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Everything posted by Ctrl

  1. tanks Geej perfect :icon_cool:
  2. thank you :cap: if the next release,, please remove AdobeARM from Startup... :prop:
  3. SAD2 is good ... :thumbsup_anim: you do not need to extract all the drivers, all you do is create a polder oem setup scrip and $1 D saad2 put all drivers extensi *7z there .. and wait saad2 extrak all the drivers ,,only 2-30minutes ..!!!depending on the speed of your computer !!! :tired: .. I just integrated the drivers using saad2 just 3menit .. than you integrate into the wim will take more than that... :sleeping_03anim:
  4. just try it Presh F12 when bios boot..
  5. many tank for help all...I love this forum.. :giveheart: I once again thank all of his :prop:
  6. hello all...how to create setupcomplete.cmd so multi architecture windows 7 x86 - x64 AIO, 1dvd .ISO example : installing KB2533552-x86 KB2592687-x86 KB2506143-x64 KB2533552-x64 KB2592687-x64 KB2603229-x64 KB2758694 How to..?? Thanks in advance Bro...
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