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    AMIRZ got a reaction from drewaad in List of Most Vista / Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp   
    (UPDATED) List of Most Vista and / or Windows 7 Applications, Tools, and Features for Xp / 2003
    (MS and Third Parties, Staying Up to Date)

    Transform Windows XP into Windows 7 in Both GUI and Usability / Functionality, Anyway Long Live XP! :
    Just Make Windows XP Stay Up to date after Vista and Windows 7 Coming out and until the M$ support ends (2014), By Creating Your Custom Windows XP "Ultimate" or "Special Edition" Just By Using Some Skins, Applications, and Tweaks Etc For Free (While Even Some of Them May Still Be Working on Vista and Windows 7 Too As Well Then...)..

    (Courtesy: Wiki)

    -> You can also visit similar thread here (another forum) for comparison, other infos etc : http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20480-list-of-most-vista-applications-and-features-for-xp/
    1. Official Vista to Xp applications from Microsoft (Down level)->Credits to MS :
    A. Vista WPF and WCF (Codename: Avalon and Indigo)-> It's .Net Framework 3.0/3.5 for Xp now (as most Vista apps/OS based on new .Net Framework) -> required to install most future Vista-only apps to Xp! (included 3rd parties i.e. Yahoo Messenger for Vista etc): -> Very recommended
    Download .Net framework 3.5:
    - Some/Other Vista built In binaries/dependencies for Xp (please also see about Alky in this thread):
    PS: They might also be needed by some Vista apps that ported to Xp:
    * Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Packages:

    * Windows Imaging Components (already built in both Vista and Xp SP3) required for some apps/features i.e Windows Live PhotoGallery and Pro Photo Tools in Xp Sp2:
    * Updated IMAPI V2 for Xp (Vista DVD Burning API for Xp) (same link with below):
    * MSXML 6.0 SP1:
    * Wireless LAN API (built in Vista and 2003):
    * Windows Installer 4.5:
    New Windows Installer for down level OS (Xp/2003) as well as new .Net Framework 3.0-> Recommended:

    * Windows Powershell: -> as it's built in Windows Server 2008 Longhorn/Windows 7 (as optional component), Powershell is new generation command line shell and scripting language (for advanced users/Professional only):
    * Windows Script 5.7:
    * XML Lite (See also MSXML below):
    B. Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) for Windows Xp: -> Very Recommended/Critical Update since update IE for safety and reliablity:
    IE 8 Beta has also come there. I just strongly recommend to install only full version (IE7 for now) for stability and reliabilty, unless you are a beta tester...
    C. Windows Media Player 11 (WMP 11) for Windows Xp:
    D. Windows Defender for Windows Xp :
    Another Anti-Malware Stuff from MS (updated once a month/monthly) for Xp and Vista, 2003, 2008 (Also supports Windows 2000):
    Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool:
    E. Windows Search 4.0 (Original Vista Desktop Search engine for Windows Xp) :
    F. Windows Cardspace (part of Vista and .Net framework 3.0/3.5 or higher for Windows Xp). You can get it on Xp by installing .Net Framework 3.0 (. net Framework 3.5 has included better/updated version):
    Download .net framework 3.5:
    G. Updated MSCONFIG.EXE for Windows Xp (with tools tab like built in Vista version):
    H. Updated Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0 for Windows Xp (as well as MMC 3.0 built in Vista):
    2. Some Vista features Above May Also have been parts of Windows Xp SP3 and updates :
    - I.e. MMC 3.0 (Link above), -Network Access Protection, -Windows Imaging Components, New WPA (All Built in Vista) etc. If you prefer to stick with SP2, at least please always update your Windows->Recommended
    A. Download Windows Xp SP3 - (better through Windows Update):
    3. Vista new fonts for Xp (official/legal Microsoft Installers!): Segoe UI, Cambria, Colibri, Corbel etc
    A. Segoe UI font installer for Windows Xp (also apart of Windows Live Wave 3 installers):
    B. Office 2007 Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel and Powerpoint Formats (install this to get more Vista fonts: Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel etc):
    4. Some Microsoft Xp Powertoys/apps have already been included in Vista as new standard OS GUI/features, finally:
    - Download all Xp Powertoys (final/RTM) here:
    - Download all cancelled Xp PowerToys here + other old useful apps for Windows/Xp:
    http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1o2gt6mpp & http://www.mdgx.com/toy.htm
    A. Open Command Window Here and Open in new Window, open file location etc on context menu extension for Windows Xp (Vista only context menu items for XP):
    http://www.4shared.com/file/128294377/ae8d1459/Vista-only_Context_Menu_items_for_XP.html and Command Window PowerToy: http://download.microsoft.com/download/whi...wertoySetup.exe
    B. Clear Type Tuner for Windows Xp (built in Vista):
    C. Alt+Tab Thumbnail Preview for Windows Xp (TaskSwitch)-(built in Vista):
    E. Microsoft Time Zone Premium-free (The function is built in Vista Clock):
    F. Microsoft PhotoStory 3 for Windows (Some functions are built in Vista PhotoGallery, Slideshow, and Windows DVD Maker): -> You can burn dvd using Sonic DVD plugin below like Xp MCE, Movie Maker, and Vista DVD Maker
    You can also create slideshows by using: WindowsLive PhotoGallery (link below) as well as built in Xp feature.
    Other apps for SlideShow (resemble one in Vista):
    - MS PowerToy CD Slide Show Generator:
    Burn Slideshow in CD (for Xp and Windows 9x):

