x64 Installation Won't Complete
At long last, I figured out a solution ! Damn thing still dies in the right in the middle of my x64 RUNONCE script. However, last night I finally made a completely operational x64 disc ! I added an AUTOUNATTEND.XML to my x64 media and from a FirstLogon definition, my script added HKLM RunOnce registry entries for each of the items to be installed. It almost worked on the 1st try ! And to my surprise, my sister had several months ago given me her Compaq desktop for safe keeping and it just happened to have a x64 processor, so I was able to test this right away ! For those who might find it helpful, my FIRSTLOGON.CMD script: @ECHO OFFSET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceREG ADD %KEY% /VE /D "Windows 7 x64 1st Logon Init" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 101 /D "%WINDIR%\REGEDIT /S %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\IE8.HKLM.REG" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 102 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\FLASH-IE.MSI /qb" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 103 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\FIREFOX.EXE -ms" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 104 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\FLASH-M.MSI /qb" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 105 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT MSIEXEC.EXE /qb /package %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\GOOGLECHROME.MSI" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 106 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\SHOCKWAVE.MSI /qb" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 107 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\ADOBE.EXE /msi EULA_ACCEPT=YES /qb /norestart" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 108 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\ADOBEAIR.EXE -silent -eulaAccepted" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 109 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\SILVERLIGHT.CMD" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 110 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\PDFCREATOR.EXE /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOADINF=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\PDFCREATOR.INF" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 111 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\JRE.CMD" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 112 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\KLCODECF.CMD" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 113 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\7ZIP.CMD" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 114 /D "CMD /C START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\PKZ25 -EXTRACT -DIR=CURR -OVER=ALL %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\WPAPER.ZIP "%PUBLIC%\PICTURES/" >NUL" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 115 /D "CMD /C RD -Q -S %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL >%SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL.COMPLETE.LOG" /fREG ADD %KEY% /V 117 /D "CMD /C %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\SHUTDOWN -R -T 0" /fREG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment /V PROMPT /D "PROMPT"="$D $T - $P$_$G "%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\SHUTDOWN -R -T 0For reasons that are unclear, entry 117 is necessary bec entry 115 fails according to Windows %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL is still in use <???> and CMD stops dead in its tracks. It doesn't crash, just drops to a prompt. So I have to clean that folder up manually, but what do I care ? Even if you're not trying to fix a busted script as I was, this is a perfectly valid means of injecting a series of std programs into a Windows installation. Hope this helps someone else...
Adobe Flash Player - v16.0.0.305
Update request filled
Sort by image name instead of architecture?
What is the source of MS AIO discs ? Are these discs that are for internal use ?
x64 Installation Won't Complete
Folks: I've been stuck for weeks on the horns of the following dilemma: The x64 installation goes thru nearly the entire process, thru half of my GUIRunOnce script (which has existed for years), then stops at this point, never to be heard from again. I watch the script until Adobe Reader completes, supposed to be followed by Adobe AIR, but it never starts, in fact nothing else in the script launches. Let's say we break out of this hang-up, by restarting the PC. My GUIRunOnce script is over and the WinToolkit installer tries to complete but hangs also. Finally, another reboot and we arrive at the Windows desktop. If I restart the GUIRunOnce script, it runs to completion w/o incident. I've tried several things: Upgraded WinToolkit from .22 thru .27 Tried a Win7 x64 SP1 ISO I personally d/l'd from Digital River Tried a Win7 SP1 AIO that's been in my possession for at least three years Reduced INSTALL.WIM to just x64 Ultimate I tried filtering my slipstreamed updates using mooms Win7 Essential Updates listBut, no joy ! I probably wouldn't be posting if I had my own x64 testbed, but I poor little Core 2 Duo can't run a VMWare (or any other kind of) x64 guest. Maybe someone will take mercy on me and look at my setting file. In the meantime, I'm going to build another ISO, only this time w/o updates. Was considering launching the updates from my GUIRunOnce script. Will lengthen the install time, but at least it'll work. TIA.... My busted x64 settings file: *AIO #Addons C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\Reapers.HashCheck. C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\Reapers.ImgBurn. #Silent Installs IE9-Win7-x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;34.39 MB;C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\IE9-Win7-x64.msu;Always Installed KB2506143::N/A (Not Needed);NO;15.79 MB;C:\Projects\wsusoffline\client\w61-x64\glb\Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu;Always Installed Reapers.Dot.Net.Framework.4.5.AIO.x64::/y;NO;141.30 MB;C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\Reapers.Dot.Net.Framework.4.5.AIO.x64.exe;Always Installed #Theme Packs C:\Projects\ThemePacks\Atmosphere.themepack C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\GTGraphics.themepack C:\Projects\ThemePacks\Natural.themepack C:\Projects\New.Atmosphere.themepack C:\Projects\WinToolkit.Extras\Wolves.themepack #Tweaks Add 'Copy To Folder' to context-menu Add 'Move To Folder' to context-menu Add 'Open CMD here' to Folder Context-menu Add 'Open Elevated CMD here' to Folder context-menu Add 'Take Ownership' to context-menu Add 'Register' and 'Unregister' to *.dll, *.ocx and *.ax Context Menu Show 'Computer' on Desktop Show User Folder on Desktop Always Show Menu Bars Automatically Expand to Current Folder Control Panel View::Large Icons Remove Shortcut Suffix Show Explorer Statusbar Show File Extensions Show Hidden Files & Folders Speed Up Desktop Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files Enable DVD in Media Player Enable SSL and TLS Open NFO files with notepad Show Notepad Statusbar Always Show Menu Bar Always Switch To New Tabs When They Are Created Enable 'Caret' Browsing Faster Browsing in IE IE Homepage::http://news.google.com/ Set Google as Search Provider Show IE Statusbar::Show Status Bar Turn