Reputation Activity
janrockt reacted to Legolash2o in Download: Latest Build + ChangelogHey guys. The paperwork has been handed in so i will be programming for a while, starting today. Whoop whoop!
janrockt reacted to Legolash2o in .NET Framework 4.0.NET 4.5 offers lots more advantages and v2 when I start it for my FYP will be based on .NET 4.5. I will of course keep Win Toolkit v1.5 available for XP users and will only do bug fixes for it. So just to summarize:
Win Toolkit v1.4.x.x will remain available requiring .NET Framework 3.5 Win Toolkit v2.x.x.x will be on a separate download page and will require .NET Framework 4.5 I remember when I first started Win Toolkit on .NET 2.0 when 3.5 was available. I'm now on 3.5 whilst 4.5 is available and for once would like to jump to the latest and take advantage of all of its features. Especially when it comes to multi-threading.
janrockt reacted to ianymaty in Windows Hotfix DownloaderAs I remember it the update catalog worked better than current WHD implementation.
For ex:
1. The new updates were auto-selected and presented on top of the list
2. All supersedded updates that are not in the curent list were moved to "Old" folder
That's what I still remember and wish they remain the same.