    - HTML Slideshow:
    create HTML slideshow from images and publish it:
    Moving Desktop ("poor" version of "DreamScene"?). Though not similar, you can get some "Motion Desktop (Allows you to switch the background image periodically.) by installing this cancelled PowerToy :
    - Background Switcher as part of (cancelled) Xp PowerToy 1.0. only 41 Kb:
    G. Microsoft Digital Right Management (DRM). I know it's crap, (included in WMP 10-11 in Vista and Xp) :
    H. XPS Viewer (Built in Vista) you will also get this by installing IE7/IE8 for Windows Xp (Link above).
    Also it's recommended to install/update if you have not:
    MSXML 6.0 for Xp and updates
    - Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack:
    I. Network Diagnostics Tool for Xp (the down level version of Vista one):
    J. Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) Responder (built in Vista):
    K. SyncToy and Microsoft ActiveSync (Built in Vista Windows Mobile Device Center and Synchronization):
    - SyncToy 2.0:
    - Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5:
    L. Vista CD Autoplay Manager applet (previously part of TweakUI for Windows Xp):
    - Download TweakUI powertoy for Xp Here:-> Has many other features, very recommended for all Xp!
    Add Tweak UI applet to Control Panel:
    K. Vista Speech Recognition for Xp (convert speech to text, very cool and useful Vista feature:
    - Download Vista Speech Recognition Control Panel Applet for Xp: http://www.4shared.com/file/72957425/fbcd4295/Vista_Speech_Recognition_Control_Panel_Applet_for_Xp.html
    Download Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 (please also visit the link above for more information):
    Name of the Speech SDK file/installer: SpeechSDK51.exe
    http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=5E86EC97-40A7-453F-B0EE-6583171B4530&displaylang=en and
    - Vista Voice Recognition to Command in Your Xp PC: e-Speaking: (May need MS Speech 5.1 SDK)
    L. Other MS Applications that resemble Vista features (Vista Meeting Space for Xp):
    - Microsoft Shared View:
    - Live Meeting 2007:
    M. Windows Steady State for Xp:
    Some features are included in Vista User Account and Vista Parental Control + Many features:
    - Windows Live Family Safety - some Vista (internet) parental control features for Xp:
    - And/or use ClockLock: http://download.cnet.com/ClockLock/3000-2132_4-10540128.html (Note: .Net Framework is required)
    N. Windows Easy Transfer:
    Transfer data from your computer to another Vista based computer (Built in Vista):
    O. Microsoft Virtual PC 2007:
    Create virtual PC in Xp OS for free. This feature already built in Vista Ultimate/Business (optional):
    P. QuickView and Folder Content Previewer ported to Windows Xp (Additional):
    The best and simplest original Microsoft file viewer in Windows 9X fixed and ported back to Xp and even Vista by me: . You can use it as companion with Vista Explorer previewer (preview pane) as context menu viewer:
    5. Some MS Windows Live Applications as successors/replacements for standard Vista app (Credit to MS and Live Team) :
    You can get them on Xp: Windows Live Mail (successor of Windows Mail), Windows Live PhotoGallery (successor of Windows PhotoGallery), and Windows Live Messenger (successor of Windows/MSN Messenger) + some other Windows Live applications: http://download.live.com/
    - You can also get offline installers of latest live apps above (Windows Live 2008 + 2009 final version - offline installers) here (Credits to MS, Live Team, Amirz) :
    6. Original Vista applications that ported to Xp as well (Credits to MS and these people, thx alot for their hard work! ) - Some of them also require Alky and/or some dependencies - prerequisites Links above :
    - Vista new APIs (Application Programming Interface) in Xp:
    Some Vista apps that ported to Xp may need this well-known binary installer as well: Alky (formerly VAIOXp)-> Implementing Vista only APIs in down level OS such as Xp and 2003:
    Visit the Website FYI and Download Alky for Xp and 2003 fromVistatoXp :
    A. Original Windows Sidebar ported to Xp/2003 (Credit to Rafael, Zoronax, Alky team, Ricktendo) :
    Sidebar Requires: IE7, WMP 11, .Net Framework 3.0, MSXML 6.0, WLAN API hotfix, C++ Redistributable package.
    B. Windows Vista Games (Beta) + Vista Games Explorer for Xp (Credit to Raphael, Jonny) :
    Download all latest updated Vista / Windows 7 games for XP here: http://www.4shared.com/dir/14281223/d52c5ee5/All_Vista_Games_For_Xp.html
    - Download latest fixed versions of all Vista Games beta and RTM for Xp: Wincert FTP: http://www.hr-host.com/wincert/Amirz/Vista_Games_For_Xp_and_2003_Installer_(All).zip and/or also 4shared: http://www.4shared.com/dir/14281223/d52c5ee5/All_Vista_Games_For_Xp.html
    (Included Freecell, Mahjong/Shanghai, Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Hearts, Purble Place, Mineweesper, Inkball etc)...
    - Chess Titans for XP : http://www.4shared.com/file/KgAuJSze/Chess_Titans_game_for_XP_All.html or
    - Mahjong Titans for XP : http://www.4shared.com/file/-Alu9YpR/Mahjong_Titans_game_for_XP.html
    - Vista Chess (Substitute) for Xp/Linux: Brutal Chess (Thx to fediaFedia):
    Download Brutal Chess Installer (Windows, Linux): ->
    Portable version here: http://www.4shared.com/file/67840613/cf7e8d98/Brutal_Chess_Game_Portable.html
    - Vista Games Explorer (credits to Rak****) -> Links to all Vista Games for Xp above:
    C. Some Windows Vista Applications (NotePad, Paint, Calculator) for Xp (Credit to Rafael, Zoronax, Alky team, Ricktendo) :
    - Alternative: Vista (Skinned) NotePad, Paint, Calculator for Xp:
    MD 5: 9F0D9CF10A7721CBEF51B59B31B0FA17
    Note: They all have been included in most Vista Transformation packs (VTP, Bricopack, VistaMizer etc) with more apps.
    D. Windows Vista Screensavers for Xp (Aurora, Mistify, Bubble, Ribbons) (Credit to Rafael, Timbertide WinMatrix) :
    - Download all Vista RTM version screensavers (Alky): http://www.4shared.com/file/92814596/b911686a/Vista_RTM_Screensavers__Bubbles_Aurora_Mystify_Ribbons_Energy__for_Xp.html
    - Other Vista Screensavers for Xp : http://www.4shared.com/file/69333606/3c62b036/Vista_Energy_Screensaver_ported_to_XP__Flowbubbles_Screensaver.html
    New: Windows Logo Screensaver Vista - Credits to jeremyddual-Deviantart:
    E. Windows Vista Snipping Tool, Inkball, Sticky Notes, Texas Hold'Em for Xp (Vista TPC & Ultimate extra) (Credit to Rafael, Zoronax, Alky team, Amirz) :

