- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
4099950 no problem with integrate
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
3172605 need some update installed first... yes or not?? if i put only 3172605 then i get error
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
I'm using classic method, here is my .ini file 2016-07-15_18-33-PM.ini here is KB3172605 already in silent installs
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
D:\install\system\win7 install\updates\Common Convenience Rollup and Classic integration Updates\4-Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package. Error: 0x800736b5 Error: 14005
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
You should integrate 3172605 as silent install
- Wintoolkit and KB3125574
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
I used WinTookit and.... no errors
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Who is installing this crappy update?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Already hidden :banned2: me too :prop:
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