On Clear Type Unlimited Simultaneous Downloads When a New tab Opens::'New Tab' Page When a pop-up is encountered::Let IE Decide Run::Show Enable context menus and dragging and dropping::Enable Open submenus when mouse hovers over item::Enable Search other files and libraries Enable Boot Defrag Enable MSI Service in Safe Mode #Updates C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB982018-v3-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2479943-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2506014-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2506928-v2-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2511455-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2541014-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2560656-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2563227-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2564958-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2570947-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2579686-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2604115-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2620704-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2621440-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2631813-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2640148-v2-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2645640-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2653956-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2654428-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2659262-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2660649-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-kb2685811-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-kb2685813-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2690533-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2699779-v2-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2705219-v2-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2718704-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2719857-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2727528-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-kb2729452-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2732500-v2-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2736422-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2743555-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2757638-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2770660-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2790113-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2799926-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2820331-x64.msu C:\Projects\Updates\x64\McRip Windows 7 x64\Windows6.1-KB2830290-x64.msu #Options Compatibility Check Create Backups Enable Beep Enable CMD Prepare Drivers Prompt Addons Prompt Drivers Prompt Silent Prompt Themes Prompt Updates Rebuild Image Show Browse Dialog Show Duplicates
- About Integrating Necessary Updates
About Integrating Necessary Updates
Folks: Regretfully, I tried to d/l just the latest 100 or so updates from McRip's and I wound getting the entire x64 collection: over 350 MSUs ! Frankly, that's useless bec the final ISO probably won't even fit on a DVD DL, even if the resulting WIM actually worked. I found this link, which explains how to use KUC to determine which updates will work w/ a given image. What I really want is something that will list the essential updates, as I'm entirely sure that all of those updates aren't essential for a baseline Windows 7. I've installed from a more-or-less virgin Win7 SP1 and it never tries to do more than 100 or so updates. I've had a lot of trouble recently w/ my x64 build, so I don't even have working, recent x64 image, except (of course) my original Windows 7 SP1 distribution ISO. Any suggestions ? Maybe a simple text list I can use to drive a script to filter out unnec updates ? TIA...
[Solved] Problem With Certain x64 Images
This thread is closed. Thanks to all, esp bphlpt who directed me to the thread regarding KB2592687. I removed that update, as well as the Mar'13 rollup and I have at least two working x64 discs (Eng+Spa.) If I owned a PC capable of 64-bit VM guests, in spite of the hours it would take, I'd still try and narrow it down to the precisely troublesome update, in order slipstream all available updates. As I close, I want to reiterate that WinToolkit is great tool and has been a big help in the deployment of Win7 WRT my repair jobs.... .
[Solved] Problem With Certain x64 Images
Did you install KB2574819 befor (prerequisite)? MfG, Thiersee Edit: OK, I saw KB2574819 in the INI-file I started over from completely scratch (w/o any presets) and happened to receive [yesterday] a Core 2 Duo PC for repair, so I temporarily have a 64-bit test bed. I know I've eliminated those two x86 updates that I previously overlooked. My 1st attempt which was (from scratch) as described in my original post and failed as before. My most recent attempt eliminated the dot Net installer and Mar 2013 rollup, which at least eliminated the premature launch of the WinToolkit installer but Windows setup still complains about a misconfiguration error. I'm removing KB2592687 as referred to in bphlpt's post. If that fails, I may have to go back to a previous rev of WinToolkit. BTW, thanx for the feedback and the use of the brain cells...
[Solved] Problem With Certain x64 Images
1st let me say what an excellent tool WinToolkit is. Have been using it successfully for a month or two now, since at least rev .13. I'm currently using rev .22 and have encountered a problem with my x64 disc. I'm always starting from an unmodified MSOFT SP1 ISO and have perfected a set of (tested) presets called StdPresets-x86-r2.ini. Essentially I'm integrating [DPS] mass storage drivers, a bunch of Windows Updates (been using WSUSOffline for years), IE9 (d/l'd from WinCert's repo), and the dot .Net 4.5 addin (also from WinCert.) updates. I slipstream my INSTALL.WIM, gen a new ISO, test the x86 image in a VMWare VM and I'm a happy camper ! Now I load the same presets, remove x86 drivers and updates, replacing them with the corresponding x64 drivers and updates, which becomes StdPresets-x64-r2.ini and apply them to my x64 SP1 ISO. I slipstream the INSTALL.WIM, gen a new ISO, but unfortunately I don't have a x64 CPU w/ VT, so I have to wait until I go someplace where I can do some testing, only to discover that the Windows setup fails in the 2nd phase of installation ! The precise symtom is that the WinToolkit installer is launched about mid-point thru the 2nd phase of Windows setup. After which Windows setup complains about an error in the installation and that's all she wrote. Subsequent reboots only reveal that Windows setup can't get pass the detected error and I should reboot, which never clears the error. Normally (at least under the successful x86 setups), the WinToolkit Installer isn't invoked til the very end of the final (third) phase of Windows setup. I've seen this failure while working on my x86 ISO, but haven't a clue of how I got past it. Probably I started from scratch w/ the presets. IAC, I've attached the preset that's giving me trouble, in case a kind soul has encountered this failure and can diagnose the failure. Meantime, I will continue to resolve my own problems by recreating the x64 completely from scratch. Thanx in advance for any feedback. :--- MR ---: Std.Presets-x64-r2.ini