    - New: Windows Logo Screensaver Vista - Credits to jeremyddual-Deviantart:
    F. Windows Journal for Xp (Credits to Raphael, Amirz) :
    G. Windows Mail for Xp (Credits to Alky team, Cihan AeroXP) :
    Edit: Don't know, but what's different with OE (look)? I think Windows Live Mail is much better:
    - Download Windows Mail for Xp (credits to Cihan): http://www.4shared.com/file/90064563/870fcf7e/Windows_Mail_for_Xp.html
    H. Windows Vista Movie Maker for Xp:

    C. Vista GUI for Windows Xp Movie Maker (Credits to fediaFedia WinMatrix Deviantart) :
    D. Original Vista Wallpapers, Music, Videos, MCE recorded TV files etc for Xp:
    E. Original Vista apps Icons for Xp (Credits to fediaFedia WinMatrix Deviantart) :
    F. Vista Sounds + Cursor for Xp (Credits to Joshoon) :
    G. Original Vista User Account Pictures for Xp (Credits to joshu4) :
    H. Vista Cursor for Xp - Credits to fabiano80-WinMatrix
    I. Vista Sounds for Xp - Credits to ~joshoon-Deviantart:
    - Vista Ultimate Extra : Vista Ultimate Glass, Pearl, And Tinker Sounds Installer For XP (all Windows versions):
    MD5: D7FAB293D3060ED53EB76D0463B95B73 , 12,48 mB:
    J. Windows Picture and Fax Viewer for Xp (Vista Style) -credits to fediaFedia-WinMatrix/Deviantart:
    11. Some Vista Like Skin/VS for Xp (Official black ones, From MS):
    A. MS Zune:
    B. Royal Noir:
    C. Royal (MCE, Blue):
    D. Xp Embedded (Blue) Thx to Vishal Gupta and WinMatrix:
    E. Extra: The best Vista Skin for XP Ever: Vista Xp by Kol (Credits to him):
    - WinMatrix Visual Styles and themes (Also please visit other great forums on WinMatrix.com):
    12. Very Recommended: The Best Tutorial About Transforming Xp to Vista, Ever!:
    (Thx alot to my Best Friends and Gurus: fediaFedia and Vishal Gupta for their kind permissions, you guys rock!) :
    A. Xp to Vista Tutorial by fediaFedia Deviantart/WinMatrix, credits to him:
    Added: Make Firefox like IE7 (as a loyal FF user, thx alot fediaFedia for this): http://fediafedia.deviantart.com/art/Firefox-to-IE7-look-tutorial-71478905
    B. Transform Windows XP into Windows Vista (without any 3rd party software) by Vishal Gupta, WinMatrix/Deviantart, MS-MVP, etc, credits to him:
    C. Explore all about Windows Xp Customizations (Thanks to WinMatrix) -> Best and recommended:
    13. Some Xp to Vista Transformation Packs :
    "You can transform Xp to Vista without installing any pack like them" (Manually). However, in some cases they can still be useful (Especially to "common" people) as long as you select only components you need when installing them i.e. Icon only etc...
    A. Vista Transformation Pack/VTP (only future 9.0 very compatible with Xp SP3) thx to WindowsX:
    C. BricoPack Vista Inspirate 2.0 Ultimate (Compatible with Xp SP3):
    D. VistaMizer (Not rather compatible with Xp SP3):
    14. Vista Features and functions :
    A. Vista Applications (Ports), Tools, and Games for Xp (IE7, WMP11, Mail etc) -> See Above
    B. Windows Shell
    - BootScreen:
    Stardock Bootskin (free):
    TuneUp Styler (part of Tuneup Utilities - Shareware) so many functions-> My Choice:
    Change XP BootScreen, Logon Screen, and also Hibernate Screen!:
    - Change XP BootScreen, Logon Screen, and also Hibernate Screen completely!:
    - Logon Screen :
    Stardock Logon Studio (free) change logon screen:
    TuneUp Styler (part of Tuneup Utilities - Shareware) so many functions-> My Choice:
    - Theme:
    Uxtheme Patch (Credits to Raphael, Liskiller WinMatrix -Free) :
    TuneUp Styler (part of Tuneup Utilities - Shareware) so many functions-> My Choice:
    - Icon (Packer):
    Stardock Icon Packager (shareware):
    TuneUp Styler (part of Tuneup Utilities - Shareware) so many functions-> My Choice:
    Vista Drive Icon for XP:
    Changes the drive icons shown in Windows "My Computer", to a nearly Vista drive icon, with "measure"-> My choice:
    - Download the best version of Vista Drive Icon for XP here: http://www.4shared.com/file/209516526/fad32fc6/Vista_Drive_Icon_for_XP__Best_.html
    C. Vista Desktop Window Manager in Xp (DWM):
    - Transparency and Shadow etc (also animation):
    Window Blinds 6 (shareware) for blurred Vista Skin and best skinning engine etc:
    Window FX (shareware) also for transparency, shadow, anymation etc:
    TrueTransparency (free) -> My Choice, credits to Lefreut - WM:
    Yz Shadow (free) for Transparency, shadow-> My Choice:
