Reputation Activity
walkingeagle069 reacted to OnePiece in Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 ComputerGermany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 Computer
walkingeagle069 reacted to OnePiece in Germany Claims the NSA Has Access to Every Windows 8 ComputerI translate (with Google Translator) what written by BAT in Italian community
it seems that the American companies that produce security software, operating systems, applications, encryption and anything else remotely accessible and not (if electronic) policies shall by law have backdoors that allow American law enforcement to "investigate" (and spy). Same goes for those who want to distribute their products in the territories of the United State, so it is the same for all Unix, Apple, Linux, Android etc etc all must have a backdoor
I did not get mine from repo, I used the changelog and got it from the KB request page using the hotfix's number
Package: -----------------------------------------------------------
KB Article Number(s): 2822218
Language: All (Global)
Platform: i386
Location: (–%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1000741/50709.19065/free/460703_intl_i386_zip.exe)
KB Article Number(s): 2822218
Language: All (Global)
Platform: x64
Location: (–%20Windows%207/Windows%20Server%202008,%20Windows%20Vista%20SP2/Windows%20Server%202008%20SP2/nosp/DevDiv1000741/50709.19065/free/460704_intl_x64_zip.exe)