07/
  6. Like
    This is my updated, lite installer with a few Adobe Customization Wizard tweaks from this tutorial by Aaron Parker
    Details: Integrated latest MSP update, old Visual C++ runtimes removed, also other stuff removed and made "Lite", recompiled MSI, applied custom MST tweaks (details bellow)
    English United States (en-US) Updated
    MD5: b67afb0cf53ab6bfe50db7dca4c55656
    Size: 54.3 MB
    German Germany (de-DE) Updated
    MD5: 21d78e42d4de9579474a68af54c5cf3c
    Size: 54.7 MB
    Spanish Spain (es-ES) Updated
    MD5: f98fd244b74adc30becd118e6d2f78e5
    Size: 54.7 MB
    French France (fr-FR) Updated
    MD5: 628c6bbaa9c9540fec8ce73c4dd75ed4
    Size: 54.7 MB
    Hungarian Hungary (hu-HU) Updated
    MD5: c94a243ed71a29b9bfba20ae7bc8af78
    Size: 54.7 MB
    Italian Italy (it-IT) (Mirror)
    MD5: ff1d6364469fc164ac18761afd84173a
    Size: 54.5 MB
    Polish Poland (pl-PL) Updated
    MD5: 89d69f6190a9b5cd1396c97965111249
    Size: 54.7 MB
    Portuguese Brazil (pt-BR) Updated
    MD5: 9b521f9b07b1440ac7352e765df7bf75
    Size: 54.7 MB
    Russian Russia (ru-RU) (Mirror)
    MD5: 84a70b1194ecac300042185f4914ce96
    Size: 54.5 MB
    Turkish Turkey (tr-TR) Updated
    MD5: 3d3f746bde2dab1f23e0bdd54ec75c4f
    Size: 54.7 MB
    CustWiz and other tweaks
    Hidden Menu Items

    //HideMenu.js // [File - Save As Other]app.hideMenuItem("SaveAsSubmenu"); // [File - Send File]app.hideMenuItem("Email"); // [Edit - Check Spelling]app.hideMenuItem("Spelling:Spelling"); // [Edit - Accessability]app.hideMenuItem("Accessibility"); // [View - Read Out Loud]app.hideMenuItem("ReadAloud"); // [Help - Online Support]app.hideMenuItem("OnlineSupport"); // [Help - Online Support - Knowledge Base]app.hideMenuItem("KnowledgeBase"); // [Help - Online Support - Adobe Support Programs]app.hideMenuItem("AdobeExpertSupport"); // [Help - Online Support - Adobe User Community]app.hideMenuItem("AdobeUserCommunity"); // [Help - Online Support - Accessibility Resource Center]app.hideMenuItem("AccessOnline"); // [Help - Online Support - Generate System Report]app.hideMenuItem("SystemInformation"); // [Help - Repair Adobe Reader Installation]app.hideMenuItem("DetectAndRepair");Some tools to create your own
    Adobe Customization Wizard (repack/removed old runtimes)http://adf.ly/1713566/custwizInstEd (yumeyao LZX:21 mod)http://adf.ly/1713566/instedmsiSlim down your installers:http://adf.ly/1713566/msislim
  7. Like
  8. Like
    I think the lite process breaks msp update, I have to integrate update before I lite it
  9. Like
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ar cs da de el es fi fr he hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sv tr zh-Hans zh-Hant)

    Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own slim (intl) installer
  10. Like
    You cant uninstall the superseded that are integrated into the installer, you can only uninstall those you yourself install after. Just install the new hotfix and you should be fine.
    BTW the updates are not listed in the slim because there is a "condition" in the MSI installers that only add them if the setup stuff is not stripped out...Does not mean you can uninstall them, you still cant.
  11. Like
    Has this helped anybody who previously thought that WAIK is too complicated to realize its not as bad as one thought, it does not take a pro, that you too can do it?
  12. Like
    Added part 3 (need to dl and merge file.001 and file.002 with 7zip because skydrive files can only be 50 MB max)
    I discuss how to turn off features, remove packages (including how to unhide packages for extreme removal) and integrate unsigned driver then I show how to remove it
    Also added links to install_wim_tweak.exe and packages.xls for extreme dism removal
  13. Like
    Its nothing special, I just add a "FirstLogonCommands" to run when I first log in with the following

    infdefaultinstall %WINDIR%\inf\tweaks.inf
    Here is what it looks like in the Autounattend.xml

    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <CommandLine>infdefaultinstall %WINDIR%\inf\tweaks.inf</CommandLine>
    <Description>Registry Tweaks</Description>
    InfDefaultInstall.exe comes with Windows 7 in the system32 folder, its what I use to launch my INF instead of rundll32
  14. Like
    Mount image

    DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:<dir>:\<path>\<filename>.wim /Index:<#> /MountDir:<dir>:\<path_to_empty_folder>
    Integrate MSU/CAB updates

    DISM /Add-Package /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /PackagePath:<dir>:\<folder_with_updates>
    Integrate multiple drivers

    DISM /Add-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:<dir>:\<folder_with_drivers> /recurse
    Integrate unsigned driver

    DISM /Add-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:<dir>:\<folder_with_driver>\<inf_name>.inf /forceunsigned
    Remove driver

    DISM /Remove-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:oem<#>.inf
    Turn off feature

    DISM /Disable-Feature /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /FeatureName:<feature_name>
    Turn off features (multi)

    FOR %i IN (<featurename1> "<feature name 2>" <feature-name-3>) DO DISM /Disable-Feature /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /FeatureName:%i
    Unhide packages (optional)

    install_wim_tweak /p <dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /m
    Remove package

    DISM /Remove-Package /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-<example>-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7600.16385
    Unmount image

    DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /commit [/discard]
  15. Like
    Created some videos on the topic of Windows AIK/OPK, how I use it to update my image...
    OLD Videos
    Part #1 HD 720
    Part #2 HD 720
    Part #3 HD 720
    NEW Videos
    Preinstalling Applications and Capturing Image HD 1080
    Others will come in the next few weeks...
    How to install Windows 7 on a virtual hard disk (VHD)
    Use Reverse Integration to slipstream Windows Vista SP1 and SP2
    Windows OPK Videos
    Default Windows 7 Keys
    Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK)
    Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7 documentation (May 2010 Update)
    SoLoR's Hotfix Repository (Recommended)
    FireGeier Unattended Vista Guide
    Hotfix Extractor
    InstallWimTweak & Packages.xls (Optional)
    GImageX (Optional)
    GDism (Optional)
  16. Like
    @RickSteele try integrating your updates before you sysprep I cant recall off the top of my head but there are a couple that fix sysprep issues