    (Updated) Fast Aero (free) for blurred border -> My Choice, credits to timbertide and lol13lol, WinMatrix:
    Border Skin (best) -> My Choice, credits to Mohamed Komalo, WM:
    Transbar (Transparent Taskbar)->My Choice:
    PowerMenu (free) for transparency, Window always on top, Minimize to tray etc-> My Choice:
    Transparent/Blurred Taskbar + 7 Superbar for Windows XP (just by using hacked msstyle binary, without installing any 3rd party): -> Thanks to PeterRollar:
    UberIcon (Not related with Vista Animation, but still good!)
    Nimi (animation and transparency) credits to SamiWiecieKto, WM: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23239
    Mouseover Icon Effect Xp (Vista Icon effect for Xp), credits to ~Desktop-Squared, Deviantart:
    IColor Folder (Vista/Longhorn Folder for Xp though you can still get it from icon pack, fully customizable, good!)
    - Vista Taskbar Thumbnails:
    Visual Tooltip-> My Choice:
    Visual Tasktip:
    Window FX (shareware) also for transparency, shadow, anymation etc:
    - Vista Alt+Tab Thumbnail Switcher:
    As said before: MS Powertoys Alt+Tab Switcher for Xp:
    TaskSwitchXp 2.0 ->My Choice, better:
    - Window Flip 3d (Win+Tab):
    TopDesk->The best Choice:
    Original Vista Flip 3d icon for TopDesk:
    D. Vista Start Menu for Xp:
    - Vistart:
    - Vista Start Menu Emulator:
    - Viorb (Vista Orbit Ball for Xp):
    Recommended for most Vista VS (MSStyles) for Xp. Included in some packs i.e VTP 8.0:
    - Vista Start Menu Pro - The best replacement for Vista / windows 7 start menu on XP so far, with support for Windows Search (just like Vista / 7) etc, much better than Vistart IMHO:
    Download and more info: http://www.vistastartmenu.com/
    - Also please visit my thread about "How to make Xp start menu behave like Vista and Windows 7 without Vistart" i.e to get Searchbar on Xp Start Menu etc :
    - Also please visit Vishal Gupta's tutorial about "Change look n' feel of Xp start menu (without 3rd party software)"
    E. Vista Explorer Window
    - Real Vista Glass Explorer / Browser for Xp-> Visplore:
    - The Best 3rd Party Explorer Replacement: Dopus (AKA Directory Opus): Better than Windows Explorer even Vista's Explorer:
    Download and try http://www.gpsoft.com.au/
    - Vista Favorite Link:
    - Vista BreadCrumb Address:
    Folder Pilot-> Older but still best, my choice :
    QTAddressBar (free), Great and recommended:
    Minimalist Explorer Breadcrumb: Cool app, free
    - Vista Explorer Searchbar, Command Bar and / or Toolbar B/F button:
    Styler (free)
    the searchbar is fake. But still looks good (for GUI reason only):
    - Vista "Slide" button for Thumbnail:
    QTTabbar (Free),
    Explorer Tab (like Mozilla), tooltip preview etc Recommended:
    - Vista Live Icon and thumbnail preview (part of Vista DWM):
    You can get some features ("down level/less) in Xp by visiting my thread on WinMatrix here:
    - Vista Metadata pane (Viewer/Editor):
    (It's actually updated Xp webview/Details pane + Status bar + Summary context menu.
    You can get some features ("down level/less) in Xp by visiting my thread on WinMatrix here:
    - Vista Exporer Preview Pane on Xp (Vista File Viewer):
    You can get some features ("down level/less) in Xp by visiting my thread on WinMatrix here:
    - Original Vista Explorer Search (Engine and Features) on Xp (Vista Desktop Search):
    Microsoft has launched Windows Search 4.0 for Xp. Also see my threads thread:
    Direct Download Windows Search 4.0 for Xp:
    - Vista / 7 style Thumbnail borders/appearance for multimedia files in Windows XP Explorer (or downlevel OSes):
    Seems i have still no found any perfect tool yet for that, but maybe installing Microsoft Windows Live PhotoGallery and/or Captrue Thumbnailer Lite on XP can be other good options/approach AFAIK:
    - Windows Live PhotoGallery (freeware): http://download.live.com/photogallery
    - Captrue Thumbnailer Lite (shareware): http://www.captrue.com/thumbnailerlite.html
    Or just google for more options and free alternatives of them for you etc...
    15. Additional: Miscellaneous and functions (Some Xp Equivalent 3rd parties of Vista Features):
    A. Vista UAC for Xp:
    http://www.jcxp.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29598 -> Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/93141554/85ec6374/UAC_for_Xp.html
    - Vista / Windows 7 UAC features + "Run as administrator" context menu on XP just like Vista/Seven(functional):
