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  1. hello nonno fabio :cap: addOn Onepiece's 3.5 SP1 is compatible with windows xp sp2 x64 BIT?? Tanks in advance nonno fabio keep updates :prop: :passifier: :pirate:
  2. How do I create a script like this, it goes after windows has finished installing and running automatically when windows first logon ... I don't know where it is saved, I am looking for in the $oem$/$$/setup/scripts, and there's really no results. Is there someone who can teach me? and after I restart the windows script that really isn't there Thank in advance :worthy:
  3. Installing KB2533552 via setup complete.cmd working for me,, no eror.. start /wait %windir%\system32\wusa.exe %systemroot%\setup\scripts\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
  4. @legolash2o :please: add administrative tools on start menu in wintoolkit tweaked..when new release..?? :guitar: tanks in advance legolash2o :dancing:
  5. @ricaneaga yeaahh I know, it's already there .. but can add administrative tools such as picture above?
  6. tweaked.,,no.remove... to make it there when installation is complete.. tanks in advance legolash2o
  7. Can I find tweak administrative tools in iso image win7 on wintoolkit..?? :thumbsup_anim: screensoot thanks in advance