    - WinGuard Pro:
    B. Vista Bitlocker (Encryption):
    - TrueCrypt (Free):
    - PGP Desktop (both shareware and free):
    C. Vista Firewall:
    - Zone Alarm Firewall (Free):
    http://www.zonealarm.com/store/content/home.jsp and All Internet Security Suites (AVG, Kaspersky, McAfee, Windows Live OneCare etc)
    D. Vista Ready Boost:
    - E-Booster for Xp (shareware):
    E. Vista Superfetch:
    (Actually Xp already has built in "Prefetch", not same with Vista Superfetch, but still powerful too), alternatively just use some 3rd party for enhancing the feature:
    - SystemBoosterXp:
    http://www.disktrix.com/SBIntroduction.htm you can download it directly for free Here
    F. Vista Ultimate Extra: Dream Scene (Motion Desktop)
    - DreamRender (Freeware):
    - Dreamscapes (Freeware) (Thx to Island Dog-WinMatrix):
    - Desktop Effects (Thx to timbertide-WinMatrix):
    G. Better Vista Task Manager for Xp and Vista:
    - Process Explorer:
    - Vista Style Task Manager for Xp and Vista (Blue)-credits to Lsdmeasap-Keznews :
    - Vista style CAD (Ctrl + Alt + Del screen instead of opening Task Manager): for XP (Credits to flawless02, Deviantart). almost perfectly functional:
    H. Windows Vista Sideshow for Xp:
    http://www.4shared.com/file/118786005/44af2a80/Vista_Sideshow_for_Xp.html and
    I. Vista Windows Fax and Scan:
    Snappy Fax:
    J. Replacement for Vista Volume Mixer (Per application) on Xp (3rd party):
    - Indie Volume (Functional): http://www.indievolume.com/index.php, - Just Style/Mod (Picassa243, Dev): http://picassa243.deviantart.com/art/Vista-Volume-Mod-for-XP-v2-2-80422211
    A. Tweaking and fixing Xp (Kelly Corner):
    B. Tweak Xp:
    C. Tweaking with Vishal Gupta:
    17. Get Vista-only Control Panel Applets for XP (Functional):
    I.e Color, Windows Defender, Sync Center, Parental Control, Iscsi, Backup etc (Transformation packs such as VTP and Bricopack patch only some available Xp Control Panel applets): http://www.4shared.com/file/128466735/dde6a4ea/Vista_-_only_Control_Panel_Applets_for_XP__All_.html
    - Download Folder2MyPC to create your own applet:
    18. Create Custom Xp OS Set-Up DVD/CD (like OEM) with add ons by using NLite:
    -> Very useful (Y) as you can customize Xp OS setup (and installation result) like Vista one, from beginning to ending, and so on...
    - Tutorial (Thanks to MSFN) -> Multilanguage!:
    - Wincert Add on Forum (Thanks to Wincert):
    19. Applying Webview in Windows Xp (Active Desktop/Windows 98/ME-like Webview for Xp, Recommended "Classical" GUI feature for Xp):
    20. You can also visit my 4Shared Sharing Dowload Page to download more Vista and Windows 7 stuffs for Xp for free (recommended) :
    21. Windows 7 Applications and Features for Xp: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21246 (or read Post 3# below...)
    22. Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities (recommended, thanks to LifeHacker):
    http://lifehacker.com/software/geek-to-live/power-replacements-for-built+in-windows-utilities-287966.php + Download some free cool apps/tools from my 4Shared Page: http://www.4shared.com/dir/6883450/cb252562/sharing.html
    23. Download: List of most free and useful Microsoft applications for Windows and Office (Credits to Blake Handler, Windows Live):
    http://bhandler.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0&sa=849910657 ,
    Special for Windows XP Here: http://bhandler.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!70F64BC910C9F7F3!1231.entry
    - Great Windows Explorer Tools: credits to Amirz, Deviantart: http://amirsyahrani.deviantart.com/art/Great-Windows-Explorer-Tools-142913425
    - Also MDGx - Free PowerToys & Tweaking Tools for Windows XP, Vista, 7, All: http://www.mdgx.com/toy.htm
    24. Winmatrix Link: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20480
    If you know more apps/features for Xp to Vista/Windows 7 transformation, please don't hesitate to post here. Thanks! Do you still want More? Then Google is your best friend too hehe...
    Finally, Long Live Xp!
    -> Please Still Continue to Read My Post #3 Below and Also The Next Ones For More Info, Applications, Tools, Guides, and Tweaks etc to Transform XP into Windows 7 and so on...
    PS: Please feel free to redistribute them/re-upload/share all the download links and pages etc here without any permission from me...

  2. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to haiter in Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project   
    WinStyle 2009 Eng is on the way!!!

    Hi! everybody, I have just translated all the WinStyle 2009 resources.
    Some ScreenShoot:
    My BootScreen:

    My Setup Screen (winntbbu.dll & winntbba.dll):

    Starting Screen (winbrand.dll):

    Welcome Screen (newmark1.jpg & newmark8.jpg):

    LogOn Screen (logonui.exe):

    System Properties with the animation Logo (sysdm.cpl):

    Review: sysdm.cpl file download
    Windows Media Player 11:

    Some wizard windows:

    Shutdown & LogOff:

    Copy & Delete files:

    Text in animation is not need because the dialog have its title...
    All Mod Images: Mod Images
    Have fun!!!
  3. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to mediadown in Language Packs for Windows XP Service Pack 3   
    Language Packs for Windows XP SP 3 | 260 MB

    Now you can easily switch to any language by one click only
    You are not need to re-boot your computer or log off to apply selected language .
    One click = Automatic install for your favorite language .
    list of languages
    You need download Collection of some Languages Pack for Window Xp :English for XP SP3 ==> Arabic , Bulgarian , Croatian , Czech , Danis ,Dutch Standard , Estonian , Finnish , French Standard , German , Greek , Hebrew , Hungarian , Italian , Latvian , Lithuanian , Norwegian , Polish , Portuguese Brazil , Portuguese Standard , Romanian , Russian , Spanish Modern Sort , Slovak , Slovenian , Swedish , Thai , Turkish

    Russian Language

    French Language

  4. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to komalo in Border Skin - Aero Glass On XP   
    0.2.6 released
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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in Modifying Word's Ribbon UI   
    I love the new Office Ribbon. However, the first thing I wanted to do was modify it. The Home tab has a big chunk of the Styles group that I don't use. I wanted to get rid of it and put my own shortcuts in the Home tab. It took many hours for me to figure out how to modify the Ribbon. I put together a guide for everyone that shows you how to accomplish this.
    PDF attached: Modifying_Office_Word_Ribbon.pdf
    Courtesy SpaceSurfer
    Here is a tutorial on how to modify the ribbon interface in Office Word. This method doesn’t require Visual Basic programming. It requires modifying a simple XML file with a text editor. This guide only shows you how to shift the built-in controls around from tab to tab or group to group. It does not show you how to create your own controls.
    Step 1: Enabling a Custom Ribbon
    1) Create a folder called ‘Ribbon’ anywhere on your hard disk.
    2) Open Office Word. Do not modify the new blank document. Click on ‘Save As’ to save the document as customUI.docm file in The Ribbon folder. This is a macro-enabled file. Make sure you change the
  6. Like
    Wow, an awesome list - I've learnt a whole new bunch of stuff! :thumbsup_anim:
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    AMIRZ reacted to MANIKANT.S.GUPTA in Microsoft Security Essentials Review   
    Are we paying for False Positive, All antivirus are giving
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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in I'm not allowed to visit forum?   
    George, please read the forum rules carefully. Those are not written in vain.
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    AMIRZ reacted to ricktendo in [AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005   
    Uploaded to RS
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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in New Look of WinCert.net Forum   
    I would also change the topic titles, so read topics are normal and unread topics are bold. I would also use those balloon icons, as you can see in the picture below.

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    AMIRZ got a reaction from sasford in Windows 7 Forum Trash   
    Really a cool work
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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in Free licence of Kaspersky Internet Security 2010   
    Seems that Kaspersky lab will give you an opportunity to get a free licence of their Kaspersky Internet Security suite.
    This offer will go live when Windows 7 will be publically released on October 22nd.
    So, if you want this licence, keep an eye on it
  13. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in Server load issues   
    Seems that we've found source of our problems.
    We've noticed that were getting at least 5 requests per second from IP address to "index.php?act=rssout&id=1". Now, this is no longer a valid page in IPB3 (was in IPB2 however, although it was off too), but the fact that there are like 5 requests per second from the same IP means that our server was basically getting flooded with requests and just couldn't handle it. Upon editing .htaccess file to block this IP address load dropped from 16 to 2.22..
    The problem was either we were being DOS'd by the IP mentioned above, more or less or it was a valid member who simply has a buggy RSS reader (and that RSS reader has the old invalid URL in it for our RSS feed). We should figure out which members can no longer access our site, let them know about the issue, so they can update the URL for the RSS feed in their reader, which should likely resolve the problems (when they could be unblocked again).
    Note to members: Please remove any RSS links you are using for WinCert.net Forum.
  14. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to Kirs in [Game] Frets on Fire   
    Found this and thought I'd share it with you
    It's a freeware version of a fake Guiter Hero for the PC.
    You can download and add songs, or make them yourself.
    You can find it here

  15. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to ccl0 in New Wincert.net Logo   
    i have a few more ideas
  16. Like
    First post updated with "SevenVG Black RTM" and Normal Taskbar versions release info.
  17. Like
    AMIRZ got a reaction from Ariya in Is there a new project for Alky Team ?   
    ^ Lol Rick i just remembered what my friend poolsharkzz said: "XP Till The World Blows Up" hahaha, yea actually i still love the old great OS especially with full mod etc, while Windows 7 is really worth to have though.
    Btw basically the hack could still be done manually also i.e just by changing major and minor OS version in PE header (optional header) in the binaries (exe, dll..) to downlevel (e.g from 6.0 to 4.0) and maybe some dependency/some functions import to proper libraries (just like Alky i.e changed from Kernel32.dll to its own Vkernel32.dll) and so on bla bla, anyway yea it still requires someone with advanced hacking knowledge though
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    AMIRZ got a reaction from Ariya in Toolbar Icons of Windows Explorer - How do to change?   
    The explorer toolbar icons are in shell32.dll as Bitmap resources (204 - 217)
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    AMIRZ reacted to pri2sh in New Wincert.net Logo   
    here is 1 i made, it is in png and text will be visible in dark background ,

    it will look like this in dark

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    AMIRZ reacted to ccl0 in New Wincert.net Logo   
    i know its a little late, but i designed a few logos for the forums as well.
    let me know what you think

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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in New Look of WinCert.net Forum   
    Dear members and guests,
    we finally published our new look of the forums. As we still plan to do some minor changes to this look, those changes won't change this concept much.
    Hopefully, larger part of our visitors will like this look, although we're aware that it is impossible to satisfy everyone, no matter what we do.
    Our faithful members who are in one of the following groups: Staff, Contributors or Supporters, can choose an additional (darker) skin which doesn't contain advertisements.
    If you care to help us with the forum expenses, please click on "subscriptions" link under the forum logo and choose the desired package.
    There are three subscription packages available ($10, $20 and $30), if you would like to make a custom donation please send me a private message for further instructions.
    Here are benefits of becoming WinCert sponsor:
    Your name will be displayed distinctly in the ‘online user list’.
    Instead of stars or boxes to represent your user level, you will receive a user icon labeled "Basic, Supreme or Ultimate Sponsors".
    Your PM box will be increased.
    Your upload ability will be increased.
    You will be able to send PM to more people.
    You will be able to add attachments to your PMs.
    You can get a WinCert.net mail address with up to 500MB of storage.
    You will not see any ads in the forum.
    You will be able to choose our bonus forum skin (darker version).
    Comments are welcome.
  22. Like
    AMIRZ got a reaction from Ariya in Do you need Transformation pack for xp ?   
    Lol i have Windows 7 and XP also installed. Please consider the fact that there are still more XP users than Vista and Windows 7 out there: e.g http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp while the OS is and will still be supported by MS until 2014 and all or most of 3rd party softwares are still compatible with it, so i think that making any transformation pack and apps for XP will be still useful, seems at least for 1-3 years forward maybe :thumbsup_anim: sorry just my personal opinion here. Good luck anyway. But yeah unlike Vista Windows 7 is really awesome OS, worth to try and have.
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    AMIRZ reacted to NIM in Microsoft Security Essentials Review   
    Microsoft released final version (RTW) of "Security Essentials," which is an Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware software for "latest" Windows operating systems.
    I said "latest", because it is only available for:
    Windows XP x86
    Windows Vista x86 and x64
    Windows 7 x86 and x64
    Installation was very simple and fast. Once you download MSE from this LINK and run installer, a windows pops out with useful information on what MSE really is.

    On the second screen you're prompted to validate your copy of Windows. For those of you who are not using genuine versions of Window, installation will fail. Process of validation is very fast and it's finished in a second.

    Once your copy of Windows is validated you may proceed with installation of Microsoft Security Essentials. Installation shouldn't take long.

    Once installation completes and you run the MSE for the first time, MSE will update virus definitions and will make initial quick scan of your PC.

    User interface can't be simpler. To perform a System Scan, you can choose one of the three options, Quick, Full, or Custom (familiar?). First, although quick scan already ran on the initial application startup, I tried to performed a quick scan again to see the speed of it. The Quick scan was very quick on my system. Scan completed on 87948 items in less than 2 minutes, pretty impressive if you ask me.

    I won't run the full system scan as it would probably take longer to complete as this process scans all of your disks/partitions/files. As for the custom scan, you have an option to choose the drive or destination which you want to scan.
    Update tab is has only once button to click, guess which. UPDATE!, although MSE should be updated automatically. History tab will shows you All of the detected items, Quarantined items or Allowed items, depends on your selection.

    Settings tab has all other options that you might need to configure Microsoft Security Essentials, although once you install it, you don't have to touch it, as it will do the job properly.
    If you still wan't to configure MSE other than default, here's what you can change/configure:
    Scheduled scan - Here you can select/deselect a scheduled scan of your computer, configure time and type of the scan with two additional options (Check for the latest virus & spyware definitions before running a scheduled scan and Start the scheduled scan only when my computer is on but not in use, although MSE is running in low priority so you shouldn't notice any performance downgrades during the scan.
    Default Actions - Here you can choose how will MSE react in various situations/alert levels.
    Real-time protection - Real-time protection alerts you when viruses, spyware, or other potentially unwanted software attempts to install itself or run on your computer. You can select if you want to monitor file and program activity on your computer and if you want to scan all downloaded files and attachments.
    Excluded files & locations, Excluded file types and Excluded processes - Here you can choose which files, locations, file types or processes would you like to remove from scanning. Useful, if you want to perform faster full scan of your computer.
    Advanced - Advanced tab gives you the option to scan archive files like .zip or .cab files. You can also choose if you want to scan removable drivers, which isn't enabled by default, but I highly recommend it. You can create a system restore point prior cleaning your computer and give permission to all other users on your PC to view items in the History tab.
    Microsoft SpyNet - Microsoft SpyNet program is an online community which helps stop the spread of new malicious software infections. You can choose Basic membership (default) or Advanced membership which will send more info to Microsoft about malicious software on your computer, like how the software operates, and how it has impacted your computer.
    This is the first antivirus application from Microsoft with integrated Anti-Spyware protection. So far I’m really impressed with MSE, because it's small ( setup just under 5MB), fast, stays out of your way and doesn’t hog your resources.
    Update: Confirmed, MSE won't work if you have 'Checkpoint' software installed on Windows Vista x86. Expect freezes, bad performance etc.
  24. Like
    AMIRZ reacted to cmdryker in 150+ 3D (HD) wallpapers   
    Very nice collection of 3-D wallpapers, Enjoy Them, Post a thank you if found useful
    http://www.easy-share.com/1907922626/3d graphics.rar
  25. Like
    if you have downgrade bios to f.13 and your computer has shuttedown
    don`t install XP directly ...
    retrieve the previous version of bios ( f.2a ) importently by the tool show above . and after that u start install XP
    because if u didn`t do that your computer will be hunged on HP screen and it will never log to the windows
    or to the bios option ethier
    so please do as i said to prevent big troubles